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Tras un período de crecimiento relativamente sólido, que permitió a decenas de millones de hogares pobres incorporarse a la clase media, el crecimiento en América Latina se ha desacelerado, en parte como resultado de factores externos.
En La evolución geográfica de la productividad y el empleo: Ideas para lograr un crecimiento inclusivo a través de una perspectiva territorial en América Latina y el Caribe se utiliza una perspectiva territorial para comprender las tasas de crecimiento económico persistentemente bajas de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Utilizando nuevos datos y métodos, se muestra que la desindustrialización, la distancia y las divisiones son factores interrelacionados que explican la paradoja de la productividad urbana en ALC, a saber: las ciudades densamente pobladas deberían estar entre las más productivas del mundo, pero no lo están. Las ciudades de ALC se han visto frenadas por la falta de dinamismo, la mala conectividad y las divisiones en barrios pobres y prósperos desconectados. A causa de la desindustrialización, el empleo urbano se ha desplazado, especialmente en las ciudades más grandes de la región, de las manufacturas a actividades no comercializables menos dinámicas y de baja productividad, como el comercio minorista y los servicios personales y de otra índole, que se benefician menos con la aglomeración, sobre todo en ciudades muy congestionadas. Si bien el empleo en el sector de los servicios comercializables urbanos ha aumentado, el alza ha sido lo suficientemente firme como para compensar la disminución del empleo en el sector manufacturero. Al mismo tiempo, los problemas de conectividad interurbana han menoscabado el desempeño de la red de ciudades de la región, dado que restringen el acceso a los mercados y la capacidad de las empresas para beneficiarse de la especialización reubicándose en ciudades más pequeñas. Dentro de las ciudades, la conectividad deficiente y la segregación del mercado laboral residencial han limitado los beneficios de la aglomeración a los vecindarios de los distritos comerciales centrales donde operan las empresas formales. La informalidad ha persistido en los barrios de bajos ingresos, cuyos habitantes enfrentan múltiples privaciones. En cambio, muchas zonas agrícolas y mineras se han beneficiado con la fuerte demanda de productos básicos por parte de China y otras economías de rápido crecimiento, particularmente durante la década dorada (2003-13), lo que llevó a una disminución de la desigualdad territorial en la mayoría de los países de la región. Se concluye que, para fomentar el crecimiento inclusivo, los países deben transformar más eficientemente la riqueza natural en capital humano, infraestructura e instituciones, y mejorar la competitividad de la economía urbana. En tal sentido, se esbozan los contornos de dicha strategia de desarrollo, identificando las prioridades en materia de políticas a nivel nacional, regional y local.
En este libro se abordan algunos temas que forman parte de la propuesta presentada por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) con el título "La hora de la igualdad: brechas por cerrar, caminos por abrir". En ella se señala que, para avanzar en un crecimiento con mayores niveles de igualdad, es preciso impulsar una decidida aplicación de políticas de convergencia productiva. Dichas políticas se orientan, por un lado, a cerrar la brecha externa y reducir así el rezago relativo en materia de productividad de las economías de la región con respecto a las desarrolladas y, por otro, a la reducción de las brechas internas de productividad que existen entre los sectores productivos y dentro de ellos, así como entre las empresas según su tamaño y entre las distintas regiones de los países. En este contexto, los ensayos que componen este libro exploran las posibilidades, obstáculos y retos de la adopción de un conjunto de políticas orientadas a superar la persistente heterogeneidad de la estructura productiva de las economías de la región y a fortalecer las sinergias entre la convergencia productiva y la inserción social en el mundo laboral. Esta perspectiva analítica profundiza en diferentes materias abordadas en tres grandes temas, tales como las limitaciones que impone la heterogeneidad estructural al desarrollo, la aplicación de políticas públicas que refuercen la interacción de los procesos de convergencia productiva externa y las necesarias transformaciones del mundo del trabajo para responder a las exigencias de la convergencia productiva y asegurar una inserción laboral y social satisfactoria.
“One of the definite merits of this book is to cleverly mix a theoretical breakthrough with a meticulous historical and empirical account of the transformations of some key Latin American countries. First, it is at the frontier of a research agenda initiated back to the end of the 1970s, second it clearly distinguishes between an ideal-type approach and the complexity of any specific national configuration and its transformation in history. Furthermore, the author provides decisive arguments against a pure economic determinism too frequently supposed to govern institutions building and reforms. Last but not least, the book culminates by an impressive analysis of the crises that quite any Latin America society experiences at the end the 2010s.” -Robert Boyer, Institut des Amériques, Paris, France. This book defends the idea that there are significant structural and institutional differences between the countries in Latin America. Building off the results of a four-year research project, Bizberg argues against the idea that in Latin America there is one single type of capitalism—a hierarchical one—that is entangled in a vicious cycle. Rather, there are clusters of countries that have had similar historical trajectories, analogous structures, or comparable reactions to changes to the world economy, but have not all followed the same mode of development. Just as analysts have found a variety of capitalisms in developed countries, it is possible to identify the emergence of different types of capitalism in Latin America since the 1980s debt crisis. These varieties of capitalism are defined according to categories—including the articulation to the world economy, the role of the State, the structure of the political system and the action of civil society—which give rise to distinct wage relations, comprising the industrial relations system and the welfare regime.
The circular economy is a policy approach and business strategy that aims to improve resource productivity, promote sustainable consumption and production and reduce environmental impacts. This book examines the relevance of the circular economy in the context of developing countries, something which to date is little understood. This volume highlights examples of circular economy practices in developing country contexts in relation to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), informal sector recycling and national policy approaches. It examines a broad range of case studies, including Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, and Thailand, and illustrates how the circular economy can be used as a new lens and possible solution to cross-cutting development issues of pollution and waste, employment, health, urbanisation and green industrialisation. In addition to more technical and policy oriented contributions, the book also critically discusses existing narratives and pathways of the circular economy in the global North and South, and how these differ or possibly even conflict with each other. Finally, the book critically examines under what conditions the circular economy will be able to reduce global inequalities and promote human development in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. Presenting a unique social sciences perspective on the circular economy discourse, this book is relevant to students and scholars studying sustainability in economics, business studies, environmental politics and development studies.
The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.
At last, the first systematic guide to the growing jungle of citation indices and other bibliometric indicators. Written with the aim of providing a complete and unbiased overview of all available statistical measures for scientific productivity, the core of this reference is an alphabetical dictionary of indices and other algorithms used to evaluate the importance and impact of researchers and their institutions. In 150 major articles, the authors describe all indices in strictly mathematical terms without passing judgement on their relative merit. From widely used measures, such as the journal impact factor or the h-index, to highly specialized indices, all indicators currently in use in the sciences and humanities are described, and their application explained. The introductory section and the appendix contain a wealth of valuable supporting information on data sources, tools and techniques for bibliometric and scientometric analysis - for individual researchers as well as their funders and publishers.
Analyzes informality in Latin America, exploring root causes and reasons for and implications of its growth. This book uses two distinct but complementary lenses. It concludes that reducing informality levels and overcoming the "culture of informality" will require actions to increase aggregate productivity in the economy.
Benefiting from the support and involvement of two major international research networks, this collection features the latest research findings in TVET. Members of INAP, the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship, and VETNET, the Vocational Education and Training Network, have contributed key research findings to this detailed survey of the field. Featuring the inclusion of the internationally recognized memorandum released in April 2012 by the INAP Architecture Apprenticeship Commission, the volume covers a wealth of issues relating to technical and vocational education and training, including exemplar architectures such as successful school-to-work transitions, competence assessment and development models, and governance, including the role of stakeholders. The book provides many opportunities to explore in depth the scholarly debate on TVET, as well as to learn from positive international experiences. It aims to inform the practice of TVET professionals as much as the decision making of administrators.