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A popular history of how the ancient world turned from a democracy to a monarchy and “shine[s] a light on the culture that bloomed as Athens faded.”(The Daily Mail) Athens, 404 BC. The Democratic city-state has been ravaged by a long and bloody war with neighboring Sparta. The search for scapegoats begins and Athens, liberty's beacon in the ancient world, turns its sword on its own way of life. Civil war and much bloodshed ensue. Defining moments of Greek history, culture, politics, religion and identity are debated ferociously in Athenian board rooms, back streets and battlefields. By 323 BC, Athens and the rest of Greece, not to mention a large part of the known world, has come under the control of an absolute monarch and a model for despots for millennia to come: Alexander the Great. In this superb popular history, Michael Scott explores the dramatic and little-known story of how the ancient world went from democracy to monarchy in less than 100 years. A superb example of popular history writing, From Democrats to Kings gives us a fresh take on the challenges we face today as democracies—old and new—fight for survival, in which war-time and peace-time have become indistinguishable and in which the severity of the economic crisis is only matched by a crisis in our own sense of self. “Accessible and punchy . . . a wide readership cannot fail to be entertained as well as instructed about a world that is both familiar and alien, modern as well as ancient.” —Paul Cartledge, author of Thermopylae “Gloriously entertaining and provocative.” —Tom Holland, author of Rubicon, Persian Fire
I really enjoyed From Democrats to Kings fascinating and exuberant on Ancient Athens, bringing their politics to life and right up to date, making Ancient Greece relevant for today. Simon Sebag Montefiore, author of Young Stalin and Catherine The Great & Potemkin404 BC: Athens is exhausted at the end of a bloody war with Sparta and the mastership of Greece is left open for the taking. By 323BC, less than 100 years later, Athens, the rest of Greece, and a large part of the known world, has come under the control of a master of self-publicity and a model for despots for millennia to come: megas alexandros, Alexander the Great. Michael Scott tells the dramatic story of how, over the space of merely a generation, the ancient world was turned completely on its head, in a brutal power struggle whose outcome would define the world for centuries.
A research-oriented work, presenting documentation, which shows the contradiction between the ideology of the Political Left and public statements. It sometimes seems that the one who screams the loudest about an issue is the one who is engaging in the same behavior. Democrats have recently taken up the cry that the United States is systemic racist, with White Police Officers actively and with the approval of the government, hunting down minorities and killing them. On the surface, such a claim seems absurd, but the Democrats have so artfully framed their position that many have begun to believe that it's true; there is institutionalized racism in the United States. The current work provides background information concerning racial issues, with the evidence overwhelmingly discounting the Democrats' claims, including information detailing the number of Black Police Officers, Black Mayors, and Black Chiefs of Police. In conducting the necessary research, the inner workings of Democrats and Democratic organizations was discovered, relating to funding, as well as the obscene wealth of Democrats. They receive donations from individuals, who are pushing a specific agenda, which the Democrats then pursue, putting money back into the pockets of the very people, who donated the millions of dollars. The current work also examines that while the Democrats claim the Republicans are the elitists, they are in fact the most elite, having a very close and financial relationship with all of the elite schools. As in the case of the other donors, these elite schools donate millions of dollars to strictly Democrats. All of the evidence discovered begs the question as to whether Democrats even recognize reality, as they have went so far to the left, with the entire party, at least in public, seeming to have been radicalized. Are Democrats more racist than Republicans? What do the Democrats have to hide? The current work also examines the reality that war puts money in the pockets of politicians, as well as why wars are seldom won, event though they may last for over 20 years and cost over $6 trillion. Is the government inflating COVID deaths the same way that deaths of enemy soldiers were inflated during the Vietnam War, in order to distract the American public and garner even more power? Is what you know about Democrats based on what they've said and what they've done or on reality? The current work encourages the reader to conduct their own research on the relevant topic, in order to not only form their own opinion, but to also discern a certain degree of reality and question the obvious belief among many that Democrats are gods, rather than merely elected officials. Hopefully, the current work will highlight that Democrats are neither gods nor monarchs, but have been elected to serve their constituents, rather than themselves.
Every four years Americans hold a presidential election. Somebody wins and somebody loses. That's life. But 2008 was an anomaly. The election of President Barack Obama is about something far bigger than four or even eight years in the White House. Since 2004, Americans have been witnessing and participating in the emergence of a Democratic majority that will last not four but forty years. To understand the emergence of a lasting Democratic majority we'll first have to spend a few moments reviewing the profound and relentless incompetence of the Bush administration -- and the pursuant collapse of the Republican Party. That means looking back at the failure of Republican ideas -- including a wholesale rejection of the myth of conservative superiority on the economy -- and holding our noses long enough to survey the gallery of truly repellent scoundrels, scandals, and screwups that the Republican Party has been responsible for over the last eight years. After completing the unpleasant but edifying task of autopsying the Republican Party, we'll examine the underpinnings of Democratic victories in 2004, 2006, and 2008 -- and make the argument for why Democrats are going to keep winning. (Two words: young people.) In short, the Republicans are going to keep getting spanked again and again for forty more years because we're right and they're wrong, and Americans know it.
Argues that the current distaste for dissent, the widespread support for Perot, and the public obsession with celebrity reveal a desire for autocracy
A New York Democratic senator shares his plan for recapturing middle-class voters and restoring the Democratic Party's majority, addressing issues of concern to middle-class families, including college funding, property taxes, and homeland security.