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First published in 1999, Worlds Apart examined the nature of poverty through the stories of real people in three remote rural areas of the United States: New England, Appalachia, and the Mississippi Delta. In this new edition, Duncan returns to her original research, interviewing some of the same people as well as some new key informants. Duncan provides powerful new insights into the dynamics of poverty, politics, and community change. "Duncan, through in-depth investigation and interviews, concludes that only a strong civic culture, a sense among citizens of community and the need to serve that community, can truly address poverty. . . . Moving and troubling. Duncan has created a remarkable study of the persistent patterns of poverty and power."—Kirkus Reviews "The descriptions of rural poverty in Worlds Apart are interesting and read almost like a novel."—Choice
We are used to thinking about inequality within countries--about rich Americans versus poor Americans, for instance. But what about inequality between all citizens of the world? Worlds Apart addresses just how to measure global inequality among individuals, and shows that inequality is shaped by complex forces often working in different directions. Branko Milanovic, a top World Bank economist, analyzes income distribution worldwide using, for the first time, household survey data from more than 100 countries. He evenhandedly explains the main approaches to the problem, offers a more accurate way of measuring inequality among individuals, and discusses the relevant policies of first-world countries and nongovernmental organizations. Inequality has increased between nations over the last half century (richer countries have generally grown faster than poorer countries). And yet the two most populous nations, China and India, have also grown fast. But over the past two decades inequality within countries has increased. As complex as reconciling these three data trends may be, it is clear: the inequality between the world's individuals is staggering. At the turn of the twenty-first century, the richest 5 percent of people receive one-third of total global income, as much as the poorest 80 percent. While a few poor countries are catching up with the rich world, the differences between the richest and poorest individuals around the globe are huge and likely growing.
Owen and Bethany try to find their way back to each other after the fictional and nonfictional worlds are torn apart in the finale of this "New York Times"-bestselling series.
Drawing on a variety of disciplines and documents, Professor Agnew illuminates one of the most fascinating chapters in the formations of Anglo-American market culture. Worlds Apart traces the history of our concepts of the marketplace and the theatre and the ways in which these concepts are bound together. Focusing on Britain and America in the years 1550 to 1750, the book discusses the forms and conventions that structured both commerce and theatre. As marketing practice broke free of its traditional boundaries and restraints, it challenged longstanding popular assumptions about the constituents of value, the nature of identity, the signs of authenticity, and the limits of liability. New exchange relations bred new legal and commercial fictions to authorise them, but they also bred new doubts about the precise grounds upon which the self and its 'interests' were to be represented. Those same doubts, Professor Agnew shows, animated the theatre as well. As actors and playwrights shifted from ecclesiastical and civic drama to professional entertainments, they too devised authenticating fictions, fictions that effectively replicated the bewildering representational confusions of the new 'placeless market'.
Worlds Apart presents a cohesive set of essays by leading thinkers on the subject of globalization, offering a thoughtful overview of the major environmental issues related to globalization in a clear, reasoned style. Framed by Gus Speth’s introduction and conclusion, essays range from Jane Lubchenco’s discussion of the scientific indicators of global environmental change to Robert Kates’ examination of the prospect that our growing global interconnectedness could lead a transition to a more sustainable world to Vandana Shiva’s impassioned plea for a new “living democracy” that counters the degrading, dehumanizing tendencies of the global economy. Other contributors include Maurice Strong on the Rio Earth Summit and the future course of environmentalism, José Goldemberg on energy, Jerry Mander on the inherent destructiveness of the global economic system, Stephan Schmidheiny on the forestry industry, and Daniel Esty and Maria Ivanova on global environmental governance. Edited by one of the world’s leading experts on international environmental issues, the book brings together the most respected thinkers and actors on the world stage to offer a compelling set of perspectives and a solid introduction to the social and environmental dimensions of globalization.
A collection of previously published comics in which Storm, a member of the X-Men and queen of the African nation of Wakanda, travels home when one of her former students is charged with murder, and comes across evidence that the devious telepath known as the Shadow King--Storm's greatest enemy--is back.
Small Stones Worlds Apart is the most comprehensive book featuring small-sized viewing stones ever published in the English language. The 272-page illustrated book features 439 stones or stone displays. The book is a product of an online Small Stone Contest sponsored by the Viewing Stone Association of North America (VSANA). Each stone or display is assigned to one of four categories: traditional stones, contemporary stones, traditional stone displays or contemporary stone displays.
B&N print edition
Beth Richards writes: "My poetry probably reflects the inside image of my thoughts-sometimes very deep thoughts. I write from the heart and sometimes when I'm in a reflective mood my poetry is serious and somewhat philosophical " This collection of poems is a result of Beth's suggestion to Charles Muller that they produce a book that combines their gifts. Beth says: "Charles and I have led two very different lives, and it shows in our writing-hence the title Worlds Apart. Apart from having been born in different hemispheres, we are two very different people, but we appear to be kindred spirits in many ways. (Both born under the star sign of Leo!)" The poems by Charles Muller are perhaps more startling, with jagged images and sentences that cut like broken glass, sometimes exposing the raw nerves of life. Many of these were composed in the context of Apartheid South Africa and recall the violence and injustices of those times. Beth and Charles are also artists, and the cover depicts a painting by each of the poet-paintings that highlight their contrasting worlds.