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Fire and combustion presents a significant engineering challenge to mechanical, civil and dedicated fire engineers, as well as specialists in the process and chemical, safety, buildings and structural fields. We are reminded of the tragic outcomes of ‘untenable’ fire disasters such as at King’s Cross underground station or Switzerland’s St Gotthard tunnel. In these and many other cases, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is at the forefront of active research into unravelling the probable causes of fires and helping to design structures and systems to ensure that they are less likely in the future. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is routinely used as an analysis tool in fire and combustion engineering as it possesses the ability to handle the complex geometries and characteristics of combustion and fire. This book shows engineering students and professionals how to understand and use this powerful tool in the study of combustion processes, and in the engineering of safer or more fire resistant (or conversely, more fire-efficient) structures. No other book is dedicated to computer-based fire dynamics tools and systems. It is supported by a rigorous pedagogy, including worked examples to illustrate the capabilities of different models, an introduction to the essential aspects of fire physics, examination and self-test exercises, fully worked solutions and a suite of accompanying software for use in industry standard modeling systems. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is widely used in engineering analysis; this is the only book dedicated to CFD modeling analysis in fire and combustion engineering Strong pedagogic features mean this book can be used as a text for graduate level mechanical, civil, structural and fire engineering courses, while its coverage of the latest techniques and industry standard software make it an important reference for researchers and professional engineers in the mechanical and structural sectors, and by fire engineers, safety consultants and regulators Strong author team (CUHK is a recognized centre of excellence in fire eng) deliver an expert package for students and professionals, showing both theory and applications. Accompanied by CFD modeling code and ready to use simulations to run in industry-standard ANSYS-CFX and Fluent software
This report describes a new set of standard fire behavior fuel models for use with Rothermels surface fire spread model and the relationship of the new set to the original set of 13 fire behavior fuel models. To assist with transition to using the new fuel models, a fuel model selection guide, fuel model crosswalk, and set of fuel model photos are provided.
Computer simulation proves to be a valuable tool for the analysis and prediction of compartment fires. With the proper understanding and software, fire safety professionals can use modeling tools and methods to find answers to many critical questions relating to the prevention, investigation, and reconstruction of compartment fires. Thoroughly updated and revised, An Introduction to Mathematical Fire Modeling, Second Edition introduces the concepts, software, and techniques of computer-aided mathematical modeling and the software for the analysis and prediction of a variety of compartment fires. Beginning with basic compartment fire theory, the author develops a simple mathematical model that provides an engineering approximation of the time-varying conditions created by fires in an enclosure that may be subject to hot-layer vents. This is the first book focused on the deterministic computer modeling of compartment fires, and the FIRM model presented is the first fire model to be documented, validated, verified, and evaluated according to ASTM guidelines. The text includes detailed information on the use of the QBASIC software provided on an enclosed CD-ROM.
This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication. Land management agencies (LMA) need to understand and monitor the consequences of their fire suppression decisions. The authors developed a framework for retrospective fire behavior modeling and impact assessment to determine where ignitions would have spread had they not been suppressed, and to assess the cumulative effects that would have resulted. This guidebook is used for applying this methodology and is for those interested in quantifying the impacts of fire suppression. Land managers who use this methodology can track the cumulative effects of suppression, frame future suppression decisions and cost-benefit analyses in the context of past experiences, and communicate tradeoffs to the public, non-gov. organ., and LMA.
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) 415: Design Fires in Road Tunnels information on the state of the practice of design fires in road tunnels, focusing on tunnel fire dynamics and the means of fire management for design guidance.
This solid introduction uses the principles of physics and the tools of mathematics to approach fundamental questions of neuroscience.
This Digest explains the methodologies being used for the computer simulation of fire. It focuses on models of the fire itself: the essentially gas phase phenomenon at the heart of any fire simulation. Numerical modelling has become increasingly attractive for those wishing to fully exploit the freedoms to achieve safe, cost effective design offered by performance based regulation. This new edition of Digest 367 supersedes the version published in 1991. It explains fire growth and spread, and the two basic types of computer simulation methodologies. These are the zonal models, and the more universal field models that use the specialist discipline of computational fluid dynamics. Two types of field model are described which employ alternative approaches using Reynolds Averaged and Large Eddy methodologies to capture the influences of turbulence. An example shows the BRE CRISP model applied to the problem of smoke spread through a two storey theatre and the evacuation of the occupants.
When wildfires are suppressed, opportunities are foregone to create fuel breaks, reduce fire regime departures, and decrease future extreme fire behavior by modifying fuels. To our knowledge, no one has yet attempted to systematically quantify these foregone opportunities. This general technical report describes a methodology to measure the cumulative impacts of suppression over time by modeling the spread of ignitions that were suppressed. We illustrate a set of analysis steps to simulate where ignitions would have spread had they not been suppressed and to assess the cumulative effects that would have resulted from those fires. The quantification of these effects will help land managers improve the prioritization and planning of fuels treatments and help inform decisions about the suppression of future ignitions. In its simplest application, the methodology compares two landscapes: the realized landscape vs. a hypothetical landscape. As used throughout this guidebook, a "landscape" refers mainly to the biophysical characteristics of the study area such as vegetation and fuel conditions and potential fire behavior. The realized landscape is the landscape that resulted due to the fire management strategies actually implemented; this is typically the current landscape. The hypothetical landscape is the landscape that would have resulted if different fire management strategies had been chosen (e.g., if one or more suppressed ignitions had been allowed to burn freely). While the examples in this guidebook compare only two landscapes, any number of landscapes could be compared. A case study examines what conditions might have resulted if lightning-ignited fires were not suppressed in the South Fork Merced watershed of Yosemite National Park. The retrospective modeling process requires modeling the spread of ignitions that were suppressed, updating the fuels data to reflect that modeled fire, and repeating this process to account for all the ignitions of interest throughout the simulation period; this results in the hypothetical landscape. Once the modeling cycles are complete, the final step involves assessing the impacts of fire suppression by comparing the hypothetical and realized landscapes using various metrics depending on need and purpose. For example, the hypothetical and realized landscapes might be compared in terms of potential fire behavior (i.e., flame length or crowning potential). This document is a guidebook in that it provides a moderate level of detail for implementing the methodology and uses a case study to illustrate some procedures. However, it does not provide step-by-step instructions. Furthermore, inputs and parameters used in the case study are for illustration and should not be applied uncritically to other situations. Occasionally, specific tips on how best to accomplish the required steps are offered, but this guidebook is not intended to be a tutorial for specific modeling software, nor is it a text on fire behavior, ecology, or management. To implement the methodology here, the user must have some basic skill sets. The most important skills include basic Geographic Information System (GIS) data manipulation and analysis, experience with fire growth modeling software such as FARSITE (Finney 1998), and familiarity with fire management terminology. Other useful skills include familiarity with other fire modeling software such as FlamMap (Finney 2006) and FireFamilyPlus (FFP; Bradshaw and McCormick 2000), and knowledge of fuels characterization, fire weather analysis, fire behavior, fire ecology, and fire management.
A First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) was developed to predict the direct consequences of prescribed fire and wildfire. FOFEM computes duff and woody fuel consumption, smoke production, and fire-caused tree mortality for most forest and rangeland types in the United States. The model is available as a computer program for PC or Data General computer.