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The beginning chapters of Genesis come alive with characters, places, and events almost totally unknown outside of the Bible itself except when illuminated by the fascinating history of the ancient Near East. Did a man we call Adam actually exist? Was someone known to us as Noah warned of a cataclysmic flood and instructed to build an ark? Could the Tower of Babel incident actually have happened? The reader will gain a new appreciation for the historical integrity of Genesis 2-11, and marvel at the evidence that the persons, places, and events depicted, though long misunderstood, could be real.
Much about the early history of mankind had become entirely lost until the restoration of the gospel. These details about the first 2,000 years of human history are all to be found in this exciting volume. We now know that Adam and Eve had two generations of children before Cain and Abel were born. The exact year of the Great Flood can now be calculated. Details about the golden age of Enoch are now available so that we can understand how the law of consecration works and how it eliminates poverty and crime. One of the most magnificent stories in this book is the life of Abraham. He received revelations about astronomy and mathematics which he later taught the Egyptians. He was a remarkable example of faith and obedience, even in offering his own son as a sacrifice to the God he loved. All of these tremendously important new revelations belong to the sweeping panorama of the first 2,000 years of human history. This book is designed to make the study of the Old Testament an inspirational pleasure. Although presented for easy reading, the text is carefully documented so that every important point can be correlated with appropriate passages in the scriptures. The extensive use of maps, charts and illustrations also facilitate the rapid unfolding of the Biblical story. This eBook includes the original index, footnotes, table of contents and page numbering from the printed format.
This book is an examination of the first twenty five chapters of The Book Of Genesis from the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures. God, which is a combination of Personalities, One of which is Yahweh, created all things in what is today called the Big Bang. At that split second, all energy and matter were created. God called it into existence and at that instant, ninety five percent of all matter went into other dimensions, or vibrations. The result is that we humans can only see or touch five percent of universal matter. All stars, planets, and living things were created at this second. Only the Angels of God were in existence at the time of the big bang. They were all happy except for one. This angels name was Lucifer. One of the things created by The Personalities of God, were a host of spirit beings which would inhabit human bodies at the time of conception. The first human was called Adam by Yahweh, and the second one was called Eve. Between the two of them, they were to begin the process of making children. They were to live forever on Earth in human form. They would not age, not grow sick and die, and Eve would have her children without any pain or effort. They were given two commands. One was to have many children, and the other was to not eat the fruit of a certain tree. We all know this was a test, and to break this command would mean they would die before the billion year day they were living in at the time of the violation was over. Lucifer was put in charge of Earth and the humans. He immediately set about to ruin Gods plan. The result was that Adam and Eve, and all people on earth would die. And they did. God set in motion a plan to save all mankind by means of person in the future. He told this to Eve, and Lucifer heard it also. This is the story of the Messianic Lineage that started with Adam and Eve, and carried forward even after the great worldwide deluge, to a man named Abraham and his wife named Sarah. All mankind began with a life span where a day equaled a thousand years. The life span changed at the time Noah entered the ark with his family to a day equaling one hundred and twenty years. It was changed again when Abraham and Sarah had a son named Isaac, to our modern life span. Which is less than two hundred years. This is their story, as I, the author of this book, see it.
The first three major patriarchs, Adam, Noah, and Abraham, herald the first three millennia of creation in a progressive revelation of the Trinity that represents a kind of main chorus in the song of our salvation. The accounts of their offspring form a refrain echoing the main chorus of the fundamental Messianic bloodline just as the song we sing in this life is an echoing of the harmony in heaven. This song of salvation is ultimately heard not only in the lives of individuals but also the natural history of the world. The manifest rhythms move us inexorably to the end times of our original creation in a vital convergence of prophecy and history that represents quite literally a folding up of all time and space in the one Body of Christ.
This multilevel (K-12), Bible-focused unit study utilizes the Charlotte Mason approach and the Internet. The first eleven chapters describe Creation, the Fall, the Flood, and the origin of nations. Genesis 12-50 is the ancestral story. The focus of this unit study is on Genesis 1-12 revealing Jesus in Genesis! Includes: Overview, Objectives, Timeline, Vocabulary, Annotated Resource Lists (books, Internet sites, videos, software, etc), 14 Four-Step Lessons, Four-Step Lessons, There are four basic steps in each Heart of Wisdom Unit Study lesson based on the four major learning styles. Studies show this four-step method motivates students to comprehend the material better and retain the information longer. Excite: Create an interest Examine: Find out the facts Expand: Do something with what was learned Excel: Pull everything together and share with someone. Each lesson includes several activities such as crafts, writing assignments and much more. Each lesson includes Internet links to take you to Bible study tools, craft instructions, clip art, audio lessons, etc.
This updated edition by one of the world's leading apologists presents a systematic, positive case for Christianity that reflects the latest work in the contemporary hard sciences and humanities. Brilliant and accessible.
Does the Genesis account of Creation fit with science? Does the doctrine of Original Sin make sense? Do Christians believe in talking snakes? Who was Cain's wife? Are the "sons of God" demons who had sex with women? Is the Flood of Noah a derivative myth? Is the tale of Sodom a fable? Did God condone human sacrifice in the narrative of Abraham and Isaac? If you want to know the true, full story of Genesis, from Adam to Abraham, this book is for you. If you are a believer, it will enhance your devotions by helping you know the Biblical narrative of Origins more intimately. If you are a skeptic, its logic will challenge your doubts.Here you will discover facets of Genesis - surprising things in plain sight - in the ink on the pages of Scripture - but that many have overlooked.
CD-ROM contains timelines, photographs, articles, maps, music.