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Considers S. 5, to establish a Presidential Council of Social Advisors to study and report on effectiveness of state, local, and private efforts at providing equal opportunity for housing, health care, and employment for the underprivileged; to propose new programs or improvements to current programs; and to create a Joint Subcommittee on the Social Report to review and act on report of Council of Social Advisors.
S. 5 was written to establish a Presidential Council of Social Advisors that would study and report on effectiveness of state, local, and private efforts at providing equal opportunity for housing, health care, and employment for the underprivileged; to propose new programs or improvements to current programs; and to create a Joint Subcommittee on the Social Report to review and act on report of Council of Social Advisors.
The purpose of this Act is to improve the quality and labor market relevance of workforce investment, education, and economic development efforts to provide America's workers with the skills and credentials necessary to secure and advance in employment with family-sustaining wages and to provide America's employers with the skilled workers the employers need to succeed in a global economy. It also was developed to promote improvement in the structure of and delivery of services through the United States workforce development system to better address the employment and skill needs of workers, jobseekers, and employers as well as to increase the prosperity of workers and employers in the United States, the economic growth of communities, regions, and States, and the global competitiveness of the United States. This law will appeal to high schools, vocational schools, higher education and community college administrators, guidance counselors, and human resource professionals to work together to meet the needs of employers and job seekers' technical skills for American workers to thrive with meeting employment opportunities throughout the United States of America.
Considers S. 843, the Full Opportunity and Social Accounting Act of 1967, to require the President to submit an annual Social Report to Congress, to establish the Joint Committee on the Social Report, and to establish the President's Council of Social Advisers. Hearing was held in seminar format, with all the witnesses participating in a round table discussion of the topic.