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I denne boka skriver Akash om sine erfaringer fra Bangladesh. Her får vi et innblikk i bangladeshiske samfunnsforhold, både på godt og vondt. Bangladesh er et fint ferieland, men samtidig kan landets myndigheter opptre brutalt og hensynsløst mot sine opposisjonelle innbyggere. Dette har Akash selv erfaring med. Forfatteren forteller videre hvordan det var å komme til Norge, og om sine opplevelser med nordmenn og deres kultur i et fritt og demokratisk land. Han kommer også med noen filosofiske betraktninger angående fred og menneskerettigheter, og hvordan vi alle kan jobbe for å få et sunt og demokratisk samfunn.
Mette er alene i Oslo når landet stenges ned i mars 2020. Inspirert av Isaac Newton, legger hun ut på en oppdagelsesreise i lys. Spekteret som åpner seg, involverer alle relasjoner. Også arbeidsdagen. Leseren tas med inn i en sanselig og nær verden hvor vitenskapsmenn, komponister, forfattere, filosofer og helgener er like naturlige hverdagsvenner som småfuglene, hageplantene, telefonen og katten uten navn.Komposisjoner av lys er bygget opp av fragmenter: biter av minner, fliker av samtaler, glimt av situasjoner, stemninger, sitater og refleksjoner. Den lodder dypt, men er lett å lese. Den er full av alvor, men også av morsomheter og absurditeter. Først og fremst er den menneskelig, og tilbyr et fellesskap der vi er på vårt mest ensomme. «Hun tar sats i hverdagsbetraktninger og sikter mot lengre tankerekker. Lett springer hun fra konkrete dagligdagse hendelser, taktile sansninger og observasjoner til eksistensiell tematikk. Sjarmerende tar hun leseren fra bare føtter og kattepels under fingrene, til Bibelen.»Astrid Fosvold, Vårt land«Elisabeth Thorsens første roman om presten Mettes liv og indre reise griper meg fra første stund. Det er et velskrevet og tankevekkende litterært verk som tar leserne inn i et univers som vi kan kjenne oss igjen i, men også en reise i teologiens og psykologiens verden.»Nina Hanssen, Fri fagbevegelse«En original fortelling som gir oss en ganske spesiell romanopplevelse. Den er både utfordrende, tankevekkende og en sjelden skjønnlitterær kilde til viktige refleksjoner.»Audun Mosevoll, Dagen«… en usedvanlig stimulerende roman som igangsetter mange og lange tankerekker og refleksjoner i leseren.»[Terningkast 5 Sigmund Jensen, Stavanger Aftenblad
Introduction to Nordic Cultures is an innovative, interdisciplinary introduction to Nordic history, cultures and societies from medieval times to today. The textbook spans the whole Nordic region, covering historical periods from the Viking Age to modern society, and engages with a range of subjects: from runic inscriptions on iron rings and stone monuments, via eighteenth-century scientists, Ibsen’s dramas and turn-of-the-century travel, to twentieth-century health films and the welfare state, nature ideology, Greenlandic literature, Nordic Noir, migration, ‘new’ Scandinavians, and stereotypes of the Nordic. The chapters provide fundamental knowledge and insights into the history and structures of Nordic societies, while constructing critical analyses around specific case studies that help build an informed picture of how societies grow and of the interplay between history, politics, culture, geography and people. Introduction to Nordic Cultures is a tool for understanding issues related to the Nordic region as a whole, offering the reader engaging and stimulating ways of discovering a variety of cultural expressions, historical developments and local preoccupations. The textbook is a valuable resource for undergraduate students of Scandinavian and Nordic studies, as well as students of European history, culture, literature and linguistics.
Increased attention to, and careful planning of the integration of migrants into Nordic societies is ever more important. Nature based integration is a new solution to respond to this need. This report presents the results of a Nordic survey and workshop and illustrates current practices of nature based integration by case study descriptions from Denmark, Sweden Norway and Finland. Across Nordic countries several practical projects and initiatives have been launched to promote the benefits of nature in integration and there is also growing academic interest in the topic. Nordic countries have the potential of becoming real forerunners in nature based integration even at the global scale.
I denne boka skriver Akash om sine erfaringer fra Bangladesh. Her får vi et innblikk i bangladeshiske samfunnsforhold, både på godt og vondt. Bangladesh er et fint ferieland, men samtidig kan landets myndigheter opptre brutalt og hensynsløst mot sine opposisjonelle innbyggere. Dette har Akash selv erfaring med. Forfatteren forteller videre hvordan det var å komme til Norge, og om sine opplevelser med nordmenn og deres kultur i et fritt og demokratisk land. Han kommer også med noen filosofiske betraktninger angående fred og menneskerettigheter, og hvordan vi alle kan jobbe for å få et sunt og demokratisk samfunn.
Despite having been revised and criticised over the years, the Declaration of Helsinki remains one of the most important and internationally known ethics codes worldwide. Yet we know relatively little about its historical origins or about the prolonged revision process which accompanied this "living document". The chapters presented in this volume look at the history and theory of human experimentation, assess the role of the Helsinki Declaration in an international context, and illustrate specific issues about the history and practice of research ethics through a number of case studies in the United States, Asia and Europe. To this day, the Declaration is one of the most important landmarks in human subject research which is aimed at protecting experimental subjects in society. The current volume offers a better and historically-informed understanding of the Declaration to ensure that the existing safeguards are not only preserved but developed and improved in the future. Die 1964 veroffentlichte Deklaration zu Helsinki ist einer der wichtigsten und international bekanntesten Kodizes zur Forschungsethik, dessen Entstehungsgeschichte von steter Kritik und zahlreichen Uberarbeitungen begleitet wurde. Dennoch weiss man relativ wenig uber die historischen Wurzeln und Novellierungsprozesse dieses "gewachsenen Dokuments" der Medizingeschichte. Bis zum heutigen Tag ist die Deklaration einer der bedeutendsten Wegweiser fur die Forschung am Menschen, deren grundsatzliches Ziel es ist, Versuchspersonen in medizinischen Experimenten zu schutzen. Der Band beleuchtet Geschichte und Theorie der Experimente am Menschen, untersucht die Rolle der Deklaration im internationalen Kontext und illustriert spezifische Themen zur Geschichte und Praxis der Forschungsethik anhand von Fallstudien zu den USA, Asien und Europa. Ausserdem geben die Studien Einblick in die Entstehungsgeschichte der Deklaration - nicht nur um die bestehenden Standards zum Schutz von Versuchspersonen zu bewahren, sondern auch um diese zukunftig weiterzuentwickeln und zu verbessern. Aus dem Inhalt Ulf Schmidt / Andreas Frewer: History and Ehtics of Human Experimentation: the Twisted Road to Helsinki. An Introduction History and Theory of Medical Research Ethics Ulrich Trohler: The Long Road of Moral Concern: Doctors' Ethos and Statute Law Relating to Human Research in Europe Dietrich von Engelhardt: The Historical and Philosophical Background of Ethics in Clinical Research Ulf Schmidt: The Nuremberg Doctors' Trial and the Nuremberg Code Till Barnighausen: Communicating "Tainted Science" The Japanese Biological Warfare Experiments on Human Subjects in China The Helsinki Declaration in an International Context Susan E. Lederer: Research Without Borders: The Origins of the Declaration of Helsinki Povl Riis: Forty Years of the Declaration of Helsinki: Progress in Medical Ethics? Kati Myllymaki: Revising the Declaration of Helsinki: An Insiders' View Robert Carlson / Kenneth Boyd / David Webb: The Interpretation of Codes of Medical Ethics: Some Lessons from the Fifth Revision of the Declaration of Helsinki David Willcox: Medical Ethics and Public Perception: The Declaration of Helsinki and its Revisions in 2000 Dominique Sprumont / Sara Girardin / Trudo Lemmens: The Helsinki Declaration and the Law: An International and Comparative Analysis History and Ethics of Research - International Perspectives Andreas Frewer: History of Medicine and Ethics in Conflict: Research on National Socialism as Moral Problem Ulf Schmidt: Medical Ethics and Human Experiments at Porton Down: Informed Consent in Britain's Biological and Chemical Warfare Experiments John Williams: The Declaration of Helsinki. The Importance of Context Jonathan D. Moreno: Helsinki into the Future. An Epilogue Key Documents on the History of Research Ethics Circular of the Reich Minister of the Interior Concerning Guidelines for New Therapy and Human Experimentation (Berlin, 1931) - The Nuremberg Code (1947) - World Medical Association: Declaration of Helsinki I (1964) - World Medical Association: Declaration of Helsinki II (Tokyo, 1975) - Council of Europe: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo, 1997) - World Medical Association: Declaration of Helsinki (2004)
This book discusses egalitarianism in Scandinavian countries through historically oriented and empirically based studies on social and political change. The chapters engage with issues related to social class, political conflict, the emergence of the welfare state, public policy, and conceptualizations of equality. Throughout, the contributors discuss and sometimes challenge existing notions of the social and cultural complexity of Scandinavia. For example, how does egalitarianism in these nations differ from other contemporary manifestations of egalitarianism? Is it meaningful to continue to nurture the idea of Scandinavian exceptionalism in an age of economic crises and globalization? The book also proposes that egalitarianism is not merely a relationship between specific, influential enlightenment ideas and patterns of policy, but an aspect of social organization characterized by specific forms of political tension, mobilization, and conflict resolution-as well as emerging cultural values such as individual autonomy.
The Open Access version of this book, available at has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. No city environment reflects the meaning of urban life better than a public place. A public place, whatever its nature—a park, a mall, a train platform or a street corner—is where people pass by, meet each other and at times become a victim of crime. With this book, we submit that crime and safety in public places are not issues that can be easily dealt with within the boundaries of a single discipline. The book aims to illustrate the complexity of patterns of crime and fear in public places with examples of studies on these topics contextualized in different cities and countries around the world. This is achieved by tackling five cross-cutting themes: the nature of the city’s environment as a backdrop for crime and fear; the dynamics of individuals’ daily routines and their transit safety; the safety perceptions experienced by those who are most in fear in public places; the metrics of crime and fear; and, finally, examples of current practices in promoting safety. All these original chapters contribute to our quest for safer, more inclusive, resilient, equitable and sustainable cities and human settlements aligned to the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.