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Countries recovering from conflicts face economic and institutional devastation ̄ of vital infrastructure such as schools, factories, communication networks, roads, railways, and water systems, as well as diminished human resources, a very weak legal structure and governmental institutions. In this context, policymakers are faced with the task of creating an integrated and comprehensive approach to post-conflict reconstruction with a view to sustainable economic development, political stability and peace consolidation. This volume critically examines the various approaches to encouraging and regulating foreign investment in post-conflict countries. From the perspectives of both the foreign investor and the host country, it suggests how policymakers in post-conflict countries can design a foreign investment strategy that brings real and meaningful economic development as part of the wider peace-building process. FDI in post-conflict countries is discussed from different methodological perspectives, including comparative law and comparative politics, based on case studies of Afghanistan, Rwanda, DRC, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Colombia, Angola and Mozambique. _______________________________
Foreign direct investment can play an important role in promoting economic growth in post-conflict states. In order to attract the benefits of foreign investment, a host country must ensure foreign investors that they can safely invest there. In post-conflict economies, the physical safety concerns, combined with a general distrust of post-conflict governments, are among the key considerations for foreign investors. However, foreign investors also recognize that new and untapped opportunities become available in a post-conflict context. This article first seeks to identify certain issues relating to foreign investment that, from the perspective of the international lawyer, both post-conflict governments and potential investors in those countries should consider. The second part of this article illustrates some of these issues in practice by considering the specific case study of Iraq.
We analyse how inward foreign direct investment (FDI) received amid ongoing violence shapes armed conflict. We argue that FDI affects patterns of violence by influencing the state's counterinsurgency strategy. To prevent disinvestment, governments strive to capture territory linked to investment. Yet, heightened military presence in areas close to FDI projects reinforces rebel group reliance on irregular warfare, thus amplifying civilian victimization as a tool to elicit cooperation or enforce control. Using subnational, georeferenced data on FDI and armed conflict in African countries from 2003 to 2019, we find that conflict events within 5-10 km of a foreign investment see 25 per cent more civilian casualties. The effect is largely driven by increased rebelled, deliberate civilian targeting, and amplified for extractive FDI. We address endogeneity concerns by comparing conflict dynamics between areas that experience an investment with areas that will experience one in the future within the same country-year. Our findings underscore the influence of globalization on political stability.
The purpose of this study is to examine whether, when and how FDI can be attracted and utilized in post-conflict conditions to promote economic stability and development, thereby making a contribution to peace-building. Focusing on Croatia and Mozambique, this study examines questions of FDI attraction and benefits arising in post-conflict countries: What kinds and volumes of FDI inflows can be expected when conflict ends and over what time frames? What policy measures impact these outcomes? What are the key contributions of FDI, and how can these be improved by government policies and programs? Croatia and Mozambique have balanced these competing agendas effectively, thus managing to both attract and benefit from FDI in their economies. FDI has made significant contributions towards the economic growth and stability that have helped entrench peace in both countries since emerging from conflict in the early 1990s. After reviewing their experiences, the report concludes with a number of lessons for policymakers in other post-conflict countries.--Publisher's description.
Foreign investors often sustain injuries during violent situations, such as riots, revolutions, civil wars, and international armed conflicts. There is a great deal of uncertainty about how effective investment treaty protections are in volatile times, how they relate to other applicable legal frameworks, and how they affect the state security policy and the post-conflict transition to peace. This book explores how foreign investment is protected in times of armed conflict under the investment treaty regime. It does so by combining insights from different areas of international law, including international investment law, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, the law of state responsibility, and the law of treaties. While the protections have evolved over time, with the investment treaty regime providing the strongest legal framework for protecting investors yet, there has been an apparent shift in treaty practice towards safeguarding a state's security interests. Jure Zrilic identifies and analyses the flaws in the existent normative framework, but also highlights the potential that investment treaties have for minimising the devastating effects of armed conflict. The book offers an analytical framework for assessing the investment treaty regime in times of armed conflict, distinguishing between different paradigms and different types of conflicts. Crucially, he argues that a new approach is needed to appropriately balance the competing interests of host states and investors when it comes to investment protection in armed conflicts.
Abstract: Involvement in the outbreak of an armed conflict can present a variety of potential risks to an involved nation’s economy. In this paper I examine if one one of those risks, specifically that a new war could scare away foreign investment actually occurs and whether the intensity of the conflict increases or lessens the potential impact. Using ordinary least squares on panel data from 1966 to 2015, I examine the short and long term impacts of armed conflict on global foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows using two measures of conflict intensity: Large conflicts or ‘wars’, with 1000 or more battle-related deaths and small conflicts, between 25-999 battle related deaths in a given year. Throughout the sample, I find that large conflicts are associated with a strong and negative relationship with FDI inflows associated with a conflict’s onset and end. First, I find a consistent and large negative impact on FDI inflows into an involved country associated with the outbreak of a new large conflict in the year after a conflict’s start. Additionally, once a large conflict does end, it takes approximately 3 years before FDI inflow levels return to positive levels. In order to asses long term impacts on FDI inflows, I test a third model examining conflict frequency by country, using the total number of conflicts that occur in 1, 5, 10, and 25 year periods. Surprisingly, the total amount of conflicts that occur in a country over time regardless of intensity does not seem to hold a statistically significant impact on FDI inflows, reflecting what is likely a rather short term impact of armed conflict on the investment decisions of foreign firms and investors.
This book examines how foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows to Central and Eastern Europe have changed after the Great Recession. It argues that beyond their cyclical effects, the economic crisis and the changing competitiveness of Central and Eastern European countries have had structural impacts on FDI in the region. FDI has traditionally been viewed as the key driver of national development, but the apparent structural shift means that focusing on cheap labour as a competitive advantage is no longer a viable strategy for the countries in the region. The authors argue that these countries need to move beyond the narrative of upgrading (attracting FDI inflows with increasingly higher value added), and focus on ensuring greater value capture instead. A potential way for doing this is by developing the conditions in which innovative national companies can emerge, thrive and eventually develop into lead firms of global value chains. The book provides readers with a highly informative account of the reasons why this shift is necessary, as well as diverse perspectives and extensive discussions on the dynamics and structural impacts of FDI in post-crisis Central and Eastern Europe.
Recent situations of States recovering from conflict show that foreign direct investment (FDI) act as a double-edged sword and are characterized by an inherent paradox. Indeed, on the one hand, post conflict economic reconstruction and development requires and relies on FDI. On the other, rights granted to foreign investors before and during the post conflict phase may result in a backlash for states recovering from conflict because rights granted to foreign investors have - besides the general tensions caused by such instruments - specific consequences in post conflict situations due to the economic, security-related, social and demographic specificities of those situations. This article maps and charts the issues raised by FDI protection in post-conflict situations, and thus provides the context for the debate of the interaction between FDI regulation and post-conflict situation.