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Nonlinear Systems and Methods For Mechanical, Electrical and Biosystems presents topics observed at the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity(NSC), focusing on energy transfer and synchronization in hybrid nonlinear systems. The studies focus on fundamental theories and principles,analytical and symbolic approaches, computational techniques in nonlinear physical science and mathematics. Broken into three parts, the text covers: Parametrical excited pendulum, nonlinear dynamics in hybrid systems, dynamical system synchronization and (N+1) body dynamics as well as new views different from the existing results in nonlinear dynamics, mathematical methods for dynamical systems including conservation laws, dynamical symmetry in nonlinear differential equations and invex energies and nonlinear phenomena in physical problems such as solutions, complex flows, chemical kinetics, Toda lattices and parallel manipulator. This book is useful to scholars, researchers and advanced technical members of industrial laboratory facilities developing new tools and products.
This volume presents the proceedings of a series of lectures hosted by the Math ematics Department of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, March 22-24, 1995, under the title "Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics" . While the relevance of partial differential equations to problems in differen tial geometry has been recognized since the early days of the latter subject, the idea that differential equations of differential-geometric origin can be useful in the formulation of physical theories is a much more recent one. Perhaps the earliest emergence of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations having deep geo metric and physical importance were the Einstein equations of general relativity (1915). Several basic aspects of the initial value problem for the Einstein equa tions, such as existence, regularity and stability of solutions remain prime research areas today. eighty years after Einstein's work. An even more recent development is the realization that structures originally the context of models in theoretical physics may turn out to have introduced in important geometric or topological applications. Perhaps its emergence can be traced back to 1954, with the introduction of a non-abelian version of Maxwell's equations as a model in elementary-particle physics, by the physicists C.N. Yang and R. Mills. The rich geometric structure ofthe Yang-Mills equations was brought to the attention of mathematicians through work of M.F. Atiyah, :"J. Hitchin, I.
These proceedings are divided into parts; global analysis and applications, and applied mathematics. Part one contains plenary lectures and other contributions devoted to current research in analysis on manifolds, differential equations, and mathematical physics. Part two conatins contributions on applications of differential and difference equations in different fields, and selected topics from theoretical physics.
This book gives a treatment of exterior differential systems. It will in clude both the general theory and various applications. An exterior differential system is a system of equations on a manifold defined by equating to zero a number of exterior differential forms. When all the forms are linear, it is called a pfaffian system. Our object is to study its integral manifolds, i. e. , submanifolds satisfying all the equations of the system. A fundamental fact is that every equation implies the one obtained by exterior differentiation, so that the complete set of equations associated to an exterior differential system constitutes a differential ideal in the algebra of all smooth forms. Thus the theory is coordinate-free and computations typically have an algebraic character; however, even when coordinates are used in intermediate steps, the use of exterior algebra helps to efficiently guide the computations, and as a consequence the treatment adapts well to geometrical and physical problems. A system of partial differential equations, with any number of inde pendent and dependent variables and involving partial derivatives of any order, can be written as an exterior differential system. In this case we are interested in integral manifolds on which certain coordinates remain independent. The corresponding notion in exterior differential systems is the independence condition: certain pfaffian forms remain linearly indepen dent. Partial differential equations and exterior differential systems with an independence condition are essentially the same object.
Honoring Andrei Agrachev's 60th birthday, this volume presents recent advances in the interaction between Geometric Control Theory and sub-Riemannian geometry. On the one hand, Geometric Control Theory used the differential geometric and Lie algebraic language for studying controllability, motion planning, stabilizability and optimality for control systems. The geometric approach turned out to be fruitful in applications to robotics, vision modeling, mathematical physics etc. On the other hand, Riemannian geometry and its generalizations, such as sub-Riemannian, Finslerian geometry etc., have been actively adopting methods developed in the scope of geometric control. Application of these methods has led to important results regarding geometry of sub-Riemannian spaces, regularity of sub-Riemannian distances, properties of the group of diffeomorphisms of sub-Riemannian manifolds, local geometry and equivalence of distributions and sub-Riemannian structures, regularity of the Hausdorff volume, etc.