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This is about a man, his lost love, the imperfect world he lives in, and how he finds his true love after he discovers his true self and life’s purpose when he realized that much of the world’s imperfections are caused by lack of love for others, fueled by greed and selfishness, which cause social cancer. Anton Hinirang was unhappy for the last twenty-four years, after losing his first and only love, when Marian’s parents forced her to marry someone with money and stature. Decades later, not even success could make Anton happy. When his unhappiness was complicated by tragic events that happened to his father and two siblings, caused by his country’s social ills, it woke and changed Anton forever. It led to his self-discovery of his life’s purpose, which in turn led him to find his true love. In its core, the story is about love, how its absence can render a person’s life unhappy and miserable, and how lack of love in people’s hearts, especially among leaders, can cause poverty and misery among many in society and the world. Alex Lacson is a bestselling author in the Philippines. He is known as a builder of hope in his country, especially among the youth. Alex believes that love is the answer to most of the problems confronting humanity today; love as expressed in kindness, compassion, generosity, fairness and justice. Though a lawyer by profession, Alex’s first passion is writing. He served as a newspaper columnist for seven years. He also worked as editor-in-chief of a lawyers’ magazine for a few years before he wrote in 2005 his first book, which became an instant national bestseller in the Philippines. Alex is a graduate of the College of Law, University of the Philippines. In 2002, he took a short summer program at Harvard Law School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US. He also took a leadership training at Haggai Institute, Singapore in 2007.
7 Element Lifeforce Healing is an eclectic healing practice that fuses ancient Taoist thought with modern alternative energy practices. The difference between this healing concept and many others is that the 7 Element Lifeforce Healing concept balances and fixes weaknesses, blockages, and miscommunications of the Lifeforce. What is the Lifeforce you ask? The Lifeforce is the underlying super intelligent energy that runs your body. To understand how it works, we must first ask the question, what runs your body? Most of you would say the brain, and you would be partially right. The brain does magnificent things. It uses the nervous system and the endocrine system to balance body levels and maintain homeostasis. However, even the brain does not have the capacity to run seventy trillion cells perfectly and simultaneously. Your liver produces over fifty thousand biochemicals and does over thirteen thousand biochemical reactions to the perfect micro-milliliter. Your body right now is doing hundreds of thousands of chemical and physical reactions simultaneously to the perfect amount. No matter how sophisticated your brain is, it does not have that capacity. So what is really running your body? To answer that question, let us take a simple flower as an example. We have all seen a flower grow around an obstacle, turn, and face its petals to the sun. How does it do that? It has no brain, no nervous system, and no muscles. How does it know what to do? All living organisms have an all-knowing Lifeforce energy. It is your Lifeforce that directs the physical tissue of your body to perfect function. A prime example of this is the body’s intestinal flora. There have been many recent medical studies about the balance of the bacteria flora of the intestines and the overall health of a person. What keeps the trillions of bacteria in line doing good things for the body? A few hours after death, if the body is out in the sun, it will swell and stink. The same bacteria that were doing positive things for the body when it was alive are now eating apart the body in death. Without the Lifeforce to direct and control the bacteria, it runs rampant. There was a very recent one-hundred-seventy-three-million-dollar study funded by the National Institute of Health and included two hundred eighty top scientists from eighty research institutions around the world. The final result of this enormous scientific study was that healthy human beings coexist with at least ten thousand different species of dangerous and pathogenic microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc.). The study goes on to postulate, and I quote, “It turns out that everybody harbors low levels of bacteria and other pathogens that are known for causing specific infections and diseases, but when a person is healthy, those bugs quietly coexist with benign or helpful microbes, perhaps being kept in check by them.” Or perhaps kept in check by their balanced and fully functioning Lifeforce. Lifeforce is who you are, and it is the all-intelligent energy behind the wondrous function of the body. If your Lifeforce is balanced, then the body will function to full capacity. Using Applied Kinesiology, the I Ching 7 Element Crystal concept, and thirty years of experience, I can detect imbalances in the Lifeforce energy. To date, we have had great success in treating and healing many difficult cases. Our best results have been with allergy elimination. Through 7 Element Lifeforce Healing, I have been able to eliminate environmental and food allergies, even serious peanut allergies, without drugs not by blocking the symptoms but by alleviating the cause, which is Lifeforce imbalance.
The common laborer has been economically abused for the entire history of mankind. It is time that changed. Labor should get the recognition it deserves. Labor is the foundation of every economy by creating all of the wealth.
The Knights of Emerald: This epic tale takes place in a forgotten world in a time of great unrest as Amecareth, the Dark Lord of the Insect People, attempts to take over the known universe. It is the story of Kira, the purple child, born of the rape of Queen Fan of Shola by the despicable Emperor, who will ultimately bring about his downfall, and of the brave Knights of Emerald entrusted with her safety. Book 12, the last book of the saga The Knights of Emerald, Irianeth: Beleaguered by the enemy, Onyx confers knighthood on the Squires, judging that they are now able to fend for themselves. But the loss of the army's supreme commander demoralizes the Knights. Grief-stricken and dejected, one of them even deserts his comrades. In spite of being very well-treated by the spiders, Liam is wasting away because he realizes that he will never see his friends and family again. But they have not forgotten him and they marshal all of their resources to come to his rescue. The rebel princess finally accepts her destiny and steps in to help the light-bearer and the Knights of Emerald who have to withstand the repeated onslaughts of the Dark Emperor. However, Asbeth has prepared a trap ... just for her. The final battle ultimately takes place on Irianeth. The question is: Who will come out of it alive? FULFILL THE PROPHECY
In the image of God created him; male and female created he them . . . God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply . . . replenish the earth (Genesis 1:27, 28). Furthermore, in Leviticus 20:13, it states, If a man also lie, with mankind, as he lieth with a woman . . . an abomination . . . surely be put to death. Any sin in the Bible that carries a death penalty causes severe harm to a society. When both the Old Testament and the New Testament are against a behavior, there is no statute of limitation on Gods Word. Same-sex couples have no business raising children. Because, whether you are gay or straight, it takes a male and female to birth a child. Same-sex marriage is a choice. When you force a child to indulge your homosexual choice, you take away their choice to be straight or gay. This is also the start of bad parenting. Choice is what separates us from the animals. Every unsolved local court case that attracts national attention cannot be solved by the Supreme Court. Declaring the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional and legalizing same-sex marriage is one of such cases. Our present form of government was not designed to handle a controversial issue like this. Nine people (Supreme Court judges) cannot determine the fate of more than 350 million people when the legalization of same-sex marriage violates the laws of God and nature. Not to mention, the many religions and cultures that the Supreme Court ruling affects. That ruling must be overturned. To prove this, let the facts in this book be presented to a candid world.
Two faiths of great influence, making great claims of their founders. How do such faiths enter into dialogue, so necessary in our fractured world? What do Buddha in deep meditation and Christ, with a deep yearning for the justice of the reign of God, say to each other, and to us? What commonalities and differences do they share as those in whose name new faiths were founded? What caused the followers of each to believe their messages were such that they broke free of their old faith traditions? How are the stories of each shaped by universal myths, and what do they do with these myths in each account? How has each faith spread around the world, encountering very different cultures, shaping and being shaped by them? What did Buddha and Jesus teach, and how have those teachings been understood? What place do the Scriptures play in each? How is the divine understood and by what method do we penetrate to the divine? How are ethics and living understood in each faith? These questions, among others, shape this book, a wide-ranging exploration of a challenging, yet necessary interfaith dialogue.
My thesis is basically intended for theological and philosophical students and at the same-time their lecturers in biblical theology, systematic theology and philosophy of religion. There is no doubt in my mind that these disciplines must surgically forcefully put through the hermeneutical operation of radicalism and liberation black theology and black studies. Because liberation black theology and black studies are both pertinent and existential to black people not only in the diaspora but principally within the demography of Africa. Why? Because Africa is the social, economic, political, scientific, spiritual, theological and psychological incubation chamber with the legacies of the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism and semantic cultural Christianization of Africans. The besom merchants, traders, planters, slavers, missionaries, philosophers, historians, theologians and scientists, with savagery and brutality imposed on African slaves mendaciously that enslavement was good for Africans. It is therefore apposite for liberation black theology and black studies particularly in praxis to critique and challenge the systems and endogenous forces that violated and emasculated Africans empowerment and humanity. The slaves were brutally transformed physically and psychologically. The slaves potentialities endowed with the imprint of the African traditional belief in a supreme being and prime mover of the cosmos was transgressed with falsehood that their belief in a supreme being was primitive and paganistic. For Africans the supreme being is within their inner consciousness. The enslavement of Africans was without morality and justice. The creation of a symbiosis of liberation theology, liberation black theology and hermeneutical application and praxis is sempiternal significance to the black experience and the Jesus of the black experience that gives timba to the dis-empowered blacks of the streets of Accra and the continent of Africa that were consciously made into the apocalyptic and eschatological symbol of poverty, dis-possessed, impuissant politically and economically in a world that is dominated with nuclear weapons and technological hegemony. In the midst of such imbalance and the perversion of justice and equality regardless of ethnicity, black people must make the conscious, spiritual and psychological connection with the Jesus of the stigmata of the imprisoned African slaves on the Middle Passage and the diabolical plantations. There is no another way according to the sociological, theological, psychological impacting force of the various violations of Africans dignity, liberty, freedom, equality and humanity of black people in all dimensions of struggles to become veridical human beings in the full image of God. That is to say, theologically and sociologically the derivatives of shalom culminating in the absolute restoration of black humanity. With the force of chimerical-ism twinned with the black mans epistemological dreams without empiricism and existentialism. It is at this juncture that all the mythological aspirations are reduced to the level of stultification because Christianity with the painting of a white plastic Jesus cannot be connected with the black experience. When on Good Friday black people sing with effusive passion Jesus keep me near the Cross the Kebuka and Maafa on the plantation sufferings, brutalization and de-humanization rings with