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The average American spends 18 hours indoors for every hour spent outdoors. There-fore, the quality of air indoors is important and can impact human health. The ozonolysis of monoterpenes impacts indoor pollutant exposure because those reactions generate second-ary organic aerosols (SOA), which are condensed phase airborne particulate matter. Ozone (OR3R) typically infiltrates indoors with outdoor air, and monoterpenes (CR10RHR16R) are unsaturated hydrocarbons emitted from consumer products, such as air fresheners and cleaning agents. Organic aerosol mass formation owing to terpene oxidation can be parameterized with aerosol mass fraction (AMF). The AMF is the ratio of the produced SOA mass to the terpene mass that is oxidized, and it is not constant and increases concurrent with more or-ganic aerosol being available. Prior to this work, prediction of indoor-formed SOA was limited in accuracy because indoor models assumed a constant AMF. As such, the first main objective of this work was to develop an improved indoor formation model that could account for varying AMFs, which was validated with field and laboratory measurements in the literature. Furthermore, current available AMF data in the literature were from atmospheric studies and were measured mostly in unventilated smog chambers for ozone-excess conditions, which is not realistic in most indoor settings. Therefore, the second main objective of this work was to determine the impact of the building air exchange rate (hP-1P), which is the volume normalized airflow through a space, on the AMF of SOA formed due to monoterpene ozonolysis. To do so, two series of experiments were performed with limonene and [alpha]-pinene in a chamber at different air exchange rates (AER) and at realistic concentrations to study the AER and initial reactants' concentrations on SOA formation and the AMF. Limonene ozonolysis AMFs ranged from 0.026 to 0.47, and [alpha]-pinene AMFs ranged from 0.071 to 0.25. Results indicated that as AER increased, the AMF strongly decreased for limonene, but for [alpha]-pinene the impact was in the opposite direction and weaker. Also, for limonene ozonolysis, the ratio of ozone-limonene initial concentrations affected SOA formation positively. These differences arise due to molecular structural differences: Limonene has two double bonds, and secondary ozone chemistry with the remaining exocyclic bond in the SOA phase is the driving factor; [alpha]-pinene only has one, and resulting AER impacts are due to removal of concentrations and competing loss effects. Moreover, limonene has a greater potential to influence indoor SOA concentrations than [alpha]-pinene. Finally, the first and second objectives focused only on aerosol mass formation, but experiments revealed differences in the resulting aerosol size distributions and number for-mation. For instance, the peak number concentration was decreased for both limonene and [alpha]-pinene ozonolysis as the AER increased. It is due to the fact that exchange of air with outdoors shortens residence time of reactants and continuous removal of indoor air causes a non-equilibrium condition between the gaseous and the particle phases. In the third and final objective of this dissertation, I developed a model to predict the size distribution evolution, which can be used in the future to explore the drivers of the evolution of the SOA size distribution indoors.
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is associated with human health due to people spending most of their time indoors. Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation is an important source of fine airborne particles, which can cause acute airway effects and decreased lung function. SOA is a product of reactive organic gas (ROG) ozonolysis, which can be parameterized by the aerosol mass fraction (AMF). The AMF is the ratio of SOA formation mass to the reacted ROG mass, and it is positively correlated with the total organic aerosol mass concentration. Îł-Terpineol is a terpenoid that can have a strong emission rate indoors owing to consumer product usage. It reacts strongly with oxidants such as ozone, hydroxyl radical (OH), and nitrate radical (NO3), where those radicals are produced indoors due to ozone reaction with alkenes or nitrogen dioxide (NO2), respectively. Due to the fast reaction rates of Îł-terpineol with these oxidants, SOA formation has the potential to increase in-door fine particle concentrations. However, SOA formation from Îł-terpineol has not been systematically quantified. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to quantify SOA formation owing to Îł-terpineol ozonolysis, for two sets of experiments, one without and one with NO2 present. In the first set of 21 experiments, the SOA formation initiated by reacting 6.39 to 226 ppb Îł-terpineol with high ozone (~25 ppm) to ensure rapid and complete ozonolysis for high (0.84 h8́21), moderate (0.61 h8́21) and low (0.36 h8́21) air exchange rates (AER) was studied in a stainless steel chamber system. The resulting SOA mass formation was parameterized with the AMF for all experiments. The impact of reacted Îł-terpineol and AERs on AMFs as well as the SOA size distribution was investigated, and different AMF models (one-product, two-product, and volatility basis set) were fit to the AMF data. Predictive modeling investigated the impact of the SOA formation from Îł-terpineol ozonolysis in residential indoor air. Furthermore, a second set of 21 experiments in a Teflon bag operated as semi-batch reactor explored the impact of NO2 at 0 to 2000 ppb on SOA formation from Îł-terpineol ranging from 20 ppb to 200 ppb with excess ozone (~25ppm). In this system, ozone can either initiate reactions with Îł-terpineol to produce organic peroxy radicals (RO28́9) or react with NO2 to produce NO3, which can react with Îł-terpineol. For analysis of results, we classified experiments by logarithmic spacing into four groups according to the initial ratio of VOC/NO2 values. SOA mass was again parameterized by the AMF as a function of the organic aerosol concentration. The impact of VOC/NO2 on SOA mass as well as the SOA size distribution was investigated, and the SOA composition for each grouping of experiments was elucidated by the kinetic modeling. Finally, this SOA formation was put into context using the 'secondary intake fraction' (siF), which is a developed metric that evaluates SOA exposure during various human activities. The siF is defined as the up-taken mass of a secondary product for an exposed individual per unit mass of primary product emitted during human residential activities, over a given exposure time. The siF for individual intake was evaluated for SOA formation from d-limonene, Îł-terpineol, or Îł-pinene ozonolysis in five residential scenarios, including: I. Constant emission, II. Pulse emission, III. Surface cleaning, IV. Solution cleaning, and V. Skin cleaning. For a given input set, a transient model was used to predict SOA concentrations and the siF, using inputs cast as probability distributions within a Monte Carlo approach. Multiple linear regression techniques were applied to fit siF values for the five scenarios, for use in sensitivity analyses. Also, the multiple linear regression results can be used to predict the siF and the potential for human intake of SOA within exposure models.
This book presents a comprehensive and detailed overview of indoor pollution, covering the main contaminants in the indoor environment – air and dust, the health aspects of exposure, and different possibilities for a risk assessment. The book outlines the chemical substances and physical and biological factors that occur more frequently indoors, which are of health significance, or for which only limited information on their occurrence indoors is available to date. It also provides guidance to identify where problems may arise in the future and where data is missing for a valid exposure and risk assessment as well as for consequent risk management. Written by a highly recognized and experienced medical expert in the field, the book starts with an introduction to the indoor environment, including topics such as indoor environmental quality and health, indoor climate, sampling of indoor pollutants, and measures to improve indoor air quality. The author then delves into the fundamentals of exposure assessment and special exposure indoor situations, followed by in-depth coverage of the health aspects, and indoor air occurrence of several substances such as volatile organic compounds, very volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, and particulate matters and fibers. Particular attention is given to bioaerosols like mold, microbial volatile organic compounds, mycotoxins, and viruses. Readers will also find chapters devoted to the main health aspects and indoor occurrence of inorganic gases, radon and metals, and smoking. The book closes with a chapter on risk assessment, in which readers will learn more about the basics of risk assessment, key points and processes of a health evaluation, and guidance for assessing indoor air contamination. This book is a unique compilation of the current worldwide exposure situation in private and public indoor spaces, and an important reference for researchers that are willing to assess the rising burden of disease and potential causes behind degraded indoor air quality. Scientists, students, and policymakers interested in the fields of medicine and environmental sciences will understand the appeal of this book.
People live in indoor environment about 90% of lifetime and an adult inhales about 15 kg air each day, over 75% of the human body’s daily mass intake (air, food, water). Therefore, indoor air quality (IAQ) is very important to human health. This book provides the basic knowledge of IAQ and highlights the research achievements in the past two decades. It covers the following 12 sections: introduction, indoor air chemicals, indoor air particles, measurement and evaluation, source/sink characteristics, indoor chemistry, human exposure to indoor pollutants, health effects and health risk assessment, IAQ and cognitive performance, standards and guidelines, IAQ control, and air quality in various indoor environments. It provides a combination of an introduction to various aspects on IAQ studies, the current state-of-knowledge, various advances and the perspective of IAQ studies. It will be very helpful for the researchers and technicians in the IAQ and the related fields. It is also useful for experts in other fields and general readers who want to obtain a basic understanding of and research advances in the field of IAQ. A group of experts in IAQ research have been recruited to write the chapters. Their research interests and experience cover the scope of the book. In addition, some experienced experts in IAQ field have been invited as advisors or reviewers to give their comments, suggestions and revisions on the handbook framework and the chapter details. Their contribution guarantees the quality of the book. We are very grateful to them. Last but not least, we express our heartfelt thanks to Prof. Spengler, Harvard University, for writing the foreword of the current Handbook of Indoor Air Quality both as a pioneer scientist who contributed greatly to indoor air science and as an Editor-in-chief of Handbook of Indoor Air Quality 2001, 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. In addition to hard copies, the book is also published online and will be updated by the authors as needed to keep it aligned with current knowledge. These salient features can make the handbook fresh with the research development.
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