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Boi się go cały świat? To zjawisko ?ludzkiego zapłonu?, w wyniku którego niewinni ludzie nagle stają w ogniu i zmieniają się w płomiennych ? przerażające potwory siejące zniszczenie bez opamiętania. Zadaniem specjalnych sił przeciwpożarowych jest ich zwalczanie, a także rozwiązanie zagadki ludzkiego zapłonu i uratowanie populacji przed spaleniem żywcem! Właśnie dlatego Shinra Kusakabe, młodzieniec przezywany ?Demonem?, chcąc zostać bohaterem, wstępuje do Specjalnych Sił Przeciwpożarowych, gdzie każdego dnia wspólnie z towarzyszami rzuca się w wir walki z ogniem! Oto początek płomiennego battle fantasy! -- w tym tomie -- CZAS NA WIELKĄ PRÓBĘ! TROJE MŁODYCH FUNKCJONARIUSZY ÓSEMKI WRACA DO ASAKUSY! Aby nauczyć się tajemnej sztuki strażaków znanej jako “Pożarowa supermoc”, Shinra i Arthur podejmują się morderczego treningu pod okiem Kapitana Benimaru z Siódemki. Towarzyszy im strach “Presji śmierci”… Przekroczcie swoje limity i stańcie się silniejsi! W tym samym czasie Tamaki – zawiedziona własną bezużytecznością podczas misji w Netherze – Trenuje z nadzwyczaj silnymi bliźniaczkami, Hikage i Hinatą. Przezwycięż swoją słabość, Tamaki! Oprócz tego podwładni ewangelisty wychodzą z mroków podziemi, by przedstawić swoje plany… Jak będzie walczyć Ósemka po zjednoczeniu świata?!
Shinra, Arthur, and Tamaki have returned to Asakusa to get another massive power up from training with Captain Shinmon. While Tamaki must win a game against the foul-mouthed twins, Hikage and Hinata, Shinra and Arthur are pushed past the limits of their limits. Can they get the improved strength they seek, or will they die trying?
On 11 November 1965, Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith unilaterally declared his country independent of Britain. International sanctions were immediately instituted against the minority white regime as Robert Mugabe's ZANLA and Joshua Nkomo's ZIPRA armies commenced their armed struggle, the Chimurenga, the war of liberation. As Communist-trained guerrillas flooded the country, the beleaguered Rhodesians, hard-pressed for manpower and military resources, were forced to devise new and innovative methods to combat the insurgency. Fire Force was their answer. Fire Force as a military concept dates from 1974 when the Rhodesian Air Force (RhAF) acquired the French MG151 20mm cannon from the Portuguese. Visionary RhAF and Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI) officers expanded on the idea of a 'vertical envelopment' of the enemy, with the 20mm cannon being the principal weapon of attack, mounted in an Alouette III K-Car ('Killer car'), supported by ground troops deployed from G-Cars (Alouette III troop-carrying gunships and latterly Bell 'Hueys') and parachuted from DC-3 Dakotas. In support would be a propeller-driven ground-attack aircraft armed with front guns, pods of napalm, white phosphorus rockets and a variety of Rhodesian-designed bombs; on call would be Canberra bombers, Hawker Hunter and Vampire jets. In spite of the overwhelming number of enemy pitted against them, Rhodesian Fire Forces accounted for thousands of enemy guerrillas, with a kill ratio exceeding 80:1. At the end of the war, ZANLA generals admitted their army could not have survived another year in the field-in no small part due to the ruthless efficiency of the Fire Forces, described by Charles D. Melson, the Chief Historian of the U.S. Marine Corps, as the ultimate "killing machine".
From the searing heat of the Zambezi Valley to the freezing cold of the Chimanimani Mountains in Rhodesia, from the bars in Port St Johns in the Transkei to the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa, this is the story of one man's fight against terror, and his conscience. Anyone living in Rhodesia during the 1960s and 1970s would have had a father, husband, brother or son called up in the defense of the war-torn, landlocked little country. A few of these brave men would have been members of the elite and secretive unit that struck terror into the hearts of the ZANLA and ZIPRA guerrillas infiltrating the country at that time - the Selous Scouts. These men were highly trained and disciplined, with skills to rival the SAS, Navy Seals and the US Marines, although their dress and appearance were wildly unconventional: civilian clothing with blackened, hairy faces to resemble the very people they were fighting against. Twice decorated - with the Member of the Legion of Merit (MLM) and the Military Forces' Commendation (MFC) - Andrew Balaam was a member of the Rhodesian Light Infantry and later the Selous Scouts, for a period spanning twelve years. This is his honest and insightful account of his time as a pseudo operator. His story is brutally truthful, frightening, sometimes humorous and often sad. In later years, after Rhodesia became Zimbabwe, he was involved with a number of other former Selous Scouts in the attempted coups in the Ciskei, a South African homeland, and Lesotho, an independent nation, whose only crimes were supporting the African National Congress. Training terrorists, or as they preferred to be called, 'liberation armies', to conduct a war of terror on innocent civilians, was the very thing he had spent the last ten years in Rhodesia fighting against. This is the true, untold story of these failed attempts at governmental overthrows.
The Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Administration, Second Edition provides in-depth information needed to be a successful company officer, battalion, commander, deputy chief or chief executive officer, providing the necessary base curriculum to meet the FESHE requirements.
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater! HIS BROTHER'S KEEPER Shinra has found Shō at last, and he's eager to rescue him from the clutches of the Evangelist. But Shō has no memory of his older brother, and refuses to accept the possibility that the two of them are related. Shinra's only choice is to beat Shō up and drag him home, but how can he defeat someone who has the power to stop time?