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At conferences, in interviews with journalists and at gatherings withdisciples in recent years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has spoken with increasingurgency about Earth's current climate crisis. As she states, "Our planet is ahouse that is burning. If we don't work together with a united spirit to put outthe fire, we will not have a home anymore". But she also offers humankind anuplifting solution, one that every individual can easily achieve: "Be veg to savethe planet."As the crisis escalates, natural disasters are claiming tens of thousands oflives and displacing millions from their homes, with financial losses amountingto billions of dollars. Rising sea levels have already submerged 18 island nationsand are threatening many others. In addition, irregular rainfall patterns andintensifying droughts are affecting many regions, thus worsening food andwater shortages. And climate experts warn of even more extreme weatherconditions to come, with the possibility of "runaway global warming."In this book Supreme Master Ching Hai presents the major factorsassociated with global warming, and more importantly, its root cause: thelivestock industry.In fact, many scientific studies support Supreme Master Ching Hai's view,which she has expounded for over twenty years. The raising of animals forfood not only wastes massive amounts of precious water, land and energy, butalso contributes to a staggering 51% of the planet's greenhouse gas emissions.Livestock farming is also the greatest single source of atmospheric methane, amuch more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, but one with a shorter lifespan.
This collection of essays examines Yugoslavia's dissolution and the subsequent wars.
European countries work together in crisis management, conflict prevention and many other aspects of security and defence policy. Closer cooperation in this policy arena seems to be the only viable way forward to address contemporary security challenges. Yet, despite the repeated interaction, fundamental assumptions about security and defence remain remarkably distinct across European nations. This book offers a comparative analysis of the security and defence policies of all 27 EU member states and Turkey, drawing on the concept of ‘strategic culture’, in order to examine the chances and obstacles for closer security and defence cooperation across the continent. Along the lines of a consistent analytical framework, international experts provide case studies of the current security and defence policies in Europe as well as their historical and cultural roots. ​
The urgency to tell the story of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the only republic in the former Yugoslavia to secede without bloodshed, is made more compelling by the crisis in Kosovo. In Making Peace Prevail, Alice Ackermann offers the first in-depth account of how Macedonia—one of the few examples of successful preventive diplomacy—held onto peace during the violent breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Faced with ethnic tensions and the threat of the Bosnian war, this republic was spared the fate of Croatia and Bosnia. With this book Ackermann furthers our understanding of the challenge in conflict prevention in multiethnic and newly democratized societies. She provides a framework of analysis that underscores the "art of conflict prevention." She notes the activity of the major players such as the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) but maintains that groups such as the Working Group of the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia—although not in the public eye—accomplished much through an "interactive workshop" approach to conflict management. In her epilogue Ackermann addresses the most recent developments with NATO's intervention in Kosovo and the Balkans and the internal forces at work in Macedonia, which account for its current state of stability.
This handbook offers a comprehensive analysis of peacebuilding in ethnic conflicts, with attention to theory, peacebuilder roles, making sense of the past and shaping the future, as well as case studies and approaches. Comprising 28 chapters that present key insights on peacebuilding in ethnic conflicts, the volume has implications for teaching and training, as well as for practice and policy. The handbook is divided into four thematic parts. Part 1 focuses on critical dimensions of ethnic conflicts, including root causes, gender, external involvements, emancipatory peacebuilding, hatred as a public health issue, environmental issues, American nationalism, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 2 focuses on peacebuilders’ roles, including Indigenous peacemaking, nonviolent accompaniment, peace leadership in the military, interreligious peacebuilders, local women, and young people. Part 3 addresses the past and shaping of the future, including a discussion of public memory, heritage rights and monuments, refugees, trauma and memory, aggregated trauma in the African-American community, exhumations after genocide, and a healing-centered approach to conflict. Part 4 presents case studies on Sri Lanka’s postwar reconciliation process, peacebuilding in Mindanao, the transformative peace negotiation in Aceh and Bougainville, external economic aid for peacebuilding in Northern Ireland, Indigenous and local peacemaking, and a continuum of peacebuilding focal points. The handbook offers perspectives on the breadth and significance of peacebuilding work in ethnic conflicts throughout the world. This volume will be of much interest to students of peacebuilding, ethnic conflict, security studies, and international relations.
Although vastly different in many ways, Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia together form the heart of Central Europe. Austria has historically been much more visible in European politics than either Croatia or Slovenia, but as with the latter two, it has also been a part of various alliances over the centuries. Despite that, however, all three have retained their own sense of national identity through it all, weathering the fall of Austria-Hungary, both World Wars, the collapse of Yugoslavia, and entry to the European Union over the course of one hundred years. This comprehensive volume traces the evolution of these countries, from their earliest civilizations to the present day.
Religion in the Post-Yugoslav Context brings together a diverse group of scholars, each of them specializing in the role of religion in one of the Yugoslav successor states. In addition to providing the readership with the understanding of both the general context (religion during the disintegration of the Yugoslav state) as well as more specific aspects (individual post-Yugoslav states), this rich collection complements the existing research in the fields of religious studies and political science. It represents an important source for scholars and students interested in the post-Yugoslav dynamic. Moreover, this kind of analysis is of major relevance for state and non-state actors involved in promotion of religious tolerance.
This book re-constructs the evolution of the border conflict between Croatia and Slovenia. The aim is to reveal the processes at work, the historical and contemporary circumstances, and the strategies and motives of the actors involved. The book highlights the roles of the European Union and of judicial third parties in the management of the conflict. Further, it considers the precedent-setting value of the Slovenian-Croatian conflict, the attempts at its resolution, and what they mean for the ongoing and prospective EU enlargement in South East Europe. Internal documents and interviews are at the heart of this process-tracing analysis, which discusses the third-party roles of the European Commission and the EU Council Presidency in 2008/2009 as a mediator-facilitator in the drafting stages of the arbitration agreement, and the judicial work of the arbitration tribunal and the EU Court of Justice. Lastly, the book offers policy recommendations on how to strengthen dispute resolution and solve current bilateral issues in the EU accession process.