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Output among firms is likely to be reallocated as a result of trade liberalization. In imperfectly competitive industries, such a "rationalization" effect can be an important component of the welfare impact of trade reform.
Over the period 1984 to 1987, a major liberalization of restrictive trade policies was implemented in the Moroccan manufacturing sector. The level of imports changed across different industries according to each industryamp;apos;s degree of liberalization. The paper focuses on exploring the distribution of output adjustment among incumbent firms to the changes in imports following a particular trade liberalization episode. A domestic oligopoly model where competing firms are not equally efficient, with perfectly substitutable imports fixed at some exogenous pre-reform level, provides the theoretical framework for the study. Such a model predicts that firm output contraction will be larger the greater the increase in imports. The results represent a first step in the analysis of firm adjustment to trade liberalization. While the paper shows that output in small firms contracts more than output in large firms, it presents no evidence of a shift of production from small to large firms.
This paper develops a general equilibrium model of multi-product firms and analyzes their behavior during trade liberalization. Firm productivity in a given product is modeled as a combination of firm-level "ability" and firm-product-level "expertise", both of which are stochastic and unknown prior to the firm's payment of a sunk cost of entry. Higher firm-level ability raises a firm's productivity across all products, which induces a positive correlation between a firm's intensive (output per product) and extensive (number of products) margins. Trade liberalization fosters productivity growth within and across firms and in aggregate by inducing firms to shed marginally productive products and forcing the lowest-productivity firms to exit. Though exporters produce a smaller range of products after liberalization, they increase the share of products sold abroad as well as exports per product. All of these adjustments are shown to be relatively more pronounced in countries' comparative advantage industries.
In this paper, I study the effect of economic integration with the United States on state-industry employment growth in Mexico. I disentangle the effects of two opposing forces on regional labor demand: transport-cost considerations, which, all else equal, encourage firms to relocate their activities to regions with relatively good access to foreign markets, and agglomeration economies, which, all else equal, reinforce the pre-trade pattern of industry location. I find that trade liberalization has strong effects on industry location. Consistent with the transport-costs hypothesis, post-trade employment growth is higher in state-industries that are relatively close to the United States. The results on agglomeration effects are mixed. Employment growth is higher where agglomeration in upstream and downstream industries is higher, but not where the agglomeration of firms in the same industry is higher. The results suggest trade liberalization has contributed to the decomposition of the manufacturing belt in and around Mexico City and the formation of broadly specialized industry centers located in northern Mexico, relatively close to the United States. The North American Free Trade Agreement is likely to reinforce these movements.
Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the transition dynamics associated with an economy's response to trade liberalization. We start by reviewing the recent literature that incorporates firm dynamics into models of international trade. We then build upon that literature to characterize the role of firm dynamics, export-market selection, firm-level innovation, and firms' expectations regarding the time path of liberalization in generating those transition dynamics following trade liberalization. These modeling ingredients generate substantial aggregate transition dynamics as they shift and shape the endogenous distribution of firms over time. Our results show how the responses of trade volumes, innovation, and aggregate output can vary greatly over time depending on those modeling ingredients. This has important consequences for many issues in international economics that rely on predictions for the effects of globalization over time on those key aggregate outcomes
Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the transition dynamics associated with an economy's response to trade liberalization. We start by reviewing the recent literature that incorporates firm dynamics into models of international trade. We then build upon that literature to characterize the role of firm dynamics, export-market selection, firm-level innovation, and firms' expectations regarding the time path of liberalization in generating those transition dynamics following trade liberalization. These modeling ingredients generate substantial aggregate transition dynamics as they shift and shape the endogenous distribution of firms over time. Our results show how the responses of trade volumes, innovation, and aggregate output can vary greatly over time depending on those modeling ingredients. This has important consequences for many issues in international economics that rely on predictions for the effects of globalization over time on those key aggregate outcomes
This paper uses a dynamic computable general equilibrium model to simulate the effects of unilateral reductions by the U.S. in tariffs and "voluntary" export restraints (VER's). We consider 50 percent cuts in tariffs and in ad valorem VER equivalents, separately and in combination. The model features intertemporal optimization by households and firms, explicit adjustment dynamics, an integrated treatment of the current and capital accounts of the balance of payments, and industry disaggregation. Central findings include: (1) VER's are considerably more significant than tariffs in terms of the magnitude of the macroeconomic effects induced by their reduction; (2) while VER reductions enhance domestic welfare, unilateral tariff cuts reduce domestic welfare (as a consequence of U.S. monopsony power and associated adverse terms of trade effects); (3) international capital movements critically regulate the responses of the U.S. and foreign economies to these trade initiatives and produce significant differences between short and long-run effects; and (4) effects differ substantially across industries. Together, these findings indicate that simulation analyses that disregard international capital movements, adjustment dynamics, and industry differences may generate seriously misleading results
We study the welfare implications of a bilateral free trade agreement. The model is based on the recent trade literature that considers search and matching frictions in the labor market. We extend the model by incorporating country-level heterogeneity in terms of production technology, population, and productivity endowment. Model simulation results show a simultaneous tariff cut between symmetric countries to reduce unemployment rates and increase prices in the product market due to higher long run demand, while nevertheless benefiting the economy owing to a more rapid rise in consumer income. In the case of asymmetric countries, we find that larger gains from greater openness to trade accrue to a country with (relatively) more elastic supply occasioned by capital-intensive production technology that accommodates more flexible adjustments to output in response to increased demand. We calibrate the model to Korean and Japanese data in order to assess the expected outcome of the potential trade liberalization between those countries. With a scenario of symmetric level of trade liberalization (in terms of trade cost reduction), when we assume the same population size in a counterfactual way, we find Japan to receive greater benefits from the opening because its relatively more capital intensive production allow for quicker output adjustment upon trade liberalization. When we presume, however, that Japan’s population is 2.5 times that of Korea, the results show Korea to enjoy a slightly more surplus due to the market size Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Trade Model with Labor Market Friction 2.1. Environment 3. Simulation Results 3.1. Trade Liberalization between Symmetric Countries 3.2. Trade Liberalization between Asymmetric Countries 3.2.1. Difference in output elasticity with respect to labor 3.2.2. Difference in population 3.2.3. Difference in productivity 4. Calibration of Korea-Japan FTA 4.1. Background 4.2. Parametrization 4.3. Results 5. Conclusion References
This compelling two-volume collection presents the major literary contributions to the economic analysis of the consequences of trade liberalization on growth, productivity, labor market outcomes and economic inequality. Examining the classical theories that stress gains from trade stemming from comparative advantage, the selection also comprises more recent theories of imperfect competition, where any potential gains from trade can stem from competitive effects or the international transmission of knowledge. Empirical contributions provide evidence regarding the explanatory power of these various theories, including work on the effects of trade openness on economic growth, wages, and income inequality, as well as evidence on the effects of trade on firm productivity, entry and exit. Prefaced by an original introduction from the editor, the collection will to be an invaluable research resource for academics, practitioners and those drawn to this fascinating topic.