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The primary purpose of this book is to help you understand what is going on in Fourier Transform (FT) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Modern life is now very largely life with 'black boxes' that carry warning labels: 'No user-serviceable parts inside.' Many find black boxes to be quite acceptable, at least as long as they work. But how willing should we be to accept black-box analyses without some understanding of how those analyses were obtained? NMR spectrometers are like 'black boxes' in that they offer many standardised procedures, but it can be dangerous to the quality of your data if you rely slavishly on such procedures without understanding how and why the proper parameter choices are critical. The scope of this book is broad rather than deep with the intention of providing helpful insight. Much can be understood in a more qualitative way and that is the approach taken here. For those few areas where a quantitative approach is needed, simple mathematics will usually suffice.
Now reprinted and available in paperback, this book is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of NMR spectroscopy in its many forms. It presents the whole range of Fourier Transform NMR techniques, including 2D NMR and NMR imaging. The first three chapters cover the basic physics of magnetic resonance and the mathematical background to Fourier techniques. The following chapters concentrate on pulsed NMR spectroscopy, including the new multipulse sequences, from a theoretical and practical approach. The final chapters deal with the important topic of nuclear relaxation and the novel technique of 2D NMR. The principles of NMR imaging are discussed in detail including medical applications. Containing a wealth of information on techniques and methods, the book provides the reader with a sound base from which to apply Fourier NMR techniques to the many areas of science where they are proving of most value. It is a must for undergraduate and postgraduate students in chemistry and physics, medical students involved in imaging and radiology, NMR spectrometer and NMR imaging manufacturers, and NMR research scientists.
This book is intended to be a comprehensive resource for educators seeking to enhance NMR-enabled instruction in chemistry. This book describes a host of new, modern laboratories and experiments.
The magnetism of nuclear spin systems has proved an amazingly fertile ground for the creativity of researchers. This happy circumstance results from the triple benediction that nature appears to have bestowed on nuclear spins: they are sporting spies-being infinitely manipulable (one is even tempted to say malleable), not unduly coy in revealing their secrets, and having a whole treasure house of secrets to reveal in the first place. researcher with Since spin dynamics are now orchestrated by the NMR ever more subtle scores, it is important to be able to tune into the pro ceedings with precision, if one is to make sense of it at all. Fortunately, it is not terribly difficult to do so, since in many ways spin dynamics are the theoretician's dream come true: they are often finite dimensional and quite tractable with basic quantum mechanics, frequently allowing near exact treatments and readily testable predictions. This book was conceived two years ago, with the objective of providing a simple, consistent introduction to the description of the spin dynamics that one encounters in modern NMR experiments. We believed it was a good time to attempt this, since it was possible by then to give sufficiently general descriptions of powelful classes of new NMR experiments. The choice of experiments we discuss in detail is necessarily subjective, al though we hope to have given a flavor of most of the important classes of pulse sequences, including some surface coil imaging applications.