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This book introduces the complex world of carbon dynamics within forest ecosystems, particularly in boreal zones, while also incorporating findings from selected temperate areas. It explores how these dynamics are influenced by management strategies and operations, providing a comprehensive understanding of how forests can be managed to enhance carbon uptake and thus, mitigate climate change. Divided into five parts, the volume begins by addressing the characteristics of global and boreal forests and their contribution to carbon storage. The following sections explore carbon dynamics in both natural and managed forests, including their impact on forest succession. The text also examines how management practices affect carbon dynamics, tree growth, and carbon stocks. Strategies to mitigate climate change through forest management, including the management of soil carbon and reforestation efforts are discussed. Finally, topics such as pre-commercial management, commercial thinning, and forest fertilization and their roles in managing boreal forest ecosystems for carbon sequestration and climate benefits are addressed. Aimed at professionals, researchers, and students in forestry, environmental science, and climate change studies, this book provides valuable insights into developing management strategies that enhance carbon uptake and accumulation in forest ecosystems. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of how forest management can contribute to climate change mitigation. It is an essential resource for anyone interested in sustainable forestry practices.
The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute significantly to climate change mitigation through their carbon sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing adaptation of people and ecosystems to climate change and climate variability, the negative impacts of which are becoming increasingly evident in many parts of the world. In many countries climate change issues have not been fully addressed in national forest policies, forestry mitigation and adaptation needs at national level have not been thoroughly considered in national climate change strategies, and cross-sectoral dimensions of climate change impacts and response measures have not been fully appreciated. This publication seeks to provide a practical approach to the process of integrating climate change into national forest programmes. The aim is to assist senior officials in government administrations and the representatives of other stakeholders, including civil society organizations and the private sector, prepare the forest sector for the challenges and opportunities posed by climate change. This document complements a set of guidelines prepared by FAO in 2013 to support forest managers incorporate climate change considerations into forest management plans and practices.
In many places in the world, forests dominate landscapes and provide various products. Future climate change could profoundly alter the productivity of forest ecosystems and species composition. Until now, climate impact research has primarily focused on the likely impacts of rise in temperature, increased atmospheric CO2 concentration, and varying precipitation on unmanaged forests. The issue that now needs to be addressed is how to sustainably manage climate change for timber production and biomass. Though climate change is a global issue, impacts on forests depend on local environmental conditions and management methods, so this book will look at the issue under varying local contexts.
Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle and are home to a significant portion of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Global concerns about climate change forces governments to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, including the contribution from the forestry sector. One of the greenhouse gas mitigation strategies of the forestry sector is reducing the rate of deforestation and forest degradation and increasing forest carbon stocks. As part of the global community, Indonesia is committed to contributing to climate change mitigation by reducing deforestation and forest degradation and increasing forest carbon stocks by improving forest management. This thesis focuses on optimal forest management for climate change mitigation in Indonesia in the even-aged forest (plantation forest) and uneven-aged forest (natural forest). The method used in this thesis is the modified Faustmann approach to analyze the optimal forest management with additional income from carbon credit. The findings of this thesis are as follows: First, compared to the current carbon model, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) model, one of the most used schemes in the voluntary carbon market, is less cost-effective. The inefficiencies of VCS are more pronounced for longer rotation or storing more carbon in forest biomass. Second, resin production in the pine forest lengthens the rotation and supports carbon storage. Better site conditions mean faster timber growth and thus a shorter rotation for timber production only. Additional income from resin production will lengthen the rotation, with a more pronounced effect on rotation at the lower site qualities. At lower site qualities and at the same age, the number of trees is higher than that at higher site quality. Therefore, resin production of pine forest is somewhat larger in the lower site qualities. Third, at low carbon prices, sustainable forest management, forest carbon sequestration, and commercial timber production – all of which are crucial for employment in the sawmill and manufacturing industries – go hand in hand, but at higher prices, they become alternatives. The land expectation value is negatively impacted by compensation for the carbon stored in end-use wood products (EWP). Fourth, allowing damaged trees to remain on the plot results in significantly higher basal areas and carbon storage in aboveground biomass (AGB) compared to the situation where damaged trees are assumed to decay sufficiently fast that they do not affect ingrowth or stand composition. The ability of managed tropical forests to store carbon and provide ecosystem services in response to programs – such as payments for ecosystem services, conservation, sustainable forest management, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (e.g. reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, as well as sustainable management of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries /REDD+) – may thus be grossly underestimated.
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face - both in terms of its potential impact on our societies and the earth, and the scale of international co-operation that is needed to confront it. Emerging as a component of the international dialogue on the environment and climate, the role of forests in influencing earth systems will need to be assessed. Drawing together perspectives from researchers and policy makers, this book explores how forests will interact with the physical and natural world, and with human society as the climate changes. Also considered is how the world's forests can be managed to contribute to the mitigation of climate change and to maximize the full range of economic and non-market benefits. Providing an examination of the science, a detailed consideration of the science policy interface and the international frameworks and conventions, this book is valuable reading for all those interested in sustainable forest management, climate change and the associated environmental sciences.
The book presents the current state and good practices of national forest inventories in monitoring wood resources and demonstrates pathways for harmonisation and improved common reporting. Beyond a general overview over availability and use of wood resources in different countries, it provides a unique collection of original contributions from national forest inventory experts with in-depth descriptions of current NFI methods in assessing wood availability and wood use in European countries, and selected countries from America and Asia.The main topics are national definitions and improvements in common reporting of forests available for wood supply, stem quality and assortments, estimation of change including growth and drain, and tree resources outside forest land. The book is a must-have for everyone who is contributing to national forest inventories either methodologically or operatively, for people who want or need to understand national forest inventory provided data and information on the availability of wood resources. By providing profound knowledge it is a valuable basis for scientists involved in scenario modelling and analysing effects of climate change, as well as individuals in private organisations and public administrations promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and the potential of green economy.
Climate change shaped the political agenda during the last decade with three issues as hot topics: commonly making the headlines: carbon budgets, impact and mitigation of climate change. Given the significant role that forests play in the climate system – as sources, sinks, and through carbon trading – this book update the current scientific evidences on the relationships between climate, forest resources and forest management practices around the world. By including the forest scientists’ expertise from around the world, the book presents and updates a depth analysis of the current knowledge, and a series of case studies focused on the biological and the economic impacts of climate change in forest ecosystems in Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America. The book will form a valuable resource for researchers and advanced students dealing with sustainable forestry, climate change issues and the effects of climate change on natural resource management.
Forests are critical to mitigation, having a dual role; they function globally as a carbon sink but are also responsible for about 10 to 12 percent of global emissions. Forests and forest products offer both developing and developing countries with a wide range of options for timely and cost-effective mitigation. Afforestation / reforestation offers the best option because of its short timescale and ease of implementation. Reducing deforestation, especially due to the possibility for immediate action. Yet forest contributions to mitigation. Wood products and wood energy can replace fossil-intense products in other sectors, creating a virtuous cycle towards low-carbon economies. The mitigation potential and costs of the various options differ greatly by activity, region, system boundaries and time horizon. Policymakers must decide on the optimal mix of options, adapted to local circumstances, for meeting national climate change and development goals. This publication assesses the options and highlights the enabling conditions, opportunities and potential bottlenecks. It will be supported by policymakers, investors and investors in their climate strategies. This publication assesses the options and highlights the enabling conditions, opportunities and potential bottlenecks. It will be supported by policymakers, investors and investors in their climate strategies. This publication assesses the options and highlights the enabling conditions, opportunities and potential bottlenecks. It will be supported by policymakers, investors and investors in their climate strategies.