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Ghana's oil industry has real potential to transform the country. With the right conditions, Ghana's oil industry, like that of Alberta and Norway can help create jobs, strengthen the domestic private sector, fund public services, and contribute to infrastructural development, which could benefit both present and future generation. This thesis examines the current regulatory framework for managing oil revenue in Alberta, Norway and Ghana by assessing concepts in Alberta and Norway's regime that could be adopted in Ghana. Emphasis is placed on the tenure granting system and the regime for determining the government's share of oil revenue. It also examines the regulatory framework for the usage of petroleum revenue.
"A timely and welcome guide to policy makers and advisers in the area of resource taxation, combining theoretical underpinings with. sound practical advice over a range of relevant topics, from tax design, through fiscal and financial modeling to tax administration. It will be an invaluable reference in countries such as my own, where the discovery of major new oil and gas reserves, a large. established mining sector, and new and renewed investor interest have attracted national and international interest, with particular focus on the generation, collection, sharing and management of extractive industry revenues." Joseph Amoake-Tuffour, Advisor, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Republic of Ghana "This book is a rich source of reference for all who are concerned with the fiscal regimes for natural resources. The revenues which natural resources generate are often their main contribution to economic development. Thus, it is critical that governments and their citizens understand the fiscal alternatives available to them, the historical experience and what may be expected of these regimes, and the practical problems of administration and implementation. Those charged with making wise and informed decisions, especially where natural resources bulk large, will profit greatly from the contributions assembled here." Joseph C. Bell, Chair, Advisory Board, Revenue Watch Institute "This book is an essential tool for government and company officials, practitioners, advisers, and civil society advocates in working to promote efficient and equitable petroleum and minerals tax systems. Norway's Oil for Development Program works to further beneficial management of petroleum resources in a wide range of developing countries. The contributors to this book take stock of current knowledge about how to do this in the area of fiscal regime design---and extend it. There are no unique solutions, but this book offers insights and analytical techniques that can greatly enhance the capacity of decision-makers to design the right solutions for their own environments." Petter Nore (Director, Oil for Development Programme, Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD) "Taxes on non-renewable natural resources provide more than 50% of fiscal revenues in some 20 countries. How do you design an effective system for raising this tax? There are trade-offs between rent capture, development incentives and risk sharing, all in an environment of long run investments, asymmetric information, and price, geological, and political risk. In response, fiscal systems employ a bewildering combination of profits taxes, royalties, production sharing, and revenues from sale of production rights. This volume brings together a fine combination of economists and practitioners who make sense of these challenging issues and provide essential reading for policy makers faced with these choices." Professor Tony Venables, B.P. Professor of Economics and Director of the Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies
Better designed and implemented fiscal regimes for oil, gas, and mining can make a substantial contribution to the revenue needs of many developing countries while ensuring an attractive return for investors, according to a new policy paper from the International Monetary Fund. Revenues from extractive industries (EIs) have major macroeconomic implications. The EIs account for over half of government revenues in many petroleum-rich countries, and for over 20 percent in mining countries. About one-third of IMF member countries find (or could find) resource revenues “macro-critical” – especially with large numbers of recent new discoveries and planned oil, gas, and mining developments. IMF policy advice and technical assistance in the field has massively expanded in recent years – driven by demand from member countries and supported by increased donor finance. The paper sets out the analytical framework underpinning, and key elements of, the country-specific advice given. Also available in Arabic: ????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ???????????: ??????? ???????? Also available in French: Régimes fiscaux des industries extractives: conception et application Also available in Spanish: Regímenes fiscales de las industrias extractivas: Diseño y aplicación
Public policies in taxation and revenue management are key to ensuring natural resource wealth results in economic development. Tax policy and systems should ensure that whenever natural resources are extracted, the host state receives a fair share of revenue. Revenue management policies are required to ensure that government revenues from natural resources are wisely used to finance sustainable economic development. This Economic Paper analyses key issues in natural resource taxation and revenue management and recommends policies that can improve countries’ economic performance. The discussion draws on economic theory, empirical evidence and the work of the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Energy is a key resource for transformational development globally. Oil and gas continue to play a key role in this sector irrespective of the gradual transition towards renewables and will continue to do so in most developing and emerging economies in the near future. The industry is complex and highly capital intensive not only with significant risk, but also with significant benefits. Such a complex but important sector is generally not well understood both in academic and policy circles. This book fills this void by serving as a comprehensive reference to the oil and gas sector, with a focus on emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). It offers in-depth coverage of the critical and contemporary issues in the economics of the oil and gas industry by carefully integrating the relevant theoretical underpinnings and practical policy issues across the value chain of the industry in relation to the development, fiscal arrangements, and the economic and financing aspects of the industry. These insights will significantly deepen the understanding of the industry and extend knowledge of the sector in ways that existing books do not. The book includes relevant cases and, thus, will serve as a valuable resource for students taking courses in market analysis of the oil and gas industry, energy economics, development economics and finance, environmental and resource economics, the political economy of the extractive industry, and development studies. Researchers and practitioners working in these areas will also find the book to be a useful reference guide.
Inhaltsangabe:Introduction: The petroleum fiscal system for a country is essentially the taxation structure, including royalty payments, that has been established by legislation. More broadly, the fiscal system includes all aspects of the contractual and taxation framework that governs the relationship between the host government and an international oil company. Worldwide, there are many different fiscal systems with different taxation and contractual terms. These vary from country to country and some countries use more than one system. Countries, for example, may offer concessionary system arrangements or service and production sharing agreements. Whichever system prevails, the issue for an oil company is how can it recover costs expended and how will the profit be divided. This depends upon tax regulations and the principles of the economics of the life of a field. The focus of this book is on the mechanics of the various kinds of fiscal systems and the factors that drive exploration and development economics. The emphasis is on practical aspects of petroleum taxation and industry/government relationships. There is also fertile ground for considering the philosophy of petroleum taxation which has changed the industry. Legal and operational aspects of contract/fiscal terms are also examined to provide a foundation in the dynamics of international negotiations. Both industry and government viewpoints are addressed in this book since a complete grasp of the subject requires an understanding of the aims and concerns of both sides. There are few things more discouraging for a government s national oil company than an unsuccessful licensing round. Yet prolonged, inconclusive negotiations can be equally frustrating for oil companies. This book has been written for those interested in petroleum taxation and international negotiations, and the way to carry out successful exploration and development projects. Much of the subject has evolved years ago whilst some aspects of taxation are timeless. Examples are included to give the reader a wide perspective about the implementation of fiscal systems. The terminology has changed over the years and will continue to develop. There is little standardisation of terms in the industry and the abundance of jargon can be rather daunting. The subjects covered in this book are often simple concepts wrapped up with industry and legal jargon. A glossary is provided to help with this. Much of the material provided [...]
Although host governments and investors may share one common objective - the desire for projects to generate high levels off revenue - their other goals are not entirely aligned. Host governments aim to maximize rent for their country over time, while achieving other development and socioeconomic objectives. Investors aim to ensure that the return on investment is consistent with the risk associated with the project, and with their corporations' strategic objectives. To reconcile these often conflicting objectives, more and more countries rely on transparent institutional arrangements and flexible, nuetral fiscal regimes. This paper examines the key elements of the legal and fiscal frameworks utilized in the petroleum sector and aims to outline desirable features that should be considered in the design of fiscal policy with the objective of optimizing the host government's benefits, taking into account the effect this would have on the private sector's investment.
This paper provides policy-makers and negotiators an analysis of the issues and options which are crucial to the formulation of fiscal regimes for petroleum exploration and development, such as administrative requirements, accounting and auditing, determination of costs, transfer pricing, and currency transactions.
Natural resource revenues are an increasingly important financing source for public investment in many developing economies. Investing volatile resource revenues, however, may subject an economy to macroeconomic instability. This paper applies to Angola the fiscal framework developed in Berg et al. (forthcoming) that incorporates investment inefficiency and absorptive capacity constraints, often encountered in developing countries. The sustainable investing approach, which combines a stable fiscal regime with external savings, can convert resource wealth to development gains while maintaining economic stability. Stochastic simulations demonstrate how the framework can be used to inform allocations between capital spending and external savings when facing uncertain oil revenues. An overly aggressive investment scaling-up path could result in insufficient fiscal buffers when faced with negative oil price shocks. Consequently, investment progress can be interrupted, driving up the capital depreciation rate, undermining economic stability, and lowering the growth benefits of public investment.
Mexico has large extractive industries and it traditionally has raised sizable fiscal revenues from the oil and gas sector. A confluence of factors—elevated commodity prices, financial challenges of the state-owned oil company Pemex, and revenue needs for financing social and public investment spending over the medium term—suggest that a review of Mexico’s taxation regimes for natural resources would be opportune, against the backdrop of a comprehensive approach to tackling Mexico’s challenges. This paper identifies opportunities for redesigning mining taxation to increase somewhat the revenue intake while maintaining the favorable investment profile of the sector. It also discusses recent reforms to the oil and gas fiscal regime and future reform considerations, with attention to the attractiveness of investment on commercial terms—an issue that should be placed in the context of an overall reform of Pemex’s business strategy and possibly of the energy sector more generally.