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A guide to leaving painful, destructive relationships behind—both at home and at work Toxic relationships often come disguised as seemingly normal ones. These subtly destructive relationships are characterized by the slow erosion of self-esteem, a loss of personal identity, or a growing desire to please friends, partners, and family members who are impossible to please. In this uplifting and informative book, transpersonal psychotherapist Avril Carruthers will take a close look at adult relationships to show why we get involved in toxic relationships in the first place, and instruct the reader on how to recognize if they’re involved in one. Once the toxic relationship is identified, the author shows the reader how to begin their journey toward healing and how to meet the world with a new kind of confidence, so that the cycle of toxic relationships can be broken once and for all. What Carruthers teaches is just how possible it can be to learn how to recognize the manipulative or sweetly corrosive partner, the family dynamics that make Christmas and other get-togethers seem like hell, or the nightmare boss who causes daily torment—and that we can learn to leave these painful, destructive patterns behind forever.
From the psychologist and author of Gaslighting comes a practical recovery plan outlining ten foundational steps to true healing. Surviving and escaping a toxic or abusive relationship can often only be part of the struggle. Long after, survivors often struggle to heal; your self‑esteem may be damaged, you may feel rage and betrayal, and you may punish and/or blame yourself. The author of Gaslighting and specialist in toxic behavior, narcissistic abuse, and personality disorders, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis has seen it all--and she is here to help you understand how to move forward. In Healing from Toxic Relationships, Dr. Sarkis extends compassion and knowledge to survivors, helping you understand the underpinnings of toxic behavior and how to find peace. Highlighting ten essential steps, Dr. Sarkis provides survivors with an accessible framework that can be applied to anyone preparing to heal: 1. Block or Limit Contact 2. Create Your Own Closure 3. Forgive Yourself 4. Establish Boundaries 5. Talk to a Professional 6. Practice Self‑Care 7. Reconnect 8. Grieve 9. Look Outward 10. Prevent: Keeping Toxic People Away Anyone who is in a toxic relationship—whether it's with a romantic partner, colleague, family member, or friend—deserves a way out and a path forward. Dr. Sarkis offers help and hope.
As social creatures, we simply have the need to interact with one another for various reasons. And as you've probably experienced for yourself, not all the people you've had relationships with were ultimately good for you. For example, I imagine that sometime in your past you've known someone who regularly irritated you, another person who belittled you or otherwise diminished your self-esteem, and someone else who was manipulative or dishonest with you. Of course, no relationship is perfect since no individual person is perfect, and occasionally you need to strike a compromise in order to help a relationship develop into its full potential. Believe it or not, with enough effort from both sides, even seemingly hopeless relationships can be salvaged. With all that said, however, it's important to stand your ground when someone (especially someone who's important to you) starts to do more harm than good in your life. Unfortunately, relationships with the wrong people can adversely affect your daily life and even impact how you relate with other people in the future. Therefore, it's critical that you identify a toxic relationship as soon as possible, and make a change before it's too late. This book is designed to provide you with insight and clarity as to the health of your relationship, and it will help you come to terms with the fact that not all relationships are good for you in the long run. I'm also going to show you how to work towards repairing a broken relationship, and if it's beyond repair (or your partner is unwilling), how to prepare to let go. While most of the discussion here is directed toward romantic couples, you can certainly apply the same principles and strategies to relationships with family and close friends as well.
True and lasting change is possible!There are countless self-help plans that promise to break bad habits. While some are effective at changing harmful patterns, true transformation is more than just avoiding destructive behaviors.What is the key to lasting life-change? The answer lies in your soul... and the things to which your soul...
A "Hand Up" for Women Stuck in the Toxic Love Rut Do romantic relationships leave you miserable and confused? Are you tired of getting into a relationship and as soon as the initial buzz is gone you get that sinking feeling that whispers, what am I doing? Did the new wear off as soon as the wedding bells rang? Experts say that we gravitate toward relationships within a ten-point spread of our own IQ. Likewise, in the realm of soul-health, we also attract those with whom we are most emotionally compatible. That can be a good thing, or a bad thing - it depends on how much baggage we carry around! What if there was a way to diagnose your soul-health and create a plan for improvement so you could enjoy more satisfying romantic relationships? Complete with an online Soul-Health Profile that will help you assess your own soul-health and identify areas of weaknesses, Love Junkies is just that - an action plan and detailed guide to help you eliminate toxic behaviors that jeopardize your soul health and keep you stuck in unhealthy relationships. You'll learn how to change your habits and heal your soul and most importantly, break the toxic relationship cycle! FOREWORD: By Shannon Ethridge, bestselling author of the Every Woman's Battle books with Steve Arterburn, and The Sexually Confident Woman.
Too Good to Go, Too Bad to Stay is a simple, comprehensive guide that offers a 5-step plan to help men and women heal from a toxic relationship, and know if they should stay or go. Toxic relationship behaviors are insidious in nature and slowly creep into relationships. They may start with jealous rage or controlling behavior and can include, but are not limited to unrealistic expectations, isolation, blame, hypersensitivity, dual personality, criticism, and contempt. Can a relationship like that get better? Is it bad enough that it’s time to leave? Psychotherapist and spiritual healer Joanne King offers men and women in toxic relationships simple ways to create healthy, loving relationships. Through cultivating self-awareness, gratitude, and self-compassion, readers learn to live life with purpose and intent and gain an understanding of how to determine whether to stay or go—and live their best life ever.
Your energy is limited - that's a basic truth you need to accept. Just like a car running on gas, or a battery that's slowly drained of power with each use, you too can run out of energy. But what sets you apart from these inanimate power sources is that you have a choice. You can choose where to spend your energy resources, and you can choose to avoid the vampires that sap you of vigor. What's unfortunate is that many of us don't actually know where or who these energy vampires might be. So, we end up basking in their presence, spending all of our time with them, and losing our energy as a result of their toxic personalities. Another issue is that many of us don't know why we need to avoid these types of people. What's so bad about having them hanging around? The thing about your energy is that it gives you the will to go through your day to day life - the less energy you have, the harder it becomes to cope with all the things you need to deal with. Hanging around energy vampires can make you feel tired and unhappy and might make it difficult to find the willingness to go through everyday life. But there's more to them than just that. When an energy vampire takes your positive energy, they replace it with negative energy. So aside from making you feel tired and unwilling, they can also plant seeds of anger, hate, sadness, bitterness, and other negative feelings that can have a strong impact on your outlook and the way you associate with other important people in your life. Soon enough, you yourself might become an energy vampire - bringing a cloud of sadness, anger, and destruction to the lives of others around you. And that isn't something any of us should ever want to be. Energy vampires exist all around us, and some of them might be less apparent than others. Taking the form of family members, close friends, and trusted coworkers, these people can effectively hide their true form and fool you into maintaining them in your life just so they can continue to exercise their power over your emotions. However, just like those ever-popular Hollywood vampires, real-life energy vampires can only enter if you invite them in. If you can figure out how to spot them in your life, you can cut them out, shut the door, and limit your interactions with them so that you won't have to suffer their toxicity. Now, you might be wondering, how exactly can you tell where these energy vampires are? What do they look like and how do they act? If they're close friends or family members, how do you cut them out without making them feel unwanted or disrespected? And finally, how can you protect yourself from letting new ones enter your life? In this book, you will learn more about: Comfortable with not knowing Causes of toxic/negative behavior Setting boundaries Moving on The toxic termination process Exercises to try Public and private images of narcissists A narcissistic mother's daughter Beating the narcissists at their own game Statistics on narcissistic personality disorder ... AND MORE!
A psychologist offers a roadmap for those looking to break free of toxic family relationships and thrive in the aftermath. Toxic family abuse is always two-fold. The first layer of abuse is the original poor treatment by toxic family members, and the second is someone’s denial of the ways in which abusers treat and harm them. Loving someone doesn’t always mean having a relationship with them, just like forgiveness doesn’t always mean reconciliation. A significant part of healing comes with accepting that there are some relationships that are so poisonous that they destroy one’s ability to be healthy and function best. But It’s Your Family is a remarkable account of what it means to cut ties to toxic family abuse and thrive in the aftermath. Inside, Dr. Sherrie Campbell clarifies: · How parents, adult children, siblings, grandparents, and in-laws can be toxic · The difference between flawed and toxic family members · Explaining the cutting of ties to children and others who may not understand · Spiritual and religious views on forgiveness · The definition of cutting ties and what No Contact actually means When readers are able to bring closure to those toxic relationships, they give themselves the space to love those family members from a distance, as fellow human beings, with the knowledge that it is unwise to remain connected. Readers learn how to love themselves in the process and fundamentally change their lives for the better!
I Am Free, the title of this book embodies its core message. For anyone who has the misfortune of being embroiled in a toxic love relationship or family relationship, the narratives shared by other survivors can serve as encouragement that escape is possible. None of the writers sugar coated their experiences or the degree of effort that it took to survive, leave and heal from such traumatic relationships. Time and again, these writers shared that, charmed by their partner, they ignored their inner voices when those early alarm bells rang. Many of these individuals were well-educated, and had successful careers, until... they sank into the quicksand of toxic partnership. These stories are brutally honest and chronicle the careful grooming process so typical of these kinds of unhealthy and damaging relationships. This makes for a challenging read and it is important that they be read as both a cautionary warning and an illuminating light so that others might escape and or avoid the perils that these stories narrate. Review "I'm sure this book will be a powerful guiding light for many people seeking to crawl out of the mire of narcissistic abuse. By providing insight and validation from the stories of other survivors, it will be a powerful force for growth and change in the life of the reader." - Richard Grannon BSc (hons) Author of How To Take Revenge On A Narcissist
Tired of Painful, Dysfunctional Relationships? It's time to Love Yourself More! Let's admit that a loving, safe, and passionate relationship isn't easy to create. However, it is possible to attract your dream partner and enjoy a happy, evolved relationship. If you've done all the right things yet still end up with emotionally toxic partners, have hope. You can find the love you deserve! It starts with choosing to love in a different way Love Beyond Your Dreams is a relationship book like no other. If you're experiencing post-traumatic shock from another lie or cheating lover, your partner has left you for another, you're questioning whether to stay or go, or you just want to get love right the next time, learn the warning signs of risky personality types to leave behind. Know the personal changes you need to heal, regain your self-esteem, reinvent yourself and have the most satisfying levels of human love. Part 1: How to spot an emotional manipulator or toxic person Part 2: How to stop the cycle of dysfunctional, abusive relationships Part 3: How to save and reinvent yourself and get on a path to healing Part 4: How to have a healthy, loving, evolved relationship Understand the critical issues that plague failed relationships. Toxic behaviors are identified, with unhealthy patterns and destructive personality traits clearly explained to help you understand your partner's actions and whether your relationship can be saved. Learn how to choose an evolved partner with characteristics essential to creating a loving relationship. Transform your relationship patterns and choose a magnificent partner to receive the love you deserve. Get ready to Love Beyond your Dreams! Riana Milne brings a proven professional and unique personal background to Love Beyond Your Dreams. She holds an MA in Applied Clinical & Counseling Psychology, has taught for over 30 years, is an expert Certified Relationship & Life Coach, and has practiced as a Professional counselor for over 14 years. This is the second book in the Beyond Your Dreams(TM) series. She addresses facing fears through knowledge, raised awareness and self-esteem, and reaching transformational personal and relationship success for a dream-filled life. Her app, My Relationship Coach, offers convenient coaching services. Riana's practice, Therapy by the Sea, is located in Palm Beach County, FL and Atlantic County, NJ, USA.