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Designing a well-functioning intergovernmenal fiscal system is essential to the success of all the transitional economies' major reform goals: privatization, macroeconomic stability, more efficient performance and economic growth, and an adequate social safety net.
This publication contains information on intergovernmental finance issues in Central and Eastern Europe, and includes electronic links to a variety of documents, training and educational materials on the accompanying CD-ROM. The documents discuss basic concepts and principles, and describe the evolution of intergovernmental finance in the countries of the region. This publication has been produced by the Urban Institute, on behalf of the World Bank Institute and the US Agency for International Development.
Indonesia is currently facing some severe challenges, both in political affairs and in economic management. One of these challenges is the recently enacted decentralization program, now well underway, which promises to have some wide-ranging consequences. This edited volume presents original papers, written by a select group of widely recognized and distinguished scholars, that take a hard, objective look at the many effects of decentralization on economic and political issues in Indonesia. There are many questions about this program: how will it be implemented, is there capacity at the local level to implement its reforms, is there sufficient local political accountability to make it work, and how will the decentralization affect the broader program of economic growth and stabilization? Topics covered include: the historical and political dimensions of decentralization, its macroeconomic effects, its effects on poverty alleviation, the assignment of expenditure and revenue functions across levels of government, the design of transfers, the role of natural resource taxation and the effects of local government borrowing. An authoritative, comprehensive collection, Reforming Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and the Rebuilding of Indonesia will be of interest to economists and policy makers as well as students of public finance, development, and Asian economics.
China's recent experience underscores the economic importance of the system of intergovernmental fiscal relations. As in many transition economics, the structure of subnational governments and their relations with the central government have emerged as important policy issues. The experiences of other countries and the variety of systems that have been adopted by different countries suggest that there is no ideal system of intergovernmental relations, and that the choice of a particular system involves both advantages and disadvantages.2 Issues related to fiscal relations among different levels of government in a single country are in a sense the domestic counterpart to broader issues concerned with the constraints on national tax policies imposed by closer economic integration among different countries or globalization.3
Its highly fragmented structure of local governments and serious horizontal fiscal imbalances make Switzerland a surprisingly powerful model for Eastern European countries that are currently facing the challenge of fiscal decentralization. In spite of the substantial differences in the tradition and current practice of intergovernmental fiscal relations, transition economies may learn valuable lessons from the Swiss case in the fields of direct democracy, horizontal cooperation, expenditure and revenue assignment, and fiscal discipline. Among other conclusions, the authors suggest that subnational authorities can effectively fend off recentralization attempts of the central government if they engage in spontaneous cooperation to enhance the efficiency of public service provision. Together with an adequate fiscal equalization scheme, interjurisdictional cooperation also permits the reconciliation of the objective of an increasing devolution of powers with the existing regional disparities. The authors also show that the principle of subsidiarity can best be safeguarded by anchoring the expenditure and revenue powers of subnational governments in the constitution or in a similarly strong law. With regard to fiscal discipline, the combination of a "golden rule" with direct democratic instruments of budget control is proven to be successful in enhancing the accountability of local politicians toward their constituencies.
This report contains the most significant elements of intergovernmental fiscal relations in the Czech Republic including administrative structure, expenditure and revenue assignments, fiscal imbalances and transfers, access to borrowing and indebtedness, and budgeting. Although each of these elements is discussed in its own chapter, it is important to remember that they are interrelated and that reform design needs to be conducted in a coordinated manner.
This paper examines the relationship between fiscal decentralization—the assignment of revenue sources and expenditure functions across government levels—and government size in Moldova. The empirical results—based on data for a cross-section of Moldovan subnational governments in 1998—suggest that fiscal decentralization is associated with larger subnational governments and that the country’s revenue-sharing system imposes a constraint on subnational spending. Moldova is currently undergoing unprecedented reform of its system of intergovernmental fiscal relations, and consolidation of its local government. This reform package is crucial to ensure that decentralization does not increase the size of government.