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The fission product inventory and the decay heat associated with driver fuel irradiated to goal exposure (45,000 MWd per metric ton) in the Fast Test Reactor is presented, based on calculations using the computer code RIBD with a nuclear data library prepared for the FTR environment. Curie inventories as a function of decay time are given for each of about 350 isotopes or isomeric states generated by the fast-neutron induced fission of either 239Pu or 238U, by down-chain decay, or by subsequent neutron capture. Beta, gamma, and total decay power are given in percent of operating power for decay times from 1 sec to about 10 years. Uncertainty in the decay heat calculations, based on propagation of the uncertainties associated with input nuclear data, is estimated. The uncertainty is calculated to be less than +̲ 10% for the first 10 days, and less than +̲ 20% over a 10-yr decay period.
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 5 covers the significant advances in several aspects of nuclear energy field. This book is composed six chapters that describe the progress in nuclear and gas-cooled reactors. The introductory chapter deals with the development and evolution of decay heat estimates and decay heat Standards, and illustrates the use of these estimates through comparison of both the actinide and fission product decay heat levels from typical fuel samples in a variety of reactor systems. The succeeding chapters present different practical methods for handling resonance absorption problem in the case of thermal reactor lattices and review the physics of the different noise phenomena. These topics are followed by discussions of the developed methodology for the description of breeding, conversion, long-term fuel logistics, and related subjects derived from the detailed mathematical description of the fuel cycle. The concluding chapters consider the historical development of heat transfer surfaces for gas-cooled reactors. These chapters also provide a complete set of differential nuclear data on the three technologically important americium isotopes, 241Am, 242Am, and 243Am, suitable for incorporation into the computer-based U.K. Nuclear Data Library. This book will prove useful to nuclear physicists and nuclear energy scientists and researchers.
The objective of the Reactor Physics Quarterly Report is to inform the scientific community in a timely manner of the technical progress made on the many phases of reactor physics work within the laboratory. The report contains brief technical discussions of accomplishments in all areas where significant progress has been made during the quarter. The results presented herein should be considered preliminary, and do not constitute final publication of the work. A list of publications and papers issued during the last quarter is included in the report. Anyone desiring additional information concerning the work reported herein is encouraged to contact the author directly.