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The health systems we enjoy today, and expected medical advances in the future, will be difficult to finance from public resources without major reforms. Public health spending in OECD countries has grown rapidly over most of the last half century. These spending increases have contributed to ...
The health systems we enjoy today, and expected medical advances in the future, will be difficult to finance from public resources without major reforms. Public health spending in OECD countries has grown rapidly over most of the last half century. These spending increases have contributed to important progress in population health: for example, life expectancy at birth has increased, rising on average by ten years since 1970. The challenge now is to sustain and enhance these achievements in a context of tight fiscal constraints in many countries combined with upward pressure on health spending from factors such as new technological advances and demographic changes. Finding policies that can make health spending more sustainable without compromising important achievements in access and quality requires effective co-operation between health and finance ministries. Sound governance and co-ordination mechanisms are therefore essential to ensure effective policy choices. Prepared by both public finance and health experts, this report provides a unique detailed overview of institutional frameworks for financing health care in OECD countries. One of the main features of this book is a comprehensive mapping of budgeting practices and governance structure in health across OECD countries.
This publication explores the policy options to finance more resilient health systems whilst maintaining fiscal sustainability. It finds that the scale of the additional health financing needs requires ambitious and transformative policy changes.
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter - This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability of health systems in Europe. Furthermore, it includes an introduction on how EU action in supporting health- care policies in the EU Member States, both looking at implemented actions and describing current priorities for the future.
The Fiscal Sustainability of Health Care - the first of a three-volume set of selected papers from the Romanow Commission - comprises the most influential discussion papers on the fiscal sustainability of public health care in the future. The subjects covered include the current and potential cost drivers of the system, the financing and delivery of health care, fiscal federalism, and international trade regimes. While some of the contributors are among Canada's best known and respected figures in the field, others are relatively new scholars from Canada and abroad who bring fresh perspectives and new insights to the issue of fiscal sustainability. Presenting divergent diagnoses and policy prescriptions, the papers collectively highlight the many factors that governments and health care sector managers must confront to keep the Canadian health care system viable in the 21st century.
Preface: At the invitation of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, this document is one of three reports produced by the Health Evidence Network and European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies for the Czech European Union Presidency Ministerial Conference on the Financial Sustainability of Health Systems (Prague, 10-12 May 2009): 1. Addressing financial sustainability in health systems - Policy summary -- 2. How can health systems respond to population ageing? - Policy brief 10 -- 3. How can European states design efficient, equitable and sustainable funding systems for long-term care for older people? - Policy brief 11. These reports reflect key priority areas for European health systems, and ones where learning from comparative experience is crucial to informing future policy choices. This report (Report 1) is a policy summary which underpins the key theme of the conference - financial sustainability in health systems. The report touches on the myriad elements involved in discussions on financial sustainability, and emphasizes the need for a clarification of the key concepts as a prerequisite to understanding both what is at stake and what is involved, in order to then consider potential policy decisions. Given the high level involvement at the conference, and towards enhancing the empirical relevance of the report and the research evidence it synthesizes, an earlier draft for consultation was presented at the conference. The current version represents the final report, taking into account the feedback received. Reports 2 and 3 are part of the joint Health Evidence Network-European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies policy brief series. The reports aim to respond to policy-makers' needs through the provision of accessible syntheses of the available research evidence, along with a discussion of the implementation issues around particular policy options. Earlier versions of the reports were presented during a review workshop hosted by the Czech Ministry of Health on 3 December 2008, involving the authors, representatives of the Czech Ministry, country experts, and key technical staff from the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the World Bank and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The feedback and input received from the workshop participants were used in developing the final reports.
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter - This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability of health systems in Europe. Furthermore, it includes an introduction on how EU action in supporting health- care policies in the EU Member States, both looking at implemented actions and describing current priorities for the future.