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Imagine you're a sensitive child living with your godly grandmother in small-town Arkansas of the 1960s. One random day your mother, almost a stranger to you, appears and decides to remove you from the only loving home you've ever known and take you with her to live eventually in Watts—the volatile area in south central Los Angeles where the savage Watts Riots had occurred not many years before and where the notorious street gangs—the Crips and the Bloods—had recently started up to confront a hostile world. In the relative peace in the place of your roots, the severe stuttering condition you've always endured had been disregarded as no big deal; but in the hostile atmosphere of the projects in L.A., you find yourself bullied and beaten unmercifully—daily. As a continual victim, you fear for your life. You have no source of protection or familiar support. How can you even survive? Would allegiance to a gang provide the kind of safety you so critically need? Who could blame you for seeking the only available security? Eric's decision to become not only a Crip but a ruthless and hardened leader among them, took him deeply into the valley of the dark side. But God had other plans. Follow Eric's treacherous journey through that valley, the crushing of his spirit and nearly his life, his call toward the peace of God's mountain, and his climb upward to victory. The difference between Eric the Grape Street Watts Crip and Eric the Man of God is truly so startling that, once you've read his searingly honest story, you will never doubt God's unlimited power to change lives again.
My Life is an exciting read. It will leave you in suspense, make you laugh and cry, all at the same time. David takes his readers through a life of crime, mistakes, and failures. Walk with him through, "MY Life", and see the twists and turns that he encountered until he surrendered to God.
Gangster to God is an incredible true life story and testimony of Love and Grace, filled with incredible miracles only God could have set in motion. After enduring years of tragedy, drug addiction and finally a life sentence in prison, suicide seemed the only option for this man when God intervened and through overwhelming odds, his life was turned around and completely changed forever by The Love Of Jesus Christ.
"...not much has changed since Jesus gathered dust in the soles of his sandals on Palestinian soil. He is still the buzz at barber shops and corner cafes. He is still talked about and against. He pricks our curiosity, sparks our imagination, and even earns our ire. Who is he, really? You know he's no politician, but he still transforms nations. He's no social activist, but he is the genesis of who knows how many hospitals, orphanages, and innumerable acts of kindness. A psychotherapist? Hardly. But how many of us 'Humpty Dumpties' has he put back together again?! This peasant carpenter has built himself a kingdom immeasurably greater than his earthly enemies could have imagined. What are we to make of him? Please accept my deepest apologies right up front, for this book will not help answer that question. However, it may help answer this one: What is this man to make of me?"
Based on the National Study of Youth and Religion--the same invaluable data as its predecessor, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers--Kenda Creasy Dean's compelling new book, Almost Christian, investigates why American teenagers are at once so positive about Christianity and at the same time so apathetic about genuine religious practice. In Soul Searching, Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton found that American teenagers have embraced a "Moralistic Therapeutic Deism"--a hodgepodge of banal, self-serving, feel-good beliefs that bears little resemblance to traditional Christianity. But far from faulting teens, Dean places the blame for this theological watering down squarely on the churches themselves. Instead of proclaiming a God who calls believers to lives of love, service and sacrifice, churches offer instead a bargain religion, easy to use, easy to forget, offering little and demanding less. But what is to be done? In order to produce ardent young Christians, Dean argues, churches must rediscover their sense of mission and model an understanding of being Christian as not something you do for yourself, but something that calls you to share God's love, in word and deed, with others. Dean found that the most committed young Christians shared four important traits: they could tell a personal and powerful story about God; they belonged to a significant faith community; they exhibited a sense of vocation; and they possessed a profound sense of hope. Based on these findings, Dean proposes an approach to Christian education that places the idea of mission at its core and offers a wealth of concrete suggestions for inspiring teens to live more authentically engaged Christian lives. Persuasively and accessibly written, Almost Christian is a wake up call no one concerned about the future of Christianity in America can afford to ignore.
From Poverty, to Prison, to Praise is the journey that I was allowed to take in life in order to be a witness to all those incarcerated or one who may have simply lost hope. I grew up in the poorest neighborhoods in Las Vegas. As a teen and young adult, I became very sexual with countless women and developed a terrible anger problem due to a lack of patience. That anger ultimately exploded one spring morning, and I found myself facing a murder conviction. During my fourteen years in the state of Nevada prisons, I was overtaken by Gods sovereign grace and tender mercies. I made the decision to follow Christ and allowed him to change me and rule over me with his unconditional love. I said yes to Jesus and began to live a life of spiritual standards that can only be achieved if I would trust him and go through whatever was necessary in order to fulfill my calling and ministry of edification to a lost, dying, and confused generation of young men and women who remain incarcerated or living a life in society but having no hope nor direction. This book is to inform you that you can make it! Give God a try. He can do all things but fail. Know undoubtedly that God is able. God can. And God will. If you let him.
Yes, you can know God! The Holy Scriptures stand the test of time, as a loving invitation from the Creator of the universe to enter into an intimate relationship with Him. Take another step on your journey into truth. Let insight into God's Word, the two edged sword of the Spirit, cut through the thousands of years of religious counterfeit that has dimmed the vision of those whose hearts long to know Him. Your next step in coming to the knowledge of God may be in your hands right now! As the apostle Paul said, concerning the quest to know the Unknown God, "Him I preach to you!" Go ahead, scan the main points at the end of each chapter and make your decision to accept the invitation. You will be gently ushered by the Spirit of revelation into the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Pastor Fred Gorini is a loving husband and father, who along with his covenant wife of 33 years, founded a local church in Daytona Beach, Florida, 25 years ago. A strong believer in the local church, Pastor Fred continues to serve at Rock Church of Daytona Beach. The dedicated pastoral staff and elders there are preparing the next generation to walk in uncompromised Biblical truth. Pastor Fred's visionary teachings are seasoned with prophetic insight that has edified the local church in his own community as well as in many relationally networked congregations around the United States of America. His revelation of the Word of God has been tested and proven not only in the United States but also in several nations of South America, Asia, and Africa. Regardless of the many challenges the local church is facing in its desire to manifest the kingdom of God on earth, Pastor Fred insists that the true gospel really is "good news" for "whosoever" will believe.
I have three grandchildren, all boys, with the third one, Jameson, soon to be born in September, God willing. I had developed a bond with my two oldest, Jackson and Jetson Harris, and was intentional about influencing them with the love of Jesus Christ. I wanted to create precious memories for them, like I tried to do with their mom and uncle. I took them outside to look for pine cones, looking for cicadas, running around in the grass, throwing balls around. Or sitting on the couch watching Veggie Tales and Paw Patrol, giving them TIME with Papa. But most importantly, I made time to introduce to them, who God is as their Creator, and their Savior Jesus Christ. I know the importance of it, to plant those seeds in them while their young. My gang life ended with me being suicidal, and God brought to my mind a memory of God's word, the holy bible, that literally saved my life. When I had lost all hope and meaning in my life, God saw fit to reveal Himself through the memory of His word. This was my driving force to writing this book. So when my daughter decided to move to Arkansas, I wanted to maintain that influence. I bought a notebook, and God gave me an idea to do a devotional for my grandsons, and have my daughter read it to them. I ended up mailing it to her. She called and said, "Dad, I love it! You should make it available to other kids to. I prayed about it, and the result is, The ABC's of God. I hope it blesses you and your family as well. God be with you. My name is Eric M. West, born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. I moved to Watts, California in 1973. I accepted Jesus Christ as an eight year old, but when I was eleven, the pressures of inner-city project life led me to join the Grape St. Watts Crip gang at age twelve. Eight years later God chose to rescue me from that violent world, where I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. A year later I enrolled in World Impact's Christian Leadership Training Center in Florence, Kansas, and graduated in 1988. I spent two years on their staff in Wichita, Kansas, working with kids and families. I married my wife Andrea in 1991, a math teacher, and we have two young adult children together, Ashley & Isaiah. I have three grandsons, Jackson, Jetson, and Jameson. I work in Maintenance at Central Christian Church in Wichita, for twenty-three years. I'm the author of From Crip To Christ: Change From The Inside Out, and I've been featured on Pacific Garden Mission's radio theatre program, UNSHACKLED.