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The basic tools for analyzing macroeconomic fluctuations and policies, applied to concrete issues and presented within an integrated New Keynesian framework. This textbook presents the basic tools for analyzing macroeconomic fluctuations and policies and applies them to contemporary issues. It employs a unified New Keynesian framework for understanding business cycles, major crises, and macroeconomic policies, introducing students to the approach most often used in academic macroeconomic analysis and by central banks and international institutions. The book addresses such topics as how recessions and crises spread; what instruments central banks and governments have to stimulate activity when private demand is weak; and what “unconventional” macroeconomic policies might work when conventional monetary policy loses its effectiveness (as has happened in many countries in the aftermath of the Great Recession.). The text introduces the foundations of modern business cycle theory through the notions of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, and then applies the theory to the study of regular business-cycle fluctuations in output, inflation, and employment. It considers conventional monetary and fiscal policies aimed at stabilizing the business cycle, and examines unconventional macroeconomic policies, including forward guidance and quantitative easing, in situations of “liquidity trap”—deep crises in which conventional policies are either ineffective or have very different effects than in normal time. This book is the first to use the New Keynesian framework at the advanced undergraduate level, connecting undergraduate learning not only with the more advanced tools taught at the graduate level but also with the large body of policy-oriented research in academic journals. End-of-chapter problems help students master the materials presented.
Ce livre, destiné aux étudiants de niveau L3, vise à leur transmettre les outils de base de l'analyse contemporaine des fluctuations et des politiques macroéconomiques, tout en appliquant ces outils à un grand nombre de questions concrètes et actuelles. Comment se propagent les récessions et les crises ? Le chômage est-il lié à un problème de demande agrégée ou à des coûts salariaux trop élevés ? De quels instruments la banque centrale et l'Etat disposent-ils pour stimuler l'activité lorsque la demande privée est trop faible ? La politique monétaire peut-elle perdre son efficacité, comme cela semble être aujourd'hui le cas en Europe, au Japon et dans bien d'autres pays, qui se retrouvent piégés dans une interminable "trappe à liquidité" ? Existe-t-il dans cette situation des politiques économiques "non conventionnelles" susceptibles de restaurer la prospérité perdue ? La flexibilité des prix et des salaires est-elle un gage de stabilité macroéconomique ? La baisse du prix de l'énergie est-elle favorable à l'activité ou aggrave-t-elle les pressions déflationnistes dans une économie en crise ? Pourquoi les autorités publiques ont elles parfois tant de mal à respecter leurs objectifs annoncés, par exemple quant au contrôle de la dette publique ou de l'inflation, et existe-t-il un cadre institutionnel qui concilierait fiabilité et flexibilité du pilotage macroéconomique ? Tel est le type de questions (celles-ci et bien d'autres) auxquelles la maîtrise des concepts présentés dans l'ouvrage permettra de répondre. D'un point de vue pédagogique, la spécificité de 1 'ouvrage est d'utiliser un cadre d'analyse unifié, de type "nouveau keynésien", qui permet de comprendre la détermination conjointe non seulement du produit et de l'emploi mais aussi de l'inflation et des taux d'intérêt. Le livre aborde tour à tour les fluctuations macroéconomiques (4 chapitres), les politiques économiques conventionnelles (2 chapitres), et enfin la trappe à liquidité et les politiques non conventionnelles (3 chapitres). Chaque chapitre est accompagné d'exercices.
Our consumption of raw materials and energy has reached unprecedented levels which are continuing to increase at a steady rate due to the economic emergence of many countries and the development of new technologies. Metal and cement usage has doubled since the beginning of the 21st Century and this production, between now and 2050, will be equivalent to that produced since the beginning of humanity. It is in this context that the transition to low-carbon and renewable energies is taking place, which involves profound changes to the existing global energy system. This book addresses these different aspects and attempts to estimate first-order requirements for cement, steel, copper, aluminum and energy for different power generation technologies, and for three types of energy scenarios. Some dynamic modeling approaches are proposed to assess the needs and likely evolution of primary production and recycling. The link between production and primary reserves, recycling and stocks of end-of-life products, production costs, incomes and prices using a prey–predator dynamic is discussed. - Approaches the issues of commodities and energy in terms of needs, technological innovation and economic and social issues - Emphasizes the couplings between these different aspects - Helps readers understand and integrate these couplings through global modeling
Papers presented at a conference held at Hofstra University, Sept. 21-24, 1983.
Vols. 37- include one issue each entitled La France économique.
This paper examines how the effects of fiscal policies are transmitted internationally. The analysis emphasizes that fiscal shifts of recent years constitute major disturbances to saving and investment flows. An increase in a country's fiscal deficit corresponds to a higher level of public sector dissaving. For increased foreign saving to enter through the capital account, the current account deficit must rise via an appreciating real exchange rate. An autonomous rise in investment, such as that induced by US tax measures passed in 1981–1982, produces qualitatively similar effects in the short run. Simulations suggest that a permanent fiscal deficit reduction of 1 percent of capacity output in any one of the three largest industrial countries produces a significant decline in real interest rates and a large initial depreciation in that country's currency. US tax incentives for investment would induce higher interest rates and an appreciated dollar. Simulations of the combined effects of increased US investment and observed movements in inflation-adjusted deficits in all three countries in 1981–1985 suggest that substantial fractions of these interest and exchange rate movements were related to shifts in fiscal policy.
The European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of European organisations & the Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure & yearly activities of each organisation & an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject & name, & a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the Yearbook , are included in every volume & provide direct access to the Yearbook 's subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.