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Followers of the New Thought movement of the early 20th century vehemently believed in the concept of "mind over matter.,." and this 1903 book may well have been their guide to achieving it. One of the most influential thinkers of this early "New Age" philosophy here demonstrates how to achieve the ultimate indulgence of the "pure spirit" that defines us all. Yogi Ramacharaka explains how to shed the "sheaths that prevent its full expression" via: . the astral plane . the instinctive mind . the spiritual mind . the human aura . thought dynamics . clairvoyance and telepathy . personal magnetism . occult therapeutics . spiritual cause and effect . and more. American writer WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON (1862-1932) was editor of the popular magazine New Thought from 1901 to 1905, and editor of the journal Advanced Thought from 1916 to 1919. He authored dozens of New Thought books under numerous pseudonyms, some of which are likely still unknown today, including "Yogi Ramacharaka" and "Theron Q. Dumont."
Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and inner exploration with Yogi Ramacharaka's transformative guide, "Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism." In this illuminating book, Ramacharaka shares ancient wisdom teachings and practical insights drawn from the traditions of yoga and Eastern mysticism, offering readers a comprehensive roadmap for achieving enlightenment and self-realization. With clarity and depth, Ramacharaka explores the fundamental principles of Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism, including the nature of the mind, the power of meditation, and the secrets of cosmic consciousness. Through a series of fourteen lessons, he guides readers on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, providing practical exercises and spiritual practices to help them unlock their inner potential and connect with the divine. "Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism" is more than just a book-it's a guide to living a life of harmony, balance, and spiritual fulfillment. Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding of yoga, explore the mysteries of the universe, or awaken to your true nature, Ramacharaka's timeless wisdom offers invaluable guidance and inspiration to help you navigate the complexities of the spiritual path and realize your highest potential. Join Yogi Ramacharaka on a journey of exploration and enlightenment as you uncover the secrets of Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. With "Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism" as your guide, you'll gain the insight, clarity, and spiritual practices needed to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery and transformation, leading to a life of joy, peace, and spiritual fulfillment.
These "Fourteen Lessons" are an introduction to some of the most important recorded wisdoms of our time. Embers of this sacred knowledge can faintly be seen through the veils of almost every religion, including the new age movement. Each doctrine seems to have a piece of this grail, but none contain it in its entirety. This book contains the original correspondence course, mailed out monthly over a century ago, to the homes of eager students of esoteric philosophy, (the course's mantrams, meditations and class notes have been included as well.) Humanity's eternal quest for the meaning of life so often leads to the Infinite statement: "Man, know thyself." Within this book are elementary teachings on the Law of Karma (spiritual cause and effect, ) the material/physical body, the instinctive mind, spiritual consciousness, global unity, Oneness, compassion and Love. Humans are extraordinary biological/spiritual machines, your abilities are vast, this book also explains the truth behind our pineal glands, Prana and Pranic healing, the meaning of auras and their colours, the genuine power of thought and emotion and what happens after the change called "death," the astral world, our astral bodies and far, far beyond. This course was a gentle, elementary introduction to the ageless, intricate scientific/spiritual knowledge of Theosophy, a loving esoteric, ethical teaching of universal unity and true service of humanity. The purpose of republishing these lessons with a modern introduction is to place them out in front once again. I wish to make them visible on bookshelves and online, so that any and all may be able to study, learn and grow from them as I have been able to do.
This series of lessons will be as seed planted in fertile soil, which will in due time put forth sprouts which will force their way gradually into the sunlight of consciousness, where they will put forth leaves, blossom, and fruit. Many of the fragments of truth which will be presented to you will not be recognized by you at this time, but in years to come you will recognize the verity of the impressions which will be conveyed to you in these lessons, and then, and then only, will you make these truths your own. We intend to speak to you just as if you were gathered before us in person, and as if we were standing before you in the flesh. We feel sure that the bond of sympathy between us will soon grow so strong and real that as you read our words you will feel our presence almost as strongly as if we were with you in person. We will be with you in spirit, and, according to our philosophy, the student who is in harmonious sympathy with his teachers really establishes a psychic connection with them, and is in consequence enabled to grasp the "spirit" of the teaching and to receive the benefit of the teacher's thought in a degree impossible to one who merely reads the words in cold print.