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Since its beginnings with Fourier (and as far back as the Babylonian astron omers), harmonic analysis has been developed with the goal of unraveling the mysteries of the physical world of quasars, brain tumors, and so forth, as well as the mysteries of the nonphysical, but no less concrete, world of prime numbers, diophantine equations, and zeta functions. Quoting Courant and Hilbert, in the preface to the first German edition of Methods of Mathematical Physics: "Recent trends and fashions have, however, weakened the connection between mathematics and physics. " Such trends are still in evidence, harmful though they may be. My main motivation in writing these notes has been a desire to counteract this tendency towards specialization and describe appli cations of harmonic analysis in such diverse areas as number theory (which happens to be my specialty), statistics, medicine, geophysics, and quantum physics. I remember being quite surprised to learn that the subject is useful. My graduate eduation was that of the 1960s. The standard mathematics graduate course proceeded from Definition 1. 1. 1 to Corollary 14. 5. 59, with no room in between for applications, motivation, history, or references to related work. My aim has been to write a set of notes for a very different sort of course.
Discover applications of Fourier analysis on finite non-Abeliangroups The majority of publications in spectral techniques considerFourier transform on Abelian groups. However, non-Abelian groupsprovide notable advantages in efficient implementations of spectralmethods. Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in SignalProcessing and System Design examines aspects of Fourieranalysis on finite non-Abelian groups and discusses differentmethods used to determine compact representations for discretefunctions providing for their efficient realizations and relatedapplications. Switching functions are included as an example ofdiscrete functions in engineering practice. Additionally,consideration is given to the polynomial expressions and decisiondiagrams defined in terms of Fourier transform on finitenon-Abelian groups. A solid foundation of this complex topic is provided bybeginning with a review of signals and their mathematical modelsand Fourier analysis. Next, the book examines recent achievementsand discoveries in: Matrix interpretation of the fast Fourier transform Optimization of decision diagrams Functional expressions on quaternion groups Gibbs derivatives on finite groups Linear systems on finite non-Abelian groups Hilbert transform on finite groups Among the highlights is an in-depth coverage of applications ofabstract harmonic analysis on finite non-Abelian groups in compactrepresentations of discrete functions and related tasks in signalprocessing and system design, including logic design. All chaptersare self-contained, each with a list of references to facilitatethe development of specialized courses or self-study. With nearly 100 illustrative figures and fifty tables, this isan excellent textbook for graduate-level students and researchersin signal processing, logic design, and system theory-as well asthe more general topics of computer science and appliedmathematics.
Although the Fourier transform is among engineering's most widely used mathematical tools, few engineers realize that the extension of harmonic analysis to functions on groups holds great potential for solving problems in robotics, image analysis, mechanics, and other areas. This self-contained approach, geared toward readers with a standard background in engineering mathematics, explores the widest possible range of applications to fields such as robotics, mechanics, tomography, sensor calibration, estimation and control, liquid crystal analysis, and conformational statistics of macromolecules. Harmonic analysis is explored in terms of particular Lie groups, and the text deals with only a limited number of proofs, focusing instead on specific applications and fundamental mathematical results. Forming a bridge between pure mathematics and the challenges of modern engineering, this updated and expanded volume offers a concrete, accessible treatment that places the general theory in the context of specific groups.
Well, finally, here it is-the long-promised "Revenge of the Higher Rank Symmetric Spaces and Their Fundamental Domains." When I began work on it in 1977, I would probably have stopped immediately if someone had told me that ten years would pass before I would declare it "finished." Yes, I am declaring it finished-though certainly not perfected. There is a large amount of work going on at the moment as the piles of preprints reach the ceiling. Nevertheless, it is summer and the ocean calls. So I am not going to spend another ten years revising and polishing. But, gentle reader, do send me your corrections and even your preprints. Thanks to your work, there is an Appendix at the end of this volume with corrections to Volume I. I said it all in the Preface to Volume I. So I will try not to repeat myself here. Yes, the "recent trends" mentioned in that Preface are still just as recent.
Suitable for graduate students in mathematics, this monograph covers differential and symplectic geometry, homogeneous symplectic manifolds, Fourier analysis, metaplectic representation, quantization, Kirillov theory. Includes Appendix on Quantum Mechanics by Robert Hermann. 1977 edition.
This text is an introduction to harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces, focusing on advanced topics such as higher rank spaces, positive definite matrix space and generalizations. It is intended for beginning graduate students in mathematics or researchers in physics or engineering. As with the introductory book entitled "Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces - Euclidean Space, the Sphere, and the Poincaré Upper Half Plane, the style is informal with an emphasis on motivation, concrete examples, history, and applications. The symmetric spaces considered here are quotients X=G/K, where G is a non-compact real Lie group, such as the general linear group GL(n,P) of all n x n non-singular real matrices, and K=O(n), the maximal compact subgroup of orthogonal matrices. Other examples are Siegel's upper half "plane" and the quaternionic upper half "plane". In the case of the general linear group, one can identify X with the space Pn of n x n positive definite symmetric matrices. Many corrections and updates have been incorporated in this new edition. Updates include discussions of random matrix theory and quantum chaos, as well as recent research on modular forms and their corresponding L-functions in higher rank. Many applications have been added, such as the solution of the heat equation on Pn, the central limit theorem of Donald St. P. Richards for Pn, results on densest lattice packing of spheres in Euclidean space, and GL(n)-analogs of the Weyl law for eigenvalues of the Laplacian in plane domains. Topics featured throughout the text include inversion formulas for Fourier transforms, central limit theorems, fundamental domains in X for discrete groups Γ (such as the modular group GL(n,Z) of n x n matrices with integer entries and determinant ±1), connections with the problem of finding densest lattice packings of spheres in Euclidean space, automorphic forms, Hecke operators, L-functions, and the Selberg trace formula and its applications in spectral theory as well as number theory.
This unique text is an introduction to harmonic analysis on the simplest symmetric spaces, namely Euclidean space, the sphere, and the Poincaré upper half plane. This book is intended for beginning graduate students in mathematics or researchers in physics or engineering. Written with an informal style, the book places an emphasis on motivation, concrete examples, history, and, above all, applications in mathematics, statistics, physics, and engineering. Many corrections and updates have been incorporated in this new edition. Updates include discussions of P. Sarnak and others' work on quantum chaos, the work of T. Sunada, Marie-France Vignéras, Carolyn Gordon, and others on Mark Kac's question "Can you hear the shape of a drum?", A. Lubotzky, R. Phillips and P. Sarnak's examples of Ramanujan graphs, and, finally, the author's comparisons of continuous theory with the finite analogues. Topics featured throughout the text include inversion formulas for Fourier transforms, central limit theorems, Poisson's summation formula and applications in crystallography and number theory, applications of spherical harmonic analysis to the hydrogen atom, the Radon transform, non-Euclidean geometry on the Poincaré upper half plane H or unit disc and applications to microwave engineering, fundamental domains in H for discrete groups Γ, tessellations of H from such discrete group actions, automorphic forms, and the Selberg trace formula and its applications in spectral theory as well as number theory.