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Symmetries play a fundamental role in physics. Non-Abelian gauge symmetries are the symmetries behind theories for massless spin-1 particles, while the reparametrization symmetry is behind Einstein's gravity theory for massless spin-2 particles. In supersymmetric theories these particles can be connected also to massless fermionic particles. Does Nature stop at spin-2 or can there also be massless higher spin theories. In the past strong indications have been given that such theories do not exist. However, in recent times ways to evade those constraints have been found and higher spin gauge theories have been constructed. With the advent of the AdS/CFT duality correspondence even stronger indications have been given that higher spin gauge theories play an important role in fundamental physics.All these issues were discussed at a recent international workshop in Singapore where the leading scientists in the field participated. This volume presents an up-to-date, detailed overview of the theories including its historic background, as well as the latest accomplishments in understanding the foundational properties of higher spin physics.
This monograph takes stock of the situation in higher spin gauge theories for the first time. Besides a thorough recapitulation of the field's history, it reviews the progress that has been made and offers a pedagogical introduction to the subject. Abstract approaches to the theory are offered to facilitate a conceptual rethinking of the main problems and to help see patterns hidden by heavy formalism.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Higher Spin Gauge Theories" that was published in Universe
This volume is a compilation of lectures delivered at the TASI 2015 summer school, 'New Frontiers in Fields and Strings', held at the University of Colorado Boulder in June 2015. The school focused on topics in theoretical physics of interest to contemporary researchers in quantum field theory and string theory. The lectures are accessible to graduate students in the initial stages of their research careers.
Classical Clifford analysis is a generalisation of complex analysis to arbitrary dimension m. At the heart of the theory lies the Dirac operator, a conformally invariant first order differential operator which generalises the role of the Cauchy-Riemann operator. Moreover, the Laplace operator is the square of the Dirac operator, which means that Clifford analysis is a renement of harmonic analysis in m dimensions. While the classical theory is centred around the study of functions taking values in the spinor space, several authors have been studying generalisations of classical Clifford analysis techniques to the so-called higher spin theory. This concerns the study of higher spin operators acting on functions taking values in arbitrary irreducible representations of the spin group. In Clifford analysis, these arbitrary irreducible representations are traditionally defined in terms of polynomial spaces satisfying certain differential equations. From a physical point of view, higher spin fields arise quite naturally: it was shown by Bargmann and Wigner that group theory implies that particles should correspond to irreducible representations of the Lorentz group, labelled by a quantum number called spin. This led to generalisations of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equation to higher spin equations (Dirac-Fierz-Pauli, Rarita-Schwinger, Buchdahl,...). Although particles with spin higher than one were never detected, a renewed interest in higher spin fields was triggered due to string theory. The reason is that the spectrum of the vibration modes of the strings includes an infinite number of fields of arbitrary increasing spin. With the advent of string theory, one was confronted with the fact that some theories require the space-time to have more than four dimensions. In higher dimensions, new kinds of fields are allowed because more general representations of the Lorentz group exist. In physics, these representations are typically defined as spaces of (traceless) tensors satisfying certain symmetry conditions expressed in terms of Young diagrams. The main goal of this thesis is twofold: in the first part, a proper introduction to Clifford analysis for physicists is given. The second part of this thesis focusses on higher spin fields where we first construct the two-spinor formalism. This is a framework to deal with arbitrary irreducible representations of the double cover of the Lorentz group. Then, this formalism will be linked with the polynomial spaces studied in Clifford analysis. While the two-spinor formalism works only in four dimensions, the polynomial models from Clifford analysis work in arbitrary dimensions and signatures. Finally, higher spin generalisations of the Maxwell equations are studied using techniques from Clifford analysis.
The book aims to analyze and explore deep and profound relations between string field theory, higher spin gauge theories and holography — the disciplines that have been on the cutting edge of theoretical high energy physics and other fields. These intriguing relations and connections involve some profound ideas in number theory, which appear to be part of a unifying language to describe these connections.
This International Conference on Clifford AlgebrfU and Their Application, in Math ematical Phy,ic, is the third in a series of conferences on this theme, which started at the Univer,ity of Kent in Canterbury in 1985 and was continued at the Univer,iU de, Science, et Technique, du Languedoc in Montpellier in 1989. Since the start of this series of Conferences the research fields under consideration have evolved quite a lot. The number of scientific papers on Clifford Algebra, Clifford Analysis and their impact on the modelling of physics phenomena have increased tremendously and several new books on these topics were published. We were very pleased to see old friends back and to wellcome new guests who by their inspiring talks contributed fundamentally to tracing new paths for the future development of this research area. The Conference was organized in Deinze, a small rural town in the vicinity of the University town Gent. It was hosted by De Ceder, a vacation and seminar center in a green area, a typical landscape of Flanders's "plat pays" . The Conference was attended by 61 participants coming from 18 countries; there were 10 main talks on invitation, 37 contributions accepted by the Organizing Com mittee and a poster session. There was also a book display of Kluwer Academic Publishers. As in the Proceedings of the Canterbury and Montpellier conferences we have grouped the papers accordingly to the themes they are related to: Clifford Algebra, Clifford Analysis, Classical Mechanics, Mathematical Physics and Physics Models.
This book contains a systematic exposition of the theory of spinors in finite-dimensional Euclidean and Riemannian spaces. The applications of spinors in field theory and relativistic mechanics of continuous media are considered. The main mathematical part is connected with the study of invariant algebraic and geometric relations between spinors and tensors. The theory of spinors and the methods of the tensor representation of spinors and spinor equations are thoroughly expounded in four-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces. Very useful and important relations are derived that express the derivatives of the spinor fields in terms of the derivatives of various tensor fields. The problems associated with an invariant description of spinors as objects that do not depend on the choice of a coordinate system are addressed in detail. As an application, the author considers an invariant tensor formulation of certain classes of differential spinor equations containing, in particular, the most important spinor equations of field theory and quantum mechanics. Exact solutions of the Einstein–Dirac equations, nonlinear Heisenberg’s spinor equations, and equations for relativistic spin fluids are given. The book presents a large body of factual material and is suited for use as a handbook. It is intended for specialists in theoretical physics, as well as for students and post-graduate students of physical and mathematical specialties.