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CODEPENDENCY BOOK BACKCOVER The Milky Way Galaxy, and everything therein, consisting of suns, moons, planets, asteroids, gases, energy, black holes, and particles of dust among others are-ALL-infinitely connected to each other by gravity, which holds everything together. Likewise, CoDependency Addiction, similar to the Earth revolving around our Sun, it-too-revolves around the absence of mother, father, or mother surrogate love in a child’s life and beyond. It is the primary source from which it originates, develops, and thrives within the mind-body of an affected human being. Mother, father, and mother surrogate love is the fuel that drives the development of an infant through the dependency state one is born in into the higher conscious awareness interdependency state. Initially, mother or mother surrogate love is used to assist their infant to self-actualize, namely to learn he or she is love by being loved by their parents. If this most critical step is missed, at a most critical time in the early development of an infant, from birth to six years old; unfortunately, the latter does not evolve emotionally to the interdependency state, in which the child, by this time, knows one Self as being love, and who realizes simultaneously that it is necessary to give their love to another human being, and by doing so, one is enabled to learn and experience what it feels like to be loved. When this irreplaceable process is carried-out according to Nature, the child is embodied with the fundamental tool to transform Self progressively into a “work of art.” One of the many contributions this book makes to our understanding of CoDependency Addiction is, when a child does not evolve emotionally into the interdependency state, he or she remains in a dependency state beyond appropriate years. By six years old, a child, who has been adequately nurtured with love from the outset, develops in their brain what is called “love circuits.” In the absence of mother or mother surrogate love during this crucial time, these circuits-empathy, kindness, caring, altruism, friendship, compassion, etc.-are replaced with others such as anger, shame, denial, guilt, low self-esteem, not good enough, unworthiness, narcissisms, ego etc. It is in this developmental space we find the origin of CoDependency Addiction manifested in an affected person’s adult life. Unable to make genuine friends and be loved, both of which are cornerstones of the interdependency state, fear and self-preservation emerge as a daily preoccupation and concern. This book outlines in detail how CoDependency Addiction is repressed within one’s injured and wounded “self,” and because of denial and projection, a web of deception is employed to “Go Along, To Get Along.” Although the hypnotic rhythm makes healing more formidable as the years pass, the solution is determination to shatter denial. Marteau X received his Doctor of Philosophy Degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1977. He has spent 40 years studying social philosophy and dialectical materialism, including alienation and Psychology. He lives with his family in Baltimore, MD.
An examination of adults who have been manipulated by divorcing parents. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) occurs when divorcing parents use children as pawns, trying to turn the child against the other parent. This book examines the impact of PAS on adults and offers strategies and hope for dealing with the long-term effects.
Religious and secular counselors from a variety of disciplines share their basic approaches in working with addicted persons and their understandings of the spiritual dimension in treatment and recovery.
Addiction is increasing all around the world, and the conventional remedies don't work. The Globalization of Addiction argues that the cause of this failure to control addiction is that past treatments have focused too single-mindedly on the afflicted individual addict. This book presents a radical rethink about the nature of addiction.
NATIONAL BESTSELLER "A profound book.... It will break your heart but also leave you with hope." —J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy "[A] deeply empathetic book." —The Economist With stark photo essays and unforgettable true stories, Chris Arnade cuts through "expert" pontification on inequality, addiction, and poverty to allow those who have been left behind to define themselves on their own terms. After abandoning his Wall Street career, Chris Arnade decided to document poverty and addiction in the Bronx. He began interviewing, photographing, and becoming close friends with homeless addicts, and spent hours in drug dens and McDonald's. Then he started driving across America to see how the rest of the country compared. He found the same types of stories everywhere, across lines of race, ethnicity, religion, and geography. The people he got to know, from Alabama and California to Maine and Nevada, gave Arnade a new respect for the dignity and resilience of what he calls America's Back Row--those who lack the credentials and advantages of the so-called meritocratic upper class. The strivers in the Front Row, with their advanced degrees and upward mobility, see the Back Row's values as worthless. They scorn anyone who stays in a dying town or city as foolish, and mock anyone who clings to religion or tradition as naïve. As Takeesha, a woman in the Bronx, told Arnade, she wants to be seen she sees herself: "a prostitute, a mother of six, and a child of God." This book is his attempt to help the rest of us truly see, hear, and respect millions of people who've been left behind.
Through the vivid, true stories of five people who journeyed into and out of addiction, a renowned neuroscientist explains why the "disease model" of addiction is wrong and illuminates the path to recovery. The psychiatric establishment and rehab industry in the Western world have branded addiction a brain disease. But in The Biology of Desire, cognitive neuroscientist and former addict Marc Lewis makes a convincing case that addiction is not a disease, and shows why the disease model has become an obstacle to healing. Lewis reveals addiction as an unintended consequence of the brain doing what it's supposed to do-seek pleasure and relief-in a world that's not cooperating. As a result, most treatment based on the disease model fails. Lewis shows how treatment can be retooled to achieve lasting recovery. This is enlightening and optimistic reading for anyone who has wrestled with addiction either personally or professionally.
Most people have implicit biases: they evaluate social groups in ways that they are unconscious of or cannot control, and which may run counter to their conscious beliefs and values. This volume explores the themes of moral responsibility in implicit bias, structural injustice in society, and strategies for implicit attitude change.