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Liberal towns are quiet since everyone's afraid to speak. Signs to quit your school: Words like equity, diversity, inclusivity, white privilege, systemic racism. Or cold relationships with those calling you racist. What Trump did for America was phenomenal and to that degree to liberals he's horrible. The left is protected for everything it does. It's convinced everyone it's not the enemy, but it is. Tolerance and universal love leads to acceptance of the occult. Luciferian doctrine: accept everything or it’s an insult. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
Trust ye not in a friend, put no confidence in a guide: a man's enemies are in his own home beside. By being rejected and sequestered you built character and they didn't: born with a silver spoon = idiots. She's on your turf competing with you. That's just her script but what is she doing there, fool? Why be so involved socially--people die or move away. Then all that time invested, for what I say? Don't feel empty cuz you're lonely, separation means HOLY and now God showers you with the lovely. Stop feeling remorse over past sins repented of--He doesn't wanna hear about such things love. Karen Kellock Picturestrip. Contains: HIX POLITIX. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inner art by Blaze Goldburst
The self-downputting comes from marching to a different reality/being misunderstood constantly. Those who conform/get along with pack, tribe or klatch don't feel like this seeing self as a lost case. Eventually they'll put genius in a class all his own but in the meantime life is hell if weak/not bold. Take your time, do it right. You'll spring up as savior in your field and all will know your name, aye. You swam in muddy waters like in California so you took for granted sin's ok but it's God you betrayed. But no matter what you did under social hypnotism it'll all be ok just repent and start fresh today. Contains: GlobalIslam. Cover design by Karen Kellock, Inside art by Blaze Goldburst
You're a genius and it's obvious and they're dumb as rats but copious. Lock the gate to be free of whatever's happening outside--now every day is great. People did nothing but hold you back and trip you up so now just look UP! Many grow up with rejection, no one wanted em. Everyone wants something so be shrewd to prevent a disaster happening. Wild animals are nocturnal to avoid humans and I've done that too to be a good student. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Queen consciousness is so twisted by the world she's struggling for affirmation like a little girl. It's scary living with your worst enemy under the same roof while he was so nice before the booze. Those who let this stress push em away from God will have a deathbed of regrets as things go on. You're far more attractive to a man/potential mate if deep into your own thing, never to cling. Men sick of shallow/silly women easily hypnotized in their homes want grand dames alone. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
How she fights socially is most cruel. Suddenly you're deposed, fired or flunk school. You know she's discussing you with others [disgraced] judging from frowns on their faces. It’s a morally degraded society when females take control over thee. The Jezebel mothers became loudmouthed cranks addicted to power or they drank. Because Jezebel is out of grace, she messes up big time and now its your problem. Chapter art by Fox design. Cover design by Blaze Goldburst
SOLITUDE is highest therapy. That means not just physical aloneness but social media avoidance. It used to be you could erase an ex quick, but now with ease of internet stalking we just stay sick. You're putting him first instead of yourself--always seeking outer validation by some louse. Move on and don't try to get back. The answer is solitude for it’s not about them but the original trauma in childhood. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inside art by Blaze Goldburst
Scapegoat Systems. Without gossip and lying they can't spread their hate-filled agenda of ostracizing you forever. Triangulation is about a bitter, hateful and manipulative narcissist trying to control all of us. Victims are relieved knowing it’s a major demonic stronghold: the scapegoat. Common treachery: If you're tangled up with a narc and his flying monkey get ready for abuse by proxy. Super Covert: while appearing innocent he stirs the pot then sit backs to watch chaos as a family rots. One ends toxic generational abuse by walking away from other members too. It takes courage to do this or it’s a dark cloud in a hell pit. Cover design by Karen Kellock, inner art by Fox Design and Blaze Goldburst
A new theory in psychology with a formula: all disease obstruction, all recovery elimination, all success attraction. The three obstructions are explained in detail: people, habit and food. What messed us up? The influence of other people. With trauma we swallow them whole/mimic evil. What is the Dunning-Kruger? It's the dumb thinking they're smart--most dangerous for sure. We mal-adapt by taking on another part but through elimination we get a fresh start. Cover design by Blaze Goldburst
Karen Kellock On Mental Illness and the Hero's Path: SEASON OF TREASON: Every fairy tale, myth or story of victory starts with overcoming evil or sinning. It is a season, tho' a wretched one--but also a season of favor and remuneration later on. In my season of treason all were against me just like Job see. The people I met/things I experienced were atrocious but in fearful denial I feigned acceptance. It was a land without justice nor lines. It was utter nonsensical emptiness and I was terrified. It was evil powers with a downed hedge, but things always even out in the end. Remember that and it'll all turn around friend. The Creative Act is a literal structure in nature. It seeds, germinates, and blossoms to full potential. All it takes is a creative discoverer to put it all together. Cover by Ayyaz Khan, Inside page KK portrait by Manuel Bagier.