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5th International GI/ITG/GMA Conference, Nürnberg, September 25-27, 1991. Proceedings
The International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications was the first conference organized by IFIP Working Group 10. 4 "Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance", in cooperation with the Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing of the IEEE Computer Society, and the Technical Committee 7 on Systems Reliability, Safety and Security of EWlCS. The rationale for the Working Conference is best expressed by the aims of WG 10. 4: " Increasingly, individuals and organizations are developing or procuring sophisticated computing systems on whose services they need to place great reliance. In differing circumstances, the focus will be on differing properties of such services - e. g. continuity, performance, real-time response, ability to avoid catastrophic failures, prevention of deliberate privacy intrusions. The notion of dependability, defined as that property of a computing system which allows reliance to be justifiably placed on the service it delivers, enables these various concerns to be subsumed within a single conceptual framework. Dependability thus includes as special cases such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, security. The Working Group is aimed at identifying and integrating approaches, methods and techniques for specifying, designing, building, assessing, validating, operating and maintaining computer systems which should exhibit some or all of these attributes. " The concept of WG 10. 4 was formulated during the IFIP Working Conference on Reliable Computing and Fault Tolerance on September 27-29, 1979 in London, England, held in conjunction with the Europ-IFIP 79 Conference. Profs A. Avi~ienis (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA) and A.
4. 3 The Gypsy language 72 4. 4 The Gypsy Verification Environment 73 4. 5 A simple example 81 4. 6 Specification data types 91 4. 7 Future directions 95 100 4. 8 Conclusions 5 Reliable programming in standard languages 102 Bernard Carre, Program Validation Ltd. 5. 1 Introduction 102 5. 2 Language requirements for high-integrity programming 103 5. 3 The use of standard languages 108 5. 4 Programming in Pascal and Ada 110 1'19 5. 5 Practical experiences NewSpeak: a reliable programming language 6 122 I. F. Currie, Royal Signals and Radar Establishment 6. 1 Introduction 122 6. 2 Types and values 127 6. 3 Declarations and variables 132 6. 4 Guarded declarations 134 6. 5 Cases and conditionals 136 6. 6 Loops 138 6. 7 Procedures 140 6. 8 Assertions 145 6. 9 Timing 147 6. 10 Conclusion 149 6. 11 Appendix 1: summary of syntax 150 6. 12 Appendix 2: type lattice and widening 156 7 Program analysis and systematic testing 159 M. A. Hennell, University of Liverpool, and D. Hedley and I. J. Riddell, Liverpool Data Research Associates Ltd. 7. 1 Introduction 159 7. 2 The basic requirement 160 7. 3 The Liverpool experience 161 7. 4 The Liverpool experiments 162 7. 5 The LDRA Testbeds 163 Interpretation 169 7. 6 7. 7 Applicability and benefits 171 7. 8 Safety-critical systems 173 VI 8 Program analysis and verification 176 Bernard Carre, Program Validation Ltd. 8. 1 Introduction 176 8.
In the context of the 18th IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC’04), and beside the traditional organization of conferences, workshops, tutorials and student forum, it was decided to identify a range of topics of dramatic interest for the building of the Information Society. This has been featured as the "Topical day/session" track of the WCC’04. Topical Sessions have been selected in order to present syntheses, latest developments and/or challenges in different business and technical areas. Building the Information Society provides a deep perspective on domains including: the semantic integration of heterogeneous data, virtual realities and new entertainment, fault tolerance for trustworthy and dependable information infrastructures, abstract interpretation (and its use for verification of program properties), multimodal interaction, computer aided inventing, emerging tools and techniques for avionics certification, bio-, nano-, and information technologies, E-learning, perspectives on ambient intelligence, the grand challenge of building a theory of the Railway domain, open source software in dependable systems, interdependencies of critical infrastructure, social robots, as a challenge for machine intelligence. Building the Information Society comprises the articles produced in support of the Topical Sessions during the IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, which was held in August 2004 in Toulouse, France, and sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
Foundations of Dependable Computing: System Implementation, explores the system infrastructure needed to support the various paradigms of Paradigms for Dependable Applications. Approaches to implementing support mechanisms and to incorporating additional appropriate levels of fault detection and fault tolerance at the processor, network, and operating system level are presented. A primary concern at these levels is balancing cost and performance against coverage and overall dependability. As these chapters demonstrate, low overhead, practical solutions are attainable and not necessarily incompatible with performance considerations. The section on innovative compiler support, in particular, demonstrates how the benefits of application specificity may be obtained while reducing hardware cost and run-time overhead. A companion to this volume (published by Kluwer) subtitled Models and Frameworks for Dependable Systems presents two comprehensive frameworks for reasoning about system dependability, thereby establishing a context for understanding the roles played by specific approaches presented in this book's two companion volumes. It then explores the range of models and analysis methods necessary to design, validate and analyze dependable systems. Another companion to this book (published by Kluwer), subtitled Paradigms for Dependable Applications, presents a variety of specific approaches to achieving dependability at the application level. Driven by the higher level fault models of Models and Frameworks for Dependable Systems, and built on the lower level abstractions implemented in a third companion book subtitled System Implementation, these approaches demonstrate how dependability may be tuned to the requirements of an application, the fault environment, and the characteristics of the target platform. Three classes of paradigms are considered: protocol-based paradigms for distributed applications, algorithm-based paradigms for parallel applications, and approaches to exploiting application semantics in embedded real-time control systems.