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John Hagee says, "The world as we know it will end, neither with a bang nor a whimper, but in stages clearly set forth in God's Word." His latest and most provocative book takes a cue from a cultural icon, the ticking clock. Hagee presents a prophetic "Doomsday Clock" and counts down the minutes-through prophetic events-which must occur before that fateful moment when every unredeemed individual must face God on Judgment Day. Citing examples from national and international media and using Scripture to confirm his insights, he presents a compelling argument to prove that time is indeed running out.
I was asked recently why I decided to write this book when there are numerous "famous" authors on the subject? The question took me by surprise, but as I pondered my reasons, my response was two-fold: - I wanted to write a book that the general public (lay persons) could read with a high degree of comprehension, using word structure that is common in everyday language. - I wanted the book to lend itself to being used as the material for a detailed Bible study on the end-times. I am currently working on a journal to complement the book. As the reader works through the chapters of this book, he/she will discover: - how Daniel's prophecies predict the seven years of Tribulation. These prophecies serve as the backbone of this book; - why Christ chose the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3; - details about the rapture . . . when it will occur, who is involved""Don't be left behind; - details of the Judgment Seat of Christ; - details of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; - description of the Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, and Seven Bowls""when they occur, their devastation and purpose; - the Antichrist""discussed in detail; - details about the great revival during the first months of Tribulation; - who the two witnesses are and their purpose during the first half of Tribulation; - details regarding the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; - fascinating details of the Glorious Appearing and Armageddon; - surprising revelations about Satan; - details of the Judgment of the Sheep and Goats and the Great White Throne Judgment; - fascinating details about the Millennial Reign of Christ; - how many Books of Life exist. Are there more than one? - a full discussion of the New Heaven and New Earth; - the author's "time line" of events that happened during the seven-year Tribulation Period and beyond.
Catherine Bowler's Blessed represents the first attempt to examine the twentieth-century American prosperity gospel movement as a whole, seeking to introduce readers to its major figures and features.
Review: "In this work, R. Bruce Hull argues that environmentalism will never achieve its goals unless it sheds its fundamentalist logic. The movement is too bound up in polarizing ideologies that pit humans against nature, conservation against development, and government regulation against economic growth. Only when we acknowledge the infinite perspectives on how people should relate to nature will we forge solutions that are respectful to both humanity and the environment." "Infinite Nature opens doors so that nature can be seen from the scientific understandings proffered by anthropology, evolution, and ecology, to the promise of environmental responsibility offered by technology and economics, to the designs of nature envisioned in philosophy, art, law, and religion. Along the way, Hull helps us find the common ground created out of many natures - the place where sustainable and thriving communities are possible."--BOOK JACKET
The author, a professor of theology and ordained minister, argues that Revelation does not predict a seven-year tribulation, nor a rapture of Christians. Rather, it offers a vision of God's healing love for the world.
Religiously-inspired novels, inspirational writings and biographical works on people who are models for spiritual growth are among the recommendations found in this reference.
This book discusses false ideas about God's love, especially among Christians, and clarifies biblical ideas, notably that God will never stop loving anyone, that God's sovereignty is subject to his love, and that no believer will be left behind at Christ's return. Enables every believer to say, no matter what their situation in life, "I know God loves me!"
This book contains interviews conducted over more than a decade with experts of all descriptions — including Daniel Ellsberg, Seymour Hersh, Gar Alperovitz, Hans Kristensen, Gordon Prather, Joe Cirincione and more — about the threat of nuclear war between major and minor powers, the nuclear arms-industrial complex, the nuclear programs and weapons of the so-called “rogue states” of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Israel and North Korea, the bitter truths and eternal lessons of America’s nuclear bombing of Japan in World War II and the dedicated activists working to abolish the bomb for all time.
Millions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe that a 2,500-year-old prophecy is about to be fulfilled: a global, apocalyptic jihad of many nations against the tiny state of Israel, whose recent re-emergence in its traditional land has sparked unrelenting rage and attack. Repeated resolutions passed in the United Nations reflect world-wide and nearly unanimous hostility against the so-called Zionist entityeven to the point of denying its right to exist. Most news media and political analysts seem unaware of the ancient prophecy that not only predicts this apocalyptic war, but also, amazingly, how this prophecy by Ezekiel (chapters 3644) provides the scenario for numerous best-selling books in both the English-speaking and Muslim worlds! These best sellers not only describe this great conflagration, but actually also motivate their readers to prepare for it! The Prophecy That Is Shaping History represents a major advance in research and scholarship in examining the historical and contemporary impact of Ezekielʼs prophecy on world events. This academic monograph also offers a wealth of new evidence in tracing the identities, origins, and ultimate destinies of the key nations of Ezekielʼs prophecy who are seen to participate in what millions believe will be the most horrific battle the world will ever witness.