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A comprehensive study of how and why athletic contests, a characteristic feature of ancient Greek culture, disappeared in late antiquity.
The Orange Revolution in November/December 2004 has unambiguously determined the future orientation of Ukraine. Joining the European Union is its top priority. In this volume, Europe is not treated as a geographical or historical term, but as a normative concept which includes respect for human and civil rights, rule of law, division of powers, parliamentary democracy, open and pluralistic society. This publication has two aims: a critical analysis and evaluation of the efforts of Ukraine under President Yushchenko to bring about a change in direction toward a rapprochement to the European Union (2005-2008), and the identification of cultural constants of the Ukrainian society which either hinder or are conducive to the rapprochement.
Dieser Band vereinigt die Beitr�ge zu einem internationalen Kolloquium, das am 30. und 31. Mai 2003 an der LMU Muenchen stattgefunden hat. Er widmet sich der Frage, ob die Entwicklung des sp�tantiken St�dtewesens durch das Modell eines langsamen, jedoch nicht notwendigerweise negativ belegten �Wandels� oder doch eher durch das Paradigma des �Niederganges� der sp�tantiken Stadtkultur zu beschreiben ist. Er enth�lt deshalb sowohl �berblicke zur Situation des sp�tantiken St�dtewesens in ausgesuchten Kernregionen des Imperium Romanum als auch Beitr�ge zu wichtigen Strukturen und Institutionen innerhalb der St�dte, die fuer eine Beurteilung der Fragestellung von entscheidender Bedeutung sind. Inhaltsverzeichnis J.U. Krause/C. Witschel: Vorwort I. Die sp�tantiken St�dte im Westen des r�mischen Reiches: C. Lepelley: La cit� africaine tardive, de l'apog�e du IVe si�cle � l'effondrement du VIIe si�cle F. Marazzi: Cadavera urbium, nuove capitali e Roma aeterna: l'identit� urbana in Italia fra crisi, rinascita e propaganda (secoli III-V ) S.T. Loseby: Decline and Change in the Cities of Late Antique Gaul J. Guyon: La topographie chr�tiennes des villes de la Gaule M. Kulikowski: The Late Roman City in Spain II. Die sp�tantiken St�dte im Osten des r�mischen Reiches: P. van Minnen: The Changing World of the Cities of Later Roman Egypt S. Westphalen: �Niedergang oder Wandel?� - Die sp�tantiken St�dte in Syrien und Pal�stina aus arch�ologischer Sicht M. Waelkens et al.: The Late Antique to Early Byzantine City in Southwest Anatolia. Sagalassos and its Territory: A Case Study W. Tietz: Die lykischen St�dte in der Sp�tantike III. St�dtische Eliten und Institutionen in der Sp�tantike: G.A. Cecconi: Crisi e trasformazioni del governo municipale in Occidente fra IV e VI secolo A. Laniado: Le christianisme e l'�volution des institutions municipales du Bas-Empire: l'exemple du defensor civitatis N. Lenski: Servi Publici in Late Antiquity C. Witschel: Der epigraphic habit in der Sp�tantike: Das Beispiel der Provinz Venetia et Histria J.U. Krause: �berlegungen zur Sozialgeschichte des Klerus im 5./6. Jh. n. Chr. M. Whitby: Factions, Bishops, Violence and Urban Decline IV. Ausblick: J.H.W.G. Liebeschuetz: Transformation and Decline: Are the Two Really Incompatible? Register: Sachregister, Geographisches Register.
Cultural identity in the classical world is explored from a variety of angles.
The papers in this volume were presented at an international conference organised in Athens (May 11-14, 2004) and focus on the study of the Panathenaic Games, a Panhellenic athletic event that lasted for nearly a millennium. An international assembly of archaeologists, art historians, ancient historians, epigraphists and classical scholars contributed to the discussion of the origins and the historical development of the Panathenaic Games in general and of individual contests in particular. The role of royal and other patrons in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, as well as the form and meaning of victory dedications and other monuments generated by the games were also examined, making this a truly interdisciplinary study into this fascinating event. Two papers are in Greek. "This handsomely-illustrated conference volume is the first to concentrate exclusively on the games." Jackson, Journal of Hellenic Studies "A handsome, well-illustrated, large-format volume of the proceeding, mostly in English, of a conference held in Athens in 2004 in connection with the modern Olympics." - Tsetskhladze, Ancient West & East
The Luwians played at least as important a role as the Hittites in the history of the Ancient Near East during the second and first millennia BCE, but for various reasons they have been overshadowed by and even confused with their more famous relatives and neighbours. Redressing this imbalance, the present volume by an international team of scholars offers a comprehensive, state-of-the-art appraisal of the Luwians, the first of its kind in English. A brief introduction sets the context and confronts the problem of defining 'the Luwians'. Following chapters describe their prehistory, history, writing and language, religion, and material culture.
Rooted in close readings of individual poems, buildings, and works of art, Pindar, Song, and Space ranges from Athens to Libya, Sicily to Rhodes, to provide a revelatory new understanding of the world the Greeks built—and a new model for studying the ancient world.
Dedicated to the investigation of fortifications as important and integral elements of ancient built space, the present volume results from the activity of the German based international research network Fokus Fortifikation. Ancient Fortifications in the Eastern Mediterranean and is intended as a guide to research on ancient fortifications and a source of inspiration for new research. Ancient city walls and other fortification structures have long been underestimated. Since the early years of the 21st century, research on ancient fortifications has experienced an international boom, particularly amongst young researchers. They approached the study of fortifications with fresh ideas and new aims, and felt the need to discuss the problems and potentials of these monuments and to develop harmonized research methods and objectives. The outcome is the present bilingual (English and German) book, which offers a condensed view of the network’s extended conversations. The goal is not so much to offer an overview on the development of ancient fortifications, but rather to present versatile and diverse approaches to their research and interpretation and to serve as a kickoff for a new understanding of this category of ancient buildings. The book is divided into two parts: the first part includes 12 chapters on methods of interpretation, documentation, and field project organization; the systematic description and presentation of fortifications; the ‘building experience’; masonry forms and techniques; defensive, symbolic, and urbanistic functions and aspects; on fortifications in written sources, the visual arts, and as a historical source; and on regional and rural fortifications, and regionally confined phenomena. Part two is a catalogue that offers exemplary presentations of fortifications studied by network members; it is arranged in four sections: regions, sites, architectural elements and architectural details. The book is Volume 1 in the new series Fokus Fortifikation Studies. Volume 2 in the series, Focus on Fortification: New Research on Fortifications in the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East (Oxbow Books), the proceedings of an international conference held in Athens in December 2012, will also appear in 2015.