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This publication discusses current voice and data tactical radio systems in common use between the services. It describes recent updates to the Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS), including the Advanced System Improvement Program (ASIP) and the Internet controller (INC). It also reviews the operational procedures for SINCGARS for both analog and digital operations in a joint environment. This manual also describes the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS).
This publication discusses current voice and data tactical radio systems in common use between the services. It describes recent updates to the Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS), including the Advanced System Improvement Program (ASIP) and the Internet controller (INC). It also reviews the operational procedures for SINCGARS for both analog and digital operations in a joint environment. This manual also describes the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS). This publication standardizes joint operational procedures for SINCGARS and provides an overview of the multiservice applications of EPLRS.
Joint Vision (JV) 2020, a conceptual template for America's armed forces, will guide the application of combat power in the information age. JV 2020 predicts that joint and, where possible, combined operations will be paramount in defeating postulated threats in the future. The key to effective employment of joint and/or combined forces lies in the JV 2020 tenet of information dominance. This concept envisions using modern communications capabilities and computers to enable commanders, planners, and shooters to acquire and share information rapidly. The enhanced ability to share information improves the ability to find and target the enemy quickly and precisely. Joint and combined operations mandate the requirement for the exchange of information, both voice and data, among and between participating forces. The fielded capabilities of the Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) tactical radio have been effective in providing secure, low probability of intercept/electronic attack voice communications in the frequency hop (FH) mode for the implementing forces. Enhancements to SINCGARS provide for the exchange of secure data through the evolving Army and Marine Corps tactical Internets, enabling increased situational awareness and more expedient engagement of the enemy while reducing the probability of fratricide. In addition, the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) is used by military forces to provide command and control (C2) data distribution, battlefield situation awareness, and position location services.
Tac Radio: Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Tactical Radios provides a single-source, consolidated reference for tactics, techniques, and procedures in the employment, configuration, and creation of radio nets consisting of voice and data tactical radios. This publication applies to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Also, it may be used by multi-Service and Service components of a joint force to conduct tactical radio training and operations. Procedures herein may be modified to fit specific theater command and control (C2) procedures and allied and foreign national electromagnetic spectrum management requirements.Tactical radios are deployed at all echelons and provide users the capability to conduct interoperable voice and data communications. These systems use high frequency (HF), ultrahigh frequency (UHF), very high frequency (VHF) bands, satellite communications (SATCOM), and multiband radios. The equipment may be specifically designed for military use and may include commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) radios. Each system has unique capabilities and characteristics commanders use to determine how to employ each system, depending on the mission and other factors. This publication discusses voice and data tactical radio systems in common use among the Services. It also reviews the basic operational and planning procedures for these systems in a joint environment.
This publication, ATP 6-02.72, MCRP 3-40.3A, NTTP 6-02.2, AFTTP 3-2.18, provides a single-source, consolidated reference for tactics, techniques, and procedures in the employment, configuration, and creation of radio nets consisting of voice and data tactical radios. It describes multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) for the tactical employment of tactical radios to support warfighters for training and operations across the spectrum of operations. This publication applies to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Also, it may be used by multi-Service and Service components of a joint force to conduct tactical radio training and operations. Procedures herein may be modified to fit specific theater command and control (C2) procedures and allied and foreign national electromagnetic spectrum management requirements. This publication discusses current voice and data tactical radio systems in common use between the services. It describes recent updates to the Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS), including the Advanced System Improvement Program (ASIP) and the Internet controller (INC). It also reviews the operational procedures for SINCGARS for both analog and digital operations in a joint environment. This manual also describes the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS). This publication standardizes joint operational procedures for SINCGARS and provides an overview of the multiservice applications of EPLRS.
This publication applies to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Also, it may be used by multi-Service and Service components of a joint force to conduct tactical radio training and operations. Procedures herein may be modified to fit specific theater command and control (C2) procedures and allied and foreign national electromagnetic spectrum management requirements.
This field manual (FM) serves as a reference document for tactical radio systems. It also provides doctrinal procedures and guidance for using tactical radios on the modern battlefield. This FM targets operators, supervisors, and planners, providing a common reference for tactical radios. It provides a basic guidance and gives the system planner the necessary steps for network planning, interoperability considerations, and equipment capabilities. Chapter 1 - APPLICATIONS FOR TACTICAL RADIO DEPLOYMENT * Modularity * Tactical Radio Deployment * Army Special Operations Forces * Army Force Generation Process * Chapter 2 - TACTICAL RADIOS * Tactical Radio Networks * Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations * Chapter 3 - HIGH FREQUENCY RADIOS * High Frequency Communications Concepts * AN/PRC-150 I Advanced High Frequency/Very High Frequency Tactical Radio * Improving High Frequency Radio Operations * Improved High Frequency Radios * Chapter 4 - VERY HIGH FREQUENCY RADIO SYSTEMS * Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Characteristics and Capabilities * Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Radio Sets * Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Ancillary Equipment * Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Planning * Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Wireless Network Extension Station * Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Jamming and Anti-Jamming * AN/PRC-148 Multiband Inter/Intra Team Radio AN/PRC-152 Multiband Handheld Radio * Chapter 5 - ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY RADIOS * Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade and Below * Enhanced Position Location Reporting System * Blue Force Tracking * Near Term Digital Radio * Tactical Digital Information Link-Joint Terminals * Multifunctional Information Distribution System * Chapter 6 - SINGLE-CHANNEL TACTICAL SATELLITE * Single-Channel Tactical Satellite Introduction * Single-Channel Tactical Satellite Planning Considerations * Single-Channel Ultra High Frequency And Extremely High Frequency Terminals * AN/PSC-5 Radio Set (Spitfire) * AN/PSC-5I UHF Tactical Ground Terminal (Shadowfire) * AN/PSC-5D Multiband Multimission Radio * AN/PRC-117F Manpack Radio * Army Conventional Forces * Operations and Intelligence Networks * Single-Channel Tactical Satellite Fire Support Networks * Single-Channel Tactical Satellite Communications Planning * Chapter 7 - AIRBORNE RADIOS * Airborne Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems * AN/ARC-210 Radio System * AN/ARC-220 Radio System * AN/VRC-100(V) High Frequency Ground/Vehicular Communications System * AN/ARC-231 Radio System * AN/ARC-164(V) 12 Ultra High Frequency Radio * AN/VRC-83(V) Radio Set * AN/ARC-186(V) VHF AM/FM Radio * Chapter 8 - OTHER TACTICAL RADIO SYSTEMS * AN/PRC-126 Radio Set * ICOM F43G Handheld Radio * Land Mobile Radio * Land Warrior * Combat Survivor Evader Locator * AN/PRC-90-2 Transceiver * AN/PRC-112 Combat Search and Rescue Transceiver * Joint Tactical Radio System * Chapter 9 - ANTENNAS * Antenna Fundamentals * Antenna Concepts and Terms * Ground Effects * Antenna Length * Improvement of Marginal Communications * Types of Antennas * Field Repair * Chapter 10 - AUTOMATED COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SYSTEM * System Description * Hardware * Software * Chapter 11 - COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES: ELECTRONIC PROTECTION * Electronic Warfare * Commanders Electronic Protection Responsibilities * Staff Electronic Protection Responsibilities * Planning Process * Signal Security * Emission Control * Preventive Electronic Protection Techniques * Electronic Warfare for Single-Channel Tactical Satellite * Counter Remote Control Improvised Explosive Device Warfare * Joint Spectrum Interference Resolution Reporting * Chapter 12 - RADIO OPERATING PROCEDURES * Phonetic Alphabet * Numerical Pronunciation * Procedure Words * Radio Call Procedure
Army Techniques Publication ATP 6-02.53 Techniques for Tactical Radio Operations January 2016 replaces Field Manual (FM) 6-02.53, Tactical Radio Operations and expands on the foundation of tactical radios operations found in FM 6-02, Signal Support to Operations. ATP 6-02.53 incorporates numerous changes. The Integrated Tactical Networking Environment is a combination and evolution of all three concepts through the integration of the software based networking radio technologies, and mission command mounted and mobile applications management. Communications and mobility are key enablers of mission command in support of the execution of successful unified land operations. Communications must support the Army's aim to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative to gain and maintain a position of relative advantage over the enemy in sustained land operations. Army forces must be able to move repeatedly and communicate. Tactical situations change rapidly during sustained land operations, requiring tactical radios that are versatile and readily adaptable to rapidly changing tactical situations. Communications in support of unified land operations require the employment of communications capabilities at squad level and higher echelons. Communications at the squad level enables communication and situational awareness at the lowest level possible. ATP 6-02.53 contains 12 chapters and 9 appendices- Ch 1 provides an overview of tactical radios, tactical radio networks, capabilities, and network management. Ch 2 addresses the employment of tactical radios at all echelons throughout the Army. Ch 3 addresses the tactical radio platforms and associated waveforms that Army forces employ at all echelons across all phases of operations. Ch 4 discusses the waveform and waveform application functional component of the tactical networking environment. Ch 5 describes the commercial-off-the-shelf very high frequency radios used to support tactical radio operations. Ch 6 addresses the ultrahigh frequency radios and systems that play a major role in network centric warfare. Ch 7 addresses the Army single channel tactical satellite capabilities associated with the legacy and enduring radio platform and planning considerations. Ch 8 addresses the airborne radios employed to provide communications for ground-to-air operations as well as air-to-air and air-to-sea missions. Ch 9 addresses various other tactical radio systems employed to enable communication and situational awareness during the conduct of operations. Ch 10 addresses antenna techniques, concepts, terms, types, effects, and provides examples of antenna field repairs. Ch 11 addresses key management techniques relative to protecting voice, data, and video information over tactical radio networks. Ch 12 addresses electronic warfare and the electronic protection techniques used to prevent enemy jamming and intrusion into friendly communications systems. App A provides a description of frequency modulation networks. App B identifies radio sets basic components, characteristics, properties of radio waves, wave modulation, and site considerations for single channel radios. App C addresses the importance of high frequency, very high frequency, ultrahigh frequency antenna selection. App D addresses radio operations in unusual environments. App E addresses the Julian date, synchronization time, and Zulu time. It also provides a time zone conversion chart. App F provides procedures for preventing a network compromise and addresses recovery options available to the commander and his staff. App G addresses data communications elements such as binary data, baud rate, modems, and forward error correction. App H addresses single channel ground airborne radio system implications and cosite interference mitigation. App I addresses the proper way to send messages over a radio as well as the proper procedures for opening and closing a radio net.
This field manual (FM) serves as a reference document for tactical radio systems. (It does not replace FMs governing combat net radios, unit tactical deployment, or technical manuals [TMs] on equipment use.) It also provides doctrinal procedures and guidance for using tactical radios on the modern battlefield. This FM targets operators, supervisors, and planners, providing a common reference for tactical radios. It provides a basic guidance and gives the system planner the necessary steps for network planning, interoperability considerations, and equipment capabilities. Illustrated throughout.
This United States Army manual, Army Techniques Publication ATP 6-02.53 Techniques for Tactical Radio Operations February 2020, is the primary doctrine publication for tactical radios and tactical radio networks. This publication describes the non-prescriptive methods to perform missions, functions, and tasks for the employment of tactical radio networks to support every warfighting function and enable command and control of Army forces. This publication includes doctrine on new communications and networking capabilities. It addresses the employment of interdependent and interoperable enterprise and tactical systems in the tactical network. This publication supports the Army's goal to provide an integrated network that is interoperable across all mission environments during all phases of operations. This publication implements North Atlantic Treaty Organization standardization agreement 4538, Technical Standards for an Automatic Radio Control System for High Frequency Communication Links. The principal audience for ATP 6-02.53 is commanders, staffs, supervisors, planners, radio operators, signal Soldiers, and other personnel responsible for operating tactical radios or employing tactical radio networks across multiple domains, at all echelons. ATP 6-02.53 is a standard reference for tactical radios. It provides system planners with guidance and steps for network planning, interoperability considerations, and equipment capabilities. ATP 6-02.53 uses joint terms where applicable. Selected joint and Army terms and definitions appear in both glossary and the document. Terms for which ATP 6-02.53 is the proponent publication (the authority) are italicized in the text and marked with an asterisk (*) in the glossary. Terms and definitions for which ATP 6-02.53 is the proponent publication are boldfaced in the text. For other definitions shown in the text, the term is italicized and the number of the proponent publication follows the definition. ATP 6-02.53 applies to the Regular Army, Army National Guard/Army National Guard of the United States, and United States Army Reserve unless otherwise stated.