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Early literacy is tackled from different angles. Researchers from Germany, Spain and Australia focus on learning to read and spell in two languages as well as on models and stages in the acquisition of literacy. Finally first teaching methods are suggested. Early literacy is put on a well founded empirical basis to ensure successful foreign language learning at primary school level. Früher Schrifterwerb wird aus verschiedenen Winkeln beleuchtet. Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland, Spanien und Australien äußern sich zu zweisprachigem Lesen- und Schreibenlernen sowie zu Modellen und Stufen im Schrifterwerb. Schließlich werden erste Vermittlungsansätze vorgeschlagen. Frühes Lesen und Schreiben wird auf eine solide empirische Basis gesetzt, um erfolgreiches frühes Fremdsprachenlernen zu gewährleisten.
Grundschulenglisch kompetent unterrichten Qualitativ hochwertiger Englischunterricht in der Grundschule hängt vor allem von der professionellen Kompetenz der Lehrkräfte ab. Der vorliegende Band in englischer Sprache behandelt in 13 Kapiteln grundlegende Themen und Konzepte für deren Entwicklung in Aus- und Fortbildung sowie im Selbststudium. Der Praxisband geht auf die besonderen Bedingungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein und berücksichtigt die internationalen Forschungen zum Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Grundschule. Er ist dabei dem aufgabenorientierten Lehren und Lernen verpflichtet. Ausgehend von der Heterogenität heutiger Grundschulkinder und der Komplexität des fremdsprachlichen Klassenzimmers veranschaulichen die Kapitel den Zusammenhang von didaktischer Theorie und Unterrichtspraxis. Die Themen umfassen u. a. aufgabenorientiertes Lehren und Lernen, Classroom Management, Integration der Fertigkeiten, Focus on Form, Arbeit mit literarischen Texten, kulturelles Lernen, Einsatz von Medien und Materialien, fächerübergreifendes Lernen und den Übergang in die Sekundarstufe. Hinweise zur vertiefenden Lektüre und zahlreiche Unterrichtsbeispiele ergänzen die Kapitel. Der Band richtet sich an Studierende, an Referendarinnen und Referendare und an Lehrkräfte in der Grundschule, die sich für einen Englischunterricht einsetzen, der die Lebenswelten der Lernenden ernst nimmt und der die Lernenden bei der Entwicklung ihrer Englischkompetenzen unterstützt. Er eignet sich zur Grundlage von Seminaren und zum Selbststudium. ___________________ The present volume provides a comprehensive introduction to the teaching of English at primary school. Following a task-based and learner-oriented approach, the volume focuses on the German teaching context while taking relevant international research into account. Starting from the diverse lived experience of today ́s primary school children and the complexity of the foreign language classroom, the 13 chapters illustrate how theory and classroom practice relate to each other. Topics include learning through tasks, classroom management, the integration of skills, focus on form, working with literature, cultural learning, the use of media and teaching materials, integrating subject matter and the transition to secondary school. The chapters present a variety of classroom examples and suggestions for further reading. The volume is aimed at students, trainee teachers and primary school teachers. It is a helpful resource for both pre-service and in-service teacher education.
In this publication national and international researchers working in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, applied linguistics and educational sciences are presenting their current research in the area of primary EFL teacher education. The starting point of this collection was the general shift in educational research towards the role of teachers as well as towards facets of the teaching profession and their relative contributions to successful and 'good' education. All contributions to this volume focus primarily on hitherto insufficiently researched as¬pects of the professional development of primary EFL teachers. This book is thus contributing to closing existing research gaps as well as giving impetus for future studies and increasing communication about research on the professional development of EFL teachers in related disciplines. Aside from an overview of teaching primary EFL in Europe and beyond, the contributors are presenting up-to-date research on policy and practice of primary EFL teacher education, in-service training as well as professional competences and beliefs of primary EFL teachers. Edited by Eva Wilden and Raphaela Porsch, this interdisciplinary book provides contributions from Nora Benitt, Henriette Dausend, Ann-Cathrin Deters-Philipp, Janet Enever, Alicia Jöckel, Johannes König, Angelika Kubanek, Sandra Lammerding, Rama Mathew, Günter Nold, Annamaria Pinter, Thorsten Piske, Shelagh Rixon, Andreas Rohde, Henning Rossa, Bianca Roters, Sarah Strauß and Sarantis Tachtsoglou.
Bilinguale Unterrichtsformen sind in einem mehrsprachigen Europa derzeit stark angesagt, sowohl in der Grund- als auch der Sekundarschule. Diese Einführung gibt einen guten Überblick über aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Konzepte, Fragen und Praktiken des bilingualen Unterrichts in der Primarstufe. Das Buch wendet sich gleichermaßen an Lehrkräfte, Referendare und Studierende und informiert über Chancen und Grenzen, die bei der Einführung bilingualer Unterrichtsprogramme wie CLIL, Immersion oder bilinguale Module berücksichtigt werden müssen. Jedes Kapitel enthält eine Kurzzusammenfassung, vor- und nachbereitende Fragen zum Text sowie Literaturempfehlungen zu den einzelnen Bereichen.
This volume documents international, national, and small-scale testing and assessment projects of English language education for young learners, across a range of educational contexts. It covers three main areas: age-appropriate ‘can do statements’ and task types for teaching and testing learners between the ages of 6 to 13; innovative approaches to self-assessment, diagnostic testing, self- perception, and computer-based testing; and findings on how young learners perform on vocabulary, listening, speaking, pronunciation, and reading comprehension tests in European and Asian contexts. Early language learning has become a major trend in English language education around the globe. As a result of the spread of teaching English to a growing number of young children, assessment of and for learning have emerged as key issues. In line with this development, there is a clear and emerging need to make early language programs accountable and to assess both the progress children make over time and to quantify their achievement at various stages of development. This volume informs stakeholders about the realistic goals of early language learning, their efficiency, and how much progress children make over time.
This publication is a result of the joint conference held by MATSDA and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, in Tilburg in June 2017. MATSDA is an international materials development association founded in 1993 which serves to bring together researchers, teachers, materials developers and publishers in an effort to improve the effectiveness of language learning materials. The 2017 conference centred on issues related to the development of meaning-focused materials for language learning, and attracted presenters from twenty-five countries stretching from Greenland to Brazil. These issues are reflected in the chapters in this volume, with each one focusing on a different aspect of meaning-focused materials and many of them introducing the reader to previously unexplored facets of the theory of meaning-focused instruction and its application to materials development. The contributions here are of essential value to post-graduate students, to teachers, to materials developers and to researchers. They are written to be academically rigorous, but at the same time accessible to newcomers to the field and to experienced experts alike.
An increasing number of multilingual students, often with a migration background, are attending elementary schools in Germany these days. Also on the rise is the number of schools offering a bilingual program, where content subjects such as science and mathematics are taught in a foreign language. This book explores minority and majority language students' German and English reading and writing skills in elementary schools which offer either regular English-as-subject lessons or bilingual programs with varying degrees of English intensity. The focus is on effects of foreign language input intensity with respect to students' language background, gender, cognitive abilities, and socio-economic background. This book also provides recommendations for English reading and writing activities in the elementary school classroom.
This book draws on theories of second language acquisition (SLA) to illustrate how interactive white board technology can be exploited to support language acquisition. It examines interaction, collaboration and negotiation of meaning and focus on form in the communicative language classroom in primary, secondary and vocational schools. In recent years new technologies have been incorporated into second and foreign language education as tools for implementing teaching methodologies. IWBs have established their role in the field of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and are an effective and inspiring tool which motivates both teachers and learners. Although the number of IWBs in classrooms has rapidly increased over the past decade in many parts of the world, teacher training materials and pedagogical support for the design, evaluation and implementation of IWB-based materials in the foreign language classroom has not kept pace. Research also shows that language teachers do not always use IWBs in pedagogically sound ways. There is a real need for the development of training models and examples of good practice which can support teachers in developing the necessary competencies for exploiting the IWB in ways consistent with current theories of language teaching pedagogy.This book provides that best practice and gives a full account of in-depth research in an accessible manner.
This ethnographic case study is set within a collaborative research project in which teachers and researchers investigate early English as a Foreign Language (eEFL) tasks in theory and practice in German primary schools. Results are obtained through an interpretation of multiple sources within an interdiscursive, multi-perspectived research agenda. The results suggest that eEFL tasks can emerge during an interplay of four key teaching practices: doing school, providing space for learners to communicate, building a vocabulary and teaching the spoken language.