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The power-poor bourgeoisie, the town wage-earner, and the famer nagged by anxiety and hunger were the pariahs of French society who erupted, finally, with the French Revolution. From that revolution emergy a new society that set the pace for the peoples of all countries. This reader provides a documentary source for the study of key issues dividing French men and women on the eve of that momentous revolution of 1789. [Back cover].
It is characteristic of the European family of nations, as distinguished from the other great divisions of mankind, that among them different ideals of government and of life arise from time to time, and that before the whole of a community has entirely adopted one set of principles, the more advanced thinkers are already passing on to another. Throughout the western part of continental Europe, from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, absolute monarchy was superseding feudalism; and in France the victory of the newer over the older system was especially thorough. Then, suddenly, although not quite without warning, a third system was brought face to face with the two others. Democracy was born full-grown and defiant. It appealed at once to two sides of men's minds, to pure reason and to humanity. Why should a few men be allowed to rule a great multitude as deserving as themselves? Why should the mass of mankind lead lives full of labor and sorrow? These questions are difficult to answer...
Before the Terror and then the Napoleonic Wars made it impracticable to travel through France, many young British men and women were able to watch at first hand the changes taking place in French society an the agitations that were becoming increasingly loud for reform. This book, originally published in 1987, is a study of France in these crucial years seen through the eyes of the travellers. It marries the travellers’ accounts to analysis of the political state of France to produce a book equally illuminating of British taste and attitudies to France, and of the French political and social scene.
This work presents a concise summary of 18th-century French society, the fresh ideas of the Enlightenment, and how they contributed to the French Revolution. Edward Lowell provides a balanced portrait of the Ancien Regime, depicting the social classes, customs, politics, economics, and culture while detailing their strengths and flaws.
Reproduction of the original.
The publishing industry in France in the years before the Revolution was a lively and sometimes rough-and-tumble affair, as publishers and printers scrambled to deal with (and if possible evade) shifting censorship laws and tax regulations, in order to cater to a reading public's appetite for books of all kinds, from the famous Encyclopédie, repository of reason and knowledge, to scandal-mongering libel and pornography. Historian and librarian Robert Darnton uses his exclusive access to a trove of documents-letters and documents from authors, publishers, printers, paper millers, type founders, ink manufacturers, smugglers, wagon drivers, warehousemen, and accountants-involving a publishing house in the Swiss town of Neuchatel to bring this world to life. Like other places on the periphery of France, Switzerland was a hotbed of piracy, carefully monitoring the demand for certain kinds of books and finding ways of fulfilling it. Focusing in particular on the diary of Jean-François Favarger, a traveling sales rep for a Swiss firm whose 1778 voyage, on horseback and on foot, around France to visit bookstores and renew accounts forms the spine of this story, Darnton reveals not only how the industry worked and which titles were in greatest demand, but the human scale of its operations. A Literary Tour de France is literally that. Darnton captures the hustle, picaresque comedy, and occasional risk of Favarger's travels in the service of books, and in the process offers an engaging, immersive, and unforgettable narrative of book culture at a critical moment in France's history.