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(Peeters 1996)
REV. JOSEPH POHLE COLLECTION [9 BOOKS] — Quality Formatting and Value — Active Index, Multiple Table of Contents for all Books — Multiple Illustrations Joseph Pohle was a Catholic dogmatist . Pohle studied in Trier, Rome and even astronomy at Angelo Secchi and Würzburg (1879-1881). In 1878 he was ordained a priest. Pohle was initially in Baar , Switzerland teacher, then from 1883 to 1886 Professor of Moral Theology in Leeds , England, then a professor of exegesis and dogmatic, then from 1886 to 1889 professor of philosophy at the Philosophical-Theological University of Fulda . With Konstantin Gutberlet he founded in 1888 the Philosophical Yearbook. During 1889-1893 he taught in Washington as first cast of the newly founded Catholic University of apologetics. —BOOKS— CHRISTOLOGY: A DOGMATIC TREATISE ON THE INCARNATION ESCHATOLOGY OR THE CATHOLIC DOCTRINE OF THE LAST THINGS: A DOGMATIC TREATISE GOD: HIS KNOWABILITY, ESSENCE, AND ATTRIBUTES, A DOGMATIC TREATISE GOD: THE AUTHOR OF NATURE AND THE SUPERNATURAL: A DOGMATIC TREATISE GRACE, ACTUAL AND HABITUAL: A DOGMATIC TREATISE MARIOLOGY: A DOGMATIC TREATISE ON THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, MOTHER OF GOD SOTERIOLOGY: A DOGMATIC TREATISE ON THE REDEMPTION THE DIVINE TRINITY THE SACRAMENTS: A DOGMATIC TREATISE PUBLISHER: AETERNA PRESS
The traditional doctrine of God's universal causality holds that God directly causes all entities distinct from himself, including all creaturely actions. But can our actions be free in the strong, libertarian sense if they are directly caused by God? W. Matthews Grant argues that free creaturely acts have dual sources, God and the free creaturely agent, and are ultimately up to both in a way that leaves all the standard conditions for libertarian freedom satisfied. Offering a comprehensive alternative to existing approaches for combining theism and libertarian freedom, he proposes new solutions for reconciling libertarian freedom with robust accounts of God's providence, grace, and predestination. He also addresses the problem of moral evil without the commonly employed Free Will Defense. Written for analytic philosophers and theologians, Grant's approach can be characterized as “neo-scholastic” as well as “analytic,” since many of the positions defended are inspired by, consonant with, and develop resources drawn from the scholastic tradition, especially Aquinas.
This work is a fresh, unusually lucid approach to Christian theology and interfaith dialogue fromÊIndia.ÊIts basic aim is to examine the Christian consciousness of God's work in history--redemption history within the entire Êhistory of the world.ÊIt uses Christian Faith by Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) as its main text, so as to view this theme in a reversed order from the way it is presented there. This approach, which centers on God's new creation in Christ, leads to an incisive understanding of Christianity's relation to other modes of faith.ÊThroughout, Dr. Kunnuthara compares the thought of another Indian Christian leader steeped in Hindu thought, Pandippedi Chenchiah (1886-1959), to enable renewed interfaith dialogue across a wide spectrum.
This volume offers an original perspective on divine providence by examining philosophical, psychological, and theological perspectives on human providence as exhibited in virtuous human behaviours. Divine providence is one of the most pressing issues in analytic theology and philosophy of religion today, especially in view of scientific evidence for a natural world full of indeterminacies and contingencies. Therefore, we need new ways to understand and explain the relations of divine providence and creaturely action. The volume is structured dynamically, going from chapters on human providence to those on divine providence, and back. Drawing on insights from virtue ethics, psychology and cognitive science, the philosophy of providence in the face of contingent events, and the theology of grace, each chapter contributes to an original overall perspective: that human providential action is a resource suited specifically to personal action and hence related to the purported providential action of a personal God. By putting forward a fresh take on divine providence, this book enters new territory on an age-old issue. It will therefore be of great interest to scholars of theology and philosophy.
Drawing on modern physics and ancient metaphysics, Stephen H. Webb constructs a philosophy of Christian materialism based on the unity of matter and spirit in the incarnation.
Pro Ecclesia is a quarterly journal of theology published by the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology. It seeks to give contemporary expression to the one apostolic faith and its classic traditions, working for and manifesting the church's unity by research, theological construction, and free exchange of opinion. Members of its advisory council represent communities committed to the authority of Holy Scripture, ecumenical dogmatic teaching and the structural continuity of the church, and are themselves dedicated to maintaining and invigorating these commitments. The journal publishes biblical, liturgical, historical and doctrinal articles that promote or illumine its purposes. Ways to subscribe: Call toll-free: 800-273-2223 Email: [email protected] For back-issues, please contact [email protected] Editorial inquiries: Joseph Mangina, [email protected] Submissions should be sent by email attachment in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, with identifying marks removed for the purposes of blind peer review. Book review inquiries: Chad Pecknold, [email protected] Advertising inquiries: Charles Roth, Jr., [email protected] Subscription inquiries: [email protected] ISSN: 1063-8512
The claim that God is timeless has been the majority view throughout church history. However, it is not obvious that divine timelessness is compatible with fundamental Christian doctrines such as creation and incarnation. Theologians have long been aware of the conflict between divine timelessness and Christian doctrine, and various solutions to these conflicts have been developed. In contemporary thought, it is widely agreed that new theories on the nature of time can further help solve these conflicts. Do these solutions actually solve the conflict? Can the Christian God be timeless? The End of the Timeless God sets forth a thorough investigation into the Christian understanding of God and the God-world relationship. It argues that the Christian God cannot be timeless.
This book revisits the four major early-modern debates concerning the will of God. It appears that Reformed scholasticism advocated a particular and consistent relationship between divine knowledge, will, and power, which was altered by Jesuits, Remonstrants, Descartes, and Spinoza.