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The teachings and practices in this book are a guide into a very easy and safe journey into the magical, transcendental and Spiritual meaning and realization of a more complete, healthy and satisfying life, as well as freedom from inner and outer restrictions. The book spares the need of retiring to the mountains for prolonged retreats, or years of meditations in the lotus posture, or hours of walking or acting in mindfulness. It will also spare you from any danger through the misuse of "master plants" or the need to spend thousands of dollars travelling to strange, faraway places, in the jungle, in search for a real native shaman, or a Priest of Enlightenment. The book contains the "Sacred Wisdom of the Andes" as was given early in the life of the author, Dr. Rod Fuentes, by Don Joaquín, a master of ancient wisdom and holder of the spiritual power of the Andes Mountains, in Rari, Chile. Don Joaquín was an expert in the "creation of realities" and the use of the "haway," which in the Quechua language means "offerings" for the Sacred Spirits of the mountains and to Mother Pachamama, the feminine aspect of the Supreme Being, and the creator and sustainer of the Universe. Rod was initiated by Don Joaquín into the Andean Codes -the Sacred Wisdom of the Andes- which is based on the 4 levels of Consciousness that, when they are taught, all human beings have the skill to naturally develop. These Andean Codes are the keys to a complete life of success and bliss and are the millenarian quantum teachings that can be used to create our own outer reality. The author of this book became a disciple of this legendary master and "guardian of wisdom" until his death in 1982. The most essential teachings, that he received from Don Joaquín, are contained in this extraordinary book.A time will come for humanity, as said many times by Don Joaquín, when this sacred knowledge of the Andes must be transmitted to the greatest number of human beings, without distinction, throughout the world.This book, "From Ayahuasca To Andean Gratitude," shows everyone how to get lasting results in your life through very easy and quick methods that require only a few minutes each day of your time.
Experience a Sacred Way of LifeFor more than thirty years Dr. J. E. Williams has risked his health and personal safety to journey among shamans in Peru, the place he calls the mystical and spiritual center of our times. In its rain forests, mountains, and environmentally attuned indigenous population, Peru's mystical landscape fosters inner discovery.The Andean Codex guides the reader step by step through journeys to Andean sacred places like Machu Picchu, Cuzco, and Moray, and in the process uncovers the esoteric meaning of these ruins. Williams recounts his initiation with Peruvian shamans, including shamanic ceremonies he performed at Machu Picchu and his experiences using the mind-expanding, heart-opening ayahuasca and the sacred coca plant. Throughout these encounters, Williams weaves in practical advice that brings the wisdom of Andean shamans to life. His unforgettable account of their prayers, practices, and ceremonies offers a rare opportunity to see the world through the eyes of a shaman and experience the Andean sacred way.
More and more Ayahuasca has come to the attention of the Western media. Used by the shamans of Peru, the rituals and practices around this psychoactive plant-based brew date back 50-70,000 years as evidenced by rock and cave paintings found the world over. Through their use of Ayahuasca, Shamans establish contact with the spirit world which they call upon to aid them in their healing practices, understanding of the cosmos, and how to live well in the world. In "The Shaman & Ayahuasca," internationally respected Peruvian shaman Don Jose Campos illuminates the practices and benefits of Ayahuasca with grace and gentleness, while expressing respect and gratitude for the gifts Ayahuasca has bestowed on him throughout the 25 years he has been a practicing shaman. He takes the reader on a journey through his own discovery of other worlds, other dimensions, alien entities and plant teachers. "The Shaman & Ayahuasca" gives an overview of an entire cosmology with the potential to benefit all of mankind. It is the perfect book to introduce readers to the profound experiences of Ayahuasca."
An experiential guide to the sacred places and teachings of Andean shamanism • Explores the cosmology and core shamanic beliefs of the Andean people, including Pachamama and power animals such as condors, snakes, hummingbirds, and pumas • Takes you on an intimate journey through the sacred sites, temples, and power places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuamán, Písac, Lake Titicaca, and more • Shares initiatory rites and shamanic journeying practices to allow you to integrate and embody the wisdom of each sacred place The Andes Mountains of Peru are rich with ancient shamanic traditions, sacred places, and heart wisdom passed down from the Inca and safeguarded for generations by the Q’eros nation. In this experiential guide to the wisdom and practices of the Andean people and their sacred land, Vera Lopez and Linda Star Wolf take you on an intimate journey through the sacred sites, temples, and power places of Peru, including Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuamán, Písac, Lake Titicaca, and more. They show how each of these powerful sites holds an ancient wisdom--an initiation left behind by the Inca--and they share initiatory rites and shamanic journeying practices to allow you to integrate and embody the wisdom of each sacred place. The authors explore the cosmology and core shamanic beliefs of the Andean people, including Pachamama, the Sacred Law of Reciprocity, the Serpent of Light, the Chakannah, and power animals such as condors, snakes, hummingbirds, and pumas. They examine healing practices and sacred plants of this tradition, including a look at the shamanic use of ayahuasca and San Pedro. Offering direct access to the gentle heart of wisdom found within the ancient shamanic land of Peru, the authors show how the Andean shamanic tradition offers an antidote to the modern epidemic of Soul Loss by connecting us back to our authentic self and the universal principles of love, reciprocity, and gratitude.
A new collection of never-before-published paintings by renowned artist Pablo Amaringo • With written contributions by Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby, Robert Venosa, Dennis McKenna, Stephan Beyer, and Jan Kounen • Contains 47 color plates of Amaringo’s latest works, with detailed narratives of the rich Amazonian mythology underlying each painting • Shares Amaringo’s personal stories behind the artistic visions Recognized as one of the world’s great visionary artists, Pablo Amaringo was renowned for his intricate, colorful paintings inspired by his shamanic visions. A master communicator of the ayahuasca experience--where snakes, jaguars, subterranean beings, celestial palaces, aliens, and spacecraft all converge--Amaringo’s art presents a doorway to the transcendent worlds of ayahuasca intended for contemplation, meditation, and inspiration. Illustrating the evolution of his intricate and colorful art, this book contains 47 full-color reproductions of Amaringo’s latest works with detailed explorations of the rich Amazonian mythology underlying each painting. Through their longstanding relationship with Amaringo, coauthors Charing and Cloudsley are able to share the personal stories behind his visions and experiences with Amazonian people and folklore, capturing Amaringo’s powerful ecological and spiritual message through his art and words. With contributions by Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby, Robert Venosa, Dennis McKenna, Stephan Beyer, and Jan Kounen, this book brings the ayahuasca experience to life as we travel on Amaringo’s visionary brush and palette.
Andean Meltdown examines how climate change and its consequences for Peru's glaciers are affecting the country's water supply and impacting Andean society and culture in unprecedented ways. Drawing on forty years of extensive research, relationship building, and community engagement in Peru, Karsten Paerregaard provides an ethnographic exploration of Andean ritual practices and performances in the context of an altered climate. By documenting Andean peoples' responses to rapid glacier retreat and urgent water shortages, Paerregaard considers the myriad ways climate change intersects with environmental, social, and political change. A pathbreaking contribution to cultural anthropology and environmental humanities, Andean Meltdown challenges prevailing theoretical thinking about the culture-nature nexus and offers a new perspective on Andean peoples' understanding of their role as agents in the shifting relationship between humans and nonhumans.
This book summarizes Ismael Apud’s ethnographic research in the field of ayahuasca, conducted in Latin America and Catalonia over a period of 10 years. To analyze the variety of ayahuasca spiritual practices and beliefs, the author combines different approaches, including medical anthropology, cognitive science of religion, history of science, and religious studies. Ismael Apud is a psychologist and anthropologist from Uruguay, with a PhD in Anthropology at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
This book presents a series of perspectives on the therapeutic potential of the ritual and clinical use of the Amazonian hallucinogenic brew ayahuasca in the treatment and management of various diseases and ailments, especially its role in psychological well-being and substance dependence. Biomedical and anthropological data on the use of ayahuasca for treating depression, PTSD, and substance dependence in different settings, such as indigenous contexts, neo-shamanic rituals, contemporary therapeutic circles, and in ayahuasca religions, in both South and North America, are presented and critiqued. Though multiple anecdotal reports on the therapeutic use of ayahuasca exist, there has been no systematic and dense reflection on the topic thus far. The book brings the therapeutic use of ayahuasca to a new level of public examination and academic debate. The texts in this volume stimulate discussion on methodological, ethical, and political aspects of research and will enhance the development of this emergent field of studies.
A comprehensive autobiographical account of the transforming experiences possible with ayahuasca • Reveals the protocols of a traditional ayahuasca retreat and the importance of its ritual diet, isolation, and sacred songs • Relates an extensive personal account of the traditional indigenous use of ayahuasca for healing and revelation Ayahuasca: The Visionary and Healing Powers of the Vine of the Soul is an autobiographical account of the author’s work with ayahuasca, a potent and sacred plant brew of the Amazon region that is known for its extraordinary visionary and healing powers. As she learned from her experience, with the help of ayahuasca we are able to grasp our paradoxical nature, the first step to acceptance of ourselves in both our glorious and dark aspects. Ayahuasca teaches us how to release the illusions we hold about ourselves and makes it possible to integrate our many diverse aspects to acquire our true power. This book reveals the ritual protocols that must be followed prior to partaking of ayahuasca, including the traditional preparatory “diet”--which requires enduring austere conditions, isolation, and only small amounts of bland food before receiving the powers of the plant spirit from an ayahuasquero, a healing master--and the sacred songs, icaros, that are sung when imbibing the substance. Although the use of ayahuasca is growing among “underground” spiritual seekers and through the burgeoning ayahuasca tourism trade in South America, few of its seekers understand how it is used traditionally and the importance of the rituals the indigenous people follow. With this book, the author hopes to restore the importance of these indigenous practices so that we may truly understand all the gifts of ayahuasca.
Discover powerful energetic rites based on Andean shamanic teachings to heal the wounds of your past, further your spiritual evolution, and reveal your sacred purpose. Our world is desperately in need of a new compass and the rites of the Munay-Ki, which have been crafted for a Western audience, offer shamanic wisdom for the modern person. These initiations—based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon—are profoundly healing and will alchemize your deepest wounds and limiting beliefs into sources of compassion. They encourage you to grow your love and empathy and see the interconnectedness of all life as you join a lineage of healers and Earthkeepers. The Sacred Andean Codes includes detailed explanations of each rite’s benefits, how it came to be, and how you can incorporate its wisdom into your own life. As a powerful blueprint for self-realization, these initiations invite you on a heartfelt evolutionary path with love at its core. Embark on your own sacred journey, recognize your innate wholeness, tune into unlimited energy, and fulfill your potential as a luminous being—and an agent of change and transformation in the world.