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In the US South, wood-based bioenergy schemes are being promoted and implemented through a powerful vision merging social, environmental, and economic benefits for rural, forest-dependent communities. While this dominant narrative has led to heavy investment in experimental technologies and rural development, many complexities and complications have emerged during implementation. Forests as Fuel draws on extensive multi-sited ethnography to ground the story of wood-based bioenergy in the biophysical, economic, political, social, and cultural landscape of this region. This book contextualizes energy issues within the history and potential futures of the region’s forested landscapes, highlighting the impacts of varying perceptions of climate change and complex racial dynamics. Eschewing simple answers, the authors illuminate the points of friction that occur as competing visions of bioenergy development confront each other to variously support, reshape, contest, or reject bioenergy development. Building on recent conceptual advances in studies of sociotechnical imaginaries, environmental history, and energy justice, the authors present a careful and nuanced analysis that can provide guidance for promoting meaningful participation of local community members in renewable energy policy and production while recognizing the complex interplay of factors affecting its implementation in local places.
Analyzes a range of fuel treatments for representative dry forest stands in the Western U.S. dominated by ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, & pinyon pine. Six silvicultural options (no thinning; thinning from below to 50 trees per acre [tpa], 100 tpa, 200 tpa, & 300 tpa; & prescribed fire) are considered in combination with the surface fuel treatments (no treatment, pile & burn, & prescribed fire), resulting in a range of alternative treatments for each representative stand. Fuel treatment scenarios presented here can be used by resource managers to examine alternatives for Nat. Environ. Policy Act documents & other applications that require scientifically based info. to quantify the effects of modifying forest structure & surface fuels. Illustrations.
Presents comprehensive procedures for inventorying weight per unit area of living and dead surface vegetation, to facilitate estimation of biomass and appraisal of fuels. Provides instructions for conducting fieldwork and calculating estimates of downed woody material, forest floor litter and duff, herbaceous vegetation, shrubs, and small conifers. Procedures produce the most accurate estimates in the Interior West; however, techniques for herbs, litter, and downed woody material are applicable anywhere. Includes computer program and card punching instructions for processing inventory data.
"Today, as much of the world seeks to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, energy companies and nations alike are turning once again to our oldest renewable energy resource - wood. Both developing and industrialized countries are increasing their use of wood biomass as a direct substitute for fossil fuels for heating and producing electricity. And research is well underway on converting wood to a liquid fuel, which could lessen the reliance on oil.
The Fire and Fuels Extension of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-FVS) was used to calulate the immediate effects of treatments on surface fuels, fire hazard, potential fire behavior, and forest structure for respresentative dry forest stands in the Western United States. Treatments considered included pile and burn and prescribed fire.
Energy from Forest Biomass is a book that emerged from the papers presented at the International Union of Forestry Research Organization (IUFRO) XVII World Congress held in Kyoto, Japan. This book includes 18 papers representing different authors from nine countries. The book is divided into four parts. The first part contains discussions of the various researches on fuel plantations around the world, as well as harvesting techniques and associated costs. The second part discusses information on the actual and potential availability of biomass from sources other than fuel plantations. This part also examines the different types of biomass fuels currently used in Japan. The third part deals with the intermediate technology that can be used, such as charcoal production and direct combustion. The last part discusses the innovations in producing energy, such as gasification and liquidification. This book will be useful to graduate and undergraduate students, researchers, scientists, and readers who are interested in the use of biomass for energy purposes.
Three alternative thinning treatments for reducing fire hazard and improving forest health in scenic ponderosa pine forests of the Intermountain West are compared. Treatment cost and revenue, su, rface and crown fuel reduction, and aesthetic preference of the treatments are analyzed. The application of these ecosystem restoration treatments may have far reaching implications.
This book is written for scientists and practitioners interested in deepening their knowledge of the sustainable production of bioenergy from wood in tropical and sub-tropical countries. Utilising the value chain concept, this book outlines the necessary aspects for managing sustainable bioenergy production. A wide range of topics is covered including biomass localization, modelling and upscaling, production management in woodlands and plantations, and transport and logistics. Biomass quality and conversion pathways are examined in order to match the conversion technology with the available biomass. A section is dedicated to issues surrounding sustainability. The issues, covered in a life-cycle assessment of the bioenergy system, include socio-economic challenges, local effects on water, biodiversity, nutrient-sustainability and global impacts. Through this holistic approach and supporting examples from tropical and sub-tropical countries, the reader is guided in designing and implementing a value chain as the main management instrument for sustainable wood.
Years of fire suppression and increasing constraints on natural and prescribed burning, possibly along with climate change, have altered historical wildfire regimes resulting in increased wildfire severity in the Nation's forests. The growing wildfire threat has motivated increasing interest in reducing hazardous fuels through prescribed burning, thinning, and harvesting. There is debate about whether such fuel treatments are necessary owing to the complexity of the wildfire issue and to general disagreement about whether long-term wildfire impacts present a real problem. This report presents one way of conceptualizing the costs and benefits of fuel treatments and wildfire and reviews issues related to their evaluation. Illustrations. This is a print on demand report.