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Set during the English Civil War Hannah falls for Matthew, an apprentice cabinet-maker. When Matthew joins up to fight for the Royalist side Hannah is terrified. As he rides away, Hannah sadly wonders if he will ever come back - and if he does - how will her strict Puritan father ever let them be together? The world can be ending around you, but if you're in love nothing else matters...
Il est soldat, il est l'ennemi. L'aimer devrait être interdit. 1942. Paris agonise sous l'occupation ennemie. Star avant la guerre, Eugénie voue une haine farouche à l'envahisseur et refuse de capituler. Elle pense pouvoir survivre à tout, jusqu'à ce qu'un regard gris la percute. Un regard qu'elle connaît, un regard qu'elle a aimé, jadis. Ludwig, celui à qui elle a offert un jour son premier baiser, juste avant qu'il disparaisse sans laisser aucune explication, réapparaît dans sa vie, arborant fièrement l'uniforme de l'oppresseur. Un héros de guerre qu'elle ne peut que détester. Mais derrière les insignes et les évidences, les secrets ne demandent qu'à être révélés et la passion, qui ne s'est jamais vraiment éteinte, à rejaillir encore plus fort. Cependant, comment s'aimer quand le monde entier décide de nous en empêcher ? Entre le chaos, les ressentiments, l'ignominie et les révélations, reste-t-il une place pour deux êtres qui ne demandent simplement que leur liberté ? *** – Qu’est-ce que tu as à la jambe, Ludwig ? me demande-t-elle, inquiète, depuis le pas de la porte, alors que je ne l’avais pas vue revenir. – Rien d’important. – Bien sûr que c’est important ! déclare-t-elle en franchissant les quelques mètres qui nous séparent. Montre-moi… – Non, Eugénie, je vais bien. Je repousse sa main qui tente de se poser sur ma cuisse et attrape son poignet pour l’obliger à me regarder. – Je ne suis pas venu t’entendre crier, Mausi. – Et je n’ai pas envie de crier, murmure-t-elle. On peut parler de plein d’autres choses… – Ou ne pas parler du tout. Je l’attire contre moi, parce que c’est l’unique manière dont je veux l’aimer. Contre moi, ni dans son camp ni dans le mien, mais dans le nôtre, exclusivement. Je l’assieds sur mes cuisses en rejetant le pic sournois et douloureux qui s’impose sous ma cicatrice et l’embrasse. Plus fort, plus profondément que jamais. Parce que nous deux, nous ne pouvons exister que comme ça. Nous nous enlaçons et, sous mes bras, je sens son corps se détendre, sa poitrine pointer sous le coton de sa chemise et je retire une nouvelle fois ce foutu peignoir qui la recouvre bien trop. Ses doigts sont eux aussi affairés sur ma chemise, qui pend bientôt en découvrant mon torse. – Et donc, souffle-t-elle en effleurant ma peau, que proposes-tu à la place ? – Quelque chose comme ça ! Je l’attrape par les hanches et la fais basculer sur son lit, sur le ventre, allongée de tout son long. Elle tente de se retourner, mais je pose une main sur ses reins en rampant sur son dos, le sexe déjà dressé de désir par cette vision qu’elle m’offre. Forbidden Soldier d'Erin Graham, premiers chapitres du roman.
The incredible, inspirational #novella by the author of the No. 1 bestseller ORPHAN OF ISLAM. 'A vital and timely story and one that needs to be heard' - Damien Lewis 'A story of a young courageous half Asian half White boy who defies all odds just to serve his country' - Brian Wood MC From the backstreets of a tight-knit community and the drug dens of East Lancashire to the battlefields of Iraq, Alex takes us on an incredible journey, one which sees him struggle to come to terms with his past. Escape the 'religious police' and joins an elite Airborne Regiment in the British Army while pursuing the quest to find his long-lost English mother. Alex's courage, honesty and willingness to take a chance in life pay off when he reaches the end of his search - but is his mum everything he hoped she would be? What reads say about 'Forbidden SOLDIER.' I highly recommend this book, especially in conjunction with Orphan, you truly get a feel for the battles he has faced. Simply phenomenal. Dave. W. It grips you just like the first one. Sad to see what he went through, he should be proud off what he managed and how he turned out. Lorna. B.
Misty is spoiled. Her parents left on vacation and gave her money to entertain herself while they’re away. But Misty doesn’t want money. She wants Jordan, the handsome, muscular soldier next door with the charming smile and a body hardened from war. The curvy girl will do *anything* to get him, including sunbathing in a skimpy bikini while her neighbor works in his yard. Jordan Slate is a rough and tough veteran. Back from Afghanistan, the handsome man’s hoping to find peace and calm in the routine of small town life. But when his next-door neighbors take off, they leave their teen daughter alone at home, flaunting those generous curves made for sin. Fortunately, Jordan’s just the man to teach the sassy girl a lesson or two by making her squeal … while putting a baby in her belly! Pull out the big guns because Misty’s the type of girl who deserves what she gets, and fortunately, there’s an OTT alpha male next door ready to give her a tasty lesson. Sparks fly high and hot in this filthy story and there’s a twist you’ll never believe. Let’s just say Jordan is a James Bond-type, and Misty gets her chance to be a Bond vixen as part of the deal. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always a HEA for my readers.
For fifty years the Human Alliance and the Krokator Star Empire have been locked in a cold war, neither side willing to return to the open conflict that raged for centuries. Though uneasy, the peace has been amicably maintained--until terrorist attacks against both powers, leaving the Alliance's capital shattered and the Emperor dead, threaten to reignite hostilities.From the Alliance, the task of hunting down the perpetrators falls to intelligence officer Major John Gresham, whose background offers not only insight into galactic terror cells but also anonymous access to the labyrinthine defense establishment. The Empire sends Akgu Zurra, unquestioningly loyal and determined to hunt down those who murdered his sovereign. Their investigations lead in the same direction, forcing the two into unwelcome cooperation as they try to disrupt the network of their common enemy.But that enemy, known only as the Forbidden Army, isn't just a well-organized group of malcontents from the alien slums - they enjoy resources that suggest their funding comes from connected insiders on both sides. Gresham and Zurra may distrust each other, but justice means exposing powerful figures as traitors and the attacks as part of a broader plot to destabilize the galactic order. If those traitors can't render the investigators ineffective, they'll settle for dead.The Forbidden Army is the first book in The League of Planets Adventure.
This is the first English translation of one of Korea’s most celebrated historical works, a pre-modern classic so well known to Koreans that it has inspired contemporary literature and television. Written in 1821 by Chong Yagyong (Tasan), Admonitions on Governing the People (Mongmin simso) is a detailed manual for district magistrates on how to govern better. In encyclopedic fashion, Chong Yagyong addresses the administration, social and economic life, criminal justice, the military, and the Confucian ritual system. He provides examples of past corrupt officials and discusses topics of the day such as famine relief and social welfare. A general call for overhauling the Korean ruling system, the book also makes the radical proposition that the purpose of government is to serve the interests of the people. This long-awaited translation opens a new window on early-nineteenth century Korea and makes available to a wide audience a work whose main concerns simultaneously transcend national and cultural boundaries.
New York Times bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks delivers the exciting conclusion in the Love at Stake series, where a Marine-turned-vampire finds love with the shifter princess forbidden to him. Russell wakes from a coma to find he's become a vampire. Now he has a thirst for revenge. Determined to hunt down the master vampire who turned him, he's used to working alone - until he meets Jia. She is after the same vampire for murdering her parents and insists she can help Russell on this mission. Reluctantly, he agrees, and sets up some ground rules: Rule #1: Their partnership is strictly business. If he holds her a little too close . . . if she looks at him with those exotic eyes . . . well, that has to stop. Rule #2: He's in charge. Jia isn't used to taking orders and questions every move he makes. So he stops her the only way he knows how. Rule #3: Don't fall in love. But the kiss that was supposed to quiet her awakens something else in him . . . something forbidden. Because Jia is engaged. To someone else.
A ground-breaking account of the first 24 hours of the D-Day invasion told by a symphony of incredible accounts of unknown and unheralded members of the Allied – and Axis – forces. Seventy-five years have passed since D-Day, the greatest seaborne invasion in history. The outcome of the Second World War hung in the balance on that chill June morning. If Allied forces succeeded in gaining a foothold in northern France, the road to victory would be open. But if the Allies could be driven back into the sea, the invasion would be stalled for years, perhaps forever. An epic battle that involved 156,000 men, 7,000 ships and 20,000 armoured vehicles, the desperate struggle that unfolded on 6 June 1944 was, above all, a story of individual heroics – of men who were driven to keep fighting until the German defences were smashed and the precarious beachheads secured. This authentic human story – Allied, German, French – has never fully been told. Giles Milton’s bold new history narrates the day’s events through the tales of survivors from all sides: the teenage Allied conscript, the crack German defender, the French resistance fighter. From the military architects at Supreme Headquarters to the young schoolboy in the Wehrmacht’s bunkers, Soldier, Sailor, Frogman, Spy, Airman, Gangster, Kill or Die lays bare the absolute terror of those trapped in the front line of Operation Overlord. It also gives voice to those who have hitherto remained unheard – the French butcher’s daughter, the Panzer Commander’s wife, the chauffeur to the General Staff. This vast canvas of human bravado reveals ‘the longest day’ as never before – less as a masterpiece of strategic planning than a day on which thousands of scared young men found themselves staring death in the face. It is drawn in its entirety from the raw, unvarnished experiences of those who were there.
The moment Jing Hengbo went drunk and went crazy, the entire Tortoiseshell, and even places further away, were not at peace.