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Ein gigantisches Flammenwesen steht vor den Toren der Stadt und die Feuerwehrsondereinheiten bündeln ihre Kräfte, um es zu bekampfen. Shinra, der im Kampf das Bewusstsein verloren hat, gelangt nach Adora, wo er Inka begegnet. Diese überredet ihn, sich mithilfe seiner Überlichtgeschwindigkeit in die Vergangenheit vor die letzte große Katastrophe zu katapultieren. Dieser Ausflug hat jedoch Folgen ...
W ZATOCE POJAWIA SIĘ GIGANTYCZNY PŁOMIENNY. ROZPOCZYNA SIĘ WALKA NA MORZU BĘDĄCA WSTĘPEM DO WIELKIEGO KATAKLIZMU! Plan zagłady realizowany przez Ewangelistę wkracza w swój ostatni etap! Na wybrzeżu coraz bardziej zagrożonego Cesarstwa Tokijskiego zbierają się specjalne siły przeciwpożarowe, Hajima Industries i Białe Szaty! Jaka prawda kryje się za wystającym z wody filarem i wielkim kataklizmem? Na linii frontu dochodzi do spotkania dwóch braci… Niespodziewane doświadczenie Adolla Link sprawia, że Shinra ma okazję ujrzeć szokujący inny świat. Im bliżej znajduje się Adolla, tym większa przemiana zachodzi w przybierających na sile płomieniach! Jaki los czeka całą ludzkość? Te wydarzenia stanowią tylko przedsmak tego, co nadejdzie. Odkryjcie tajemnicę wielkiego kataklizmu, zanim dojdzie do zagłady tej planety!
THE GREAT CATACLYSM IS NIGH! It’s “all hands on deck” as a gargantuan Infernal appears in the ocean alongside a mysterious pillar. As the Evangelist’s calamitous plot enters its final phase, all forces converge on the Tokyo Empire coastline–Fire Force, Haijima, and White Clad. Meanwhile, Shinra makes an Adolla Link with the aid of an unlikely partner, allowing him to glimpse something truly shocking. What truth lies behind the towering pillar and the Great Cataclysm? What fate awaits the world and mankind?!
AN EPIC BATTLE! The third battle between Arthur and Dragon proves too big to remain confined to the earth, and escalates into outer space. As blade clashes with claw, a secret treasure bestowed by Vulcan grants Arthur new power. Will the victor of this epic battle determine the outcome of the Great Cataclysm?! Back on the ground, Faerie and the Cataclysm Squad take action to plunge man- kind deeper into despair. Humanity is powerless before Faerie's unparalleled skill in reaping hope from the world! Will there ever be a savior...?
The Light Armored Vehicle 25 (LAV-25) has played a significant role in transforming United States Marine Corps doctrine since its introduction in the early 1980s. The Marine Corps' Light Armored Vehicle program was based on the proven Swiss MOWAG Piranha series of 4x4, 6x6, and 8x8 wheeled vehicles. However, developing organizational units, tactics, and employment of the weapon system within the force structure of the Marine Corps proved to be more of a challenge than fielding the weapon system. This resulted in multiple re-designations for LAV units within the Corps. The LAV first saw combat in Panama during Operation Just Cause and LAV-25s have fought in every major conflict since, including Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. This book covers the design, development, and deployment of this continuingly successful vehicle.
Fire Force is the account of Chris Cocks’s service in 3 Commando, The Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI), during Zimbabwe’s civil war of the 1970s—a war that came to be known, almost innocuously, as ‘the bush war’. Fire Force, a tactic of total airborne/airmobile envelopment, was developed by the RLI, and became the principal strike weapon of the beleaguered Rhodesian forces in their struggle against the tide of the communist-trained and -equipped ZANLA and ZIPRA guerrillas. “Like Reitz’s work, Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War, Fire Force, by first-time author Chris Cocks, is a personal account of close-quarter warfare. It is a unique, compelling, sometimes brutal account of a young conscript’s three years of service in the elite Rhodesian Light Infantry … Cocks’s work is one of the very few books which adequately describes the horrors of war in Africa … Fire Force is the best book on the Rhodesian War that I have read.” – Southern African Review of Books “Fire Force will be to the Rhodesian War what Remarque’s All Quiet on The Western Front was to World War I. A high claim indeed, but perhaps valid, for this moving book is a classic in any sense.” – The Star “The narrative is raw … it gives the book a veracity so complete that it will transport anyone involved in the ordeal back across the years with the force of a body blow … Rhodesia does at last have its own version of Michael Herr’s Vietnam experiences, Dispatches. A sense of regret is what really lingers, that the whole nightmare had to happen at all. The list of names of boys killed, or scarred physically and mentally, is moving beyond mere words.” – The Financial Mail