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Over 2,800 total pages ... INTRODUCTION Today’s operational environment presents threats the Army has not faced in nearly 20 years. Against peer competitors, the joint force may face air parity or even localized enemy air overmatch, challenging the assumption of air superiority the joint force has held since the Korean War. This will make maneuver forces vulnerable to air attack by fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems, and cruise missiles. Maneuver forces lack capacity and capability to address these threats and the Army requires a speedy response. Stinger missiles provide a key capability for maneuver forces to defend themselves from aerial observation and attack. However, without direct involvement from senior brigade combat team leaders and effective leader training, these missiles will become dead weight at best or a fratricide in waiting at worst. Units must plan effectively to utilize this capability and ensure it ties directly to their scheme of maneuver as opposed to simply task-organizing one Stinger team per company. Just a SAMPLE of the CONTENTS CALL HANDBOOK NO. 18-16 Maneuver Leader’s Guide to Stinger - Lessons and Best Practices (2018) INTRODUCTION TO MANPORTABLE (Stinger) AIR DEFENSE WEAPON SYSTEM - SUBCOURSE NO. AD 0575 (no date) FM 3-23.25 SHOULDER-LAUNCHED MUNITIONS (2006) FM 10-550/TO 13C7-22-71 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: RIGGING STINGER WEAPON SYSTEMS AND MISSILES (2000) FM 44-18-1 STINGER TEAM OPERATIONS (1984) FM 3-01.11 (FM 44-100-2) AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY REFERENCE HANDBOOK (2000) MCRP 3-25.10A Low Altitude Air Defense (LAAD) Gunner’s Handbook (2011) TM 9-1425-429-12 OPERATOR'S AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL: STINGER GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM (1980) TM 9-1425-429-12-HR HAND RECEIPT MANUAL COVERING SYSTEM COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII), AND ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST (AAL) FOR STINGER AIR DEFENSE GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM, STINGER TRAINING SET GUIDED MISSILE SYSTEM M134, COOLANT RECHARGING UNIT TRAINING SYSTEM M80, AND BATTERY CHARGER PP-7309/T (1983) TM 55-1425-429-14 TECHNICAL MANUAL TRANSPORTABILITY GUIDANCE STINGER WEAPON SYSTEM (1981) TM 9-1265-209-10 TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR’S MANUAL FOR MULTIPLE INTEGRATED LASER ENGAGEMENT SYSTEM (MILES) SIMULATOR SYSTEM, FIRING, LASER: M74 NSN 1265-01-159-0485 FOR STINGER WEAPON SYSTEM (1987) TM 9-2330-357-14&P TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTS) FOR SEMITRAILER, FLATBED: RADAR SET AND LAUNCHING STATION M860A1 (NSN 2330-01-117-3280) (1993)
This retrospective by acclaimed economist William A. Niskanen examines a wide variety of key public policies and politically controversial issues, including those pertaining to trade, unemployment, election law, and the economics of war and peace. Niskanen applies sharply focused economic perspectives to each topic, illustrating how the use of economic incentives significantly aids the creation of solid, successful polices.
Are We Safe Enough? Measuring and Assessing Aviation Security explains how standard risk analytic and cost-benefit analysis can be applied to aviation security in systematic and easy-to-understand steps. The book evaluates and puts into sensible context the risks associated with air travel, the risk appetite of airlines and regulators and the notion of acceptable risk. It does so by describing the effectiveness, risk reduction and cost of each layer of aviation security, from policing and intelligence to checkpoint passenger screening to arming pilots on the flight deck. Quantifies the risks, costs and benefits of various aviation security methods, including policing, intelligence, PreCheck, checkpoint passenger screening, behavioral detection, air marshals and armed pilots Focuses on security measures that reduce costs without reducing security, including PreCheck, Federal Flight Deck Officer program and Installed Physical Secondary Barriers Features risk-reduction insights with global applications that are fully transparent, and fully explored through sensitivity analysis
The author, a former government agent, and other former government agents, detail the pattern of lies by White House politicians to support the invasion of Iraq, the massive cover-ups of the lies by U.S. politicians and most of the U.S. media, and the dire consequences of these wrongful acts.
In seeking to evaluate the efficacy of post-9/11 homeland security expenses--which have risen by more than a trillion dollars, not including war costs--the common query has been, "Are we safer?" This, however, is the wrong question. Of course we are "safer"--the posting of a single security guard at one building's entrance enhances safety. The correct question is, "Are any gains in security worth the funds expended?" In this engaging, readable book, John Mueller and Mark Stewart apply risk and cost-benefit evaluation techniques to answer this very question. This analytical approach has been used throughout the world for decades by regulators, academics, and businesses--but, as a recent National Academy of Science study suggests, it has never been capably applied by the people administering homeland security funds. Given the limited risk terrorism presents, expenses meant to lower it have for the most part simply not been worth it. For example, to be considered cost-effective, increased American homeland security expenditures would have had each year to have foiled up to 1,667 attacks roughly like the one intended on Times Square in 2010--more than four a day. Cataloging the mistakes that the US has made--and continues to make--in managing homeland security programs, Terror, Security, and Money has the potential to redirect our efforts toward a more productive and far more cost-effective course.
A former key federal aviation safety inspector-investigator details and documents the culture and misconduct responsible for certain specific airline disasters during the past 50 years, including the area of primary blame for the 9/11 hijackings.