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Strengthening financial sector regulatory arrangements has been a major focus of the G-20 since the crisis in 2008, and progress in strengthening financial regulations is often cited as its success. Nonetheless, the overall contribution of the G20 as a political forum for the oversight of international financial regulation is diming as FinTech is blurring the boundaries between intermediaries and markets, as well as between digital service providers moving into the financial space, nonbank financial companies, and banks. Along the same line, financial technology is causing paradigm changes to the traditional financial system, presenting both challenges and opportunities. As FinTech grows rapidly, the importance of regulation and supervision becomes more prominent. The three cornerstones of banking: taking deposits, making loans, and facilitating payments are being reassembled functionally and digitally outside of the bank regulatory perimeter by certain firms. Without comprehensive consolidated supervision, no single regulator can see the whole picture and understand how a firm as a whole operates and takes risk. No crypto firm to date is subject to comprehensive consolidated supervision, creating gaps in supervision alongside risks. Countries around the world are taking divergent views on cryptocurrency and other so-called “Web3” technologies based on blockchain. This book aims to provide a comparison between the various available approaches, models, or legislations by identifying certain key legislative policies within the G-20 as they cope with innovative financial technologies, and will be of interest to scholars, students, and practitioners of banking, financial regulation, risk management, and financial technology.
This book provides both practice-oriented and academic insights into the disruptive power of fintech for the banking industry. It explores (1) whether and how the banking industry can use newly emerging technologies in the financial sphere to its advantage while managing any associated risks, (2) how these technologies affect traditional banking service formats as well as the pricing of these services, and (3) whether the emergence of fintech in the banking industry calls for a rethinking of existing banking regulations such as the Basel Accords as well as country-specific regulations. Prior publications in this area typically examine both current applications of fintech in the banking industry, as well as its future prospects, by analyzing actual cases or exploring the impact of a single emerging technology on the banking industry. They often ignore the interdependence between emerging technologies and overlook the connection between fintech as a whole and the future of the banking industry. This book addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of various fintech applications and by analyzing what they mean for the future of banking. Given the potentially disruptive power of fintech, the book will focus on the challenges banking supervisors are likely to encounter as a result of fintech’s continual ascent. It will thus encourage readers to think about and explore how to find a balance between the beneficial aspects of fintech and the challenges it creates in terms of supervision, regulation, and risk management.
Fintech developments are shaking up mandates within the existing regulatory architecture. It is not uncommon for financial sector agencies to have multiple policy objectives. Most often the policy objectives for these agencies reflect prudential, conduct and financial stability policy objectives. In some cases, financial sector agencies are also allocated responsibility for enhancing competition and innovation. When it comes to fintech, countries differ to some extent in the manner they balance the objectives of promoting the development of fintech and regulating it. Countries see fintech as a means of achieving multiple policy objectives sometimes with lesser or greater degrees of emphasis, such as accelerating development and spurring financial inclusion, while others may support innovation with the objective of promoting competition and efficiency in the provision of financial services. This difference in emphasis may impact institutional structures, including the allocation of staff resources. Conflicts of interest arising from dual roles are sometimes managed through legally established prioritization of objectives or establishment of separate internal reporting lines for supervision and development.
Responding to growing interest in new regulations adopted by the EU, US, and UK authorities, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the legal and economic aspects of FinTech and the current regulation surrounding it. In particular, the book observes the technological evolution of finance and the ‘economic space’ that lies between the regulated market and the illegal circulation of capital. Analysing laws that influence the application of technology to the banking and finance sector, the author considers market infrastructure and illustrates how firms execute their activities on a global scale, away from the scope of public supervision and monetary backstops. With globalisation and digitalisation boosting efficiency, the economical relevance of technology is becoming ever more important and therefore this book provides a much-needed examination of the current trends in FinTech regulation, making it an essential read for those researching financial markets, and professionals within the industry.
New technology and changes in the regulatory framework have had a significant impact; various new players have emerged, and new business models have evolved. API-based ecosystems have become the new normal and collaboration in the financial and banking industry has reached new levels. Digital Project Practice for Banking and FinTech focuses on technology changes in the financial industry and their implications for business practice. A combination of practical experience in the field as well as academic research, the book explores a wide range of topics in the multifaceted landscape of FinTech. It examines the industry’s various dimensions, implications, and potential based on academic research and practice. From project management in the digital era to the regulation and supervision of FinTech companies, the book delves into distinct aspects of this dynamic field, offering valuable insights and practical knowledge. It provides an in-depth overview of various unfolding developments and how to deal with and benefit from them. The book begins by exploring the unique challenges and opportunities project management presents in the digital era. It examines the evolving role of project management and provides strategies for effectively navigating the complexities of digital transformation initiatives. The book then covers such topics as: Financial Technology Canvas, a powerful tool for facilitating effective communication within fintech teams Process automation implementation in the financial sector and related benefits, challenges, and best practices to drive operational efficiency and enhance customer experiences Robotic process automation in financial institutions Cyptoeconomics and its potential implications for the diffusion of payment technologies The efficiency and risk factors associated with digital disruption in the banking sector. At its core, this book is about real-world practice in the digital banking industry. It is a source of different perspectives and diverse experiences from the global financial and banking industry. .
This fully revised and updated third edition provides a practical examination of legal and regulatory issues in FinTech, a sector whose rapid rise in recent years has produced opportunities for innovation but has also raised new challenges. Featuring insights from over 40 experts from 10 countries, this book analyses the statutory aspects of technology-enabled developments in banking and considers the impact these changes will have on the legal profession.
The impact of fintech is growing rapidly worldwide, although this growth is uneven across jurisdictions. Depending on the effect of fintech, authorities may adopt a passive approach of monitoring fintech, try and capture new business models in existing regulatory frameworks, develop bespoke regulation, or adopt test and learn policies through institutional arrangements like innovation hubs and sandboxes. The test and learn approach is relatively unique to fintech in financial regulation and supervision and has advantages and disadvantages. While it can help authorities monitor and respond to the challenges of fintech in some scenarios, in others it could lead to risks to consumers and markets, particularly when designed poorly or with an unclear use case. Ultimately, the aim for authorities should be to consider fintech regulation part of the mainstream, where fintech expertise is embedded throughout an organization and not siloed to specific fintech units.
This book focuses on Fintech regulation in Asian, situating local developments in broader economic, regulatory and technological contexts. Over the last decade, Fintech – broadly defined as the use of new information technologies to help financial institutions and intermediaries compete in the marketplace – has disrupted the financial services sector. Like other 21st century technological developments, Fintech is a global phenomenon that plays out in local economic, political and regulatory contexts, and this dynamic interplay between global trends and local circumstances has created a complex and fast-changing landscape. Diverse stakeholders (most obviously incumbent financial service providers, tech start-ups and regulators) all pursue a competitive edge against a background of profound uncertainty about the future direction and possible effects of multiple emerging technologies. Compounding these difficulties are uncertainties surrounding regulatory responses. Policymakers often struggle to identify appropriate regulatory responses and increasingly turn to policy experimentation. Such issues add to the challenges for the various actors operating in the Fintech space. This situation is particularly fluid in Asia, since many jurisdictions are seeking to establish themselves as a regional hub for new financial services.
Financial intermediation and financial services industries have undergone many changes in the past two decades due to deregulation, globalization, and technological advances. The framework for regulating finance has seen many changes as well, with approaches adapting to new issues arising in specific groups of countries or globally. The objectives of this paper are twofold: to review current international thinking on what regulatory framework is needed to develop a financial sector that is stable, yet efficient, and provides proper access to households and firms; and to review the key experiences regarding international financial architecture initiatives, with a special focus on issues arising for developing countries. The paper outlines a number of areas of current debate: the special role of banks, competition policy, consumer protection, harmonization of rules-across products, within markets, and globally-and the adaptation and legitimacy of international standards to the circumstances facing developing countries. It concludes with some areas where more research would be useful.
Technology is changing the landscape of the financial sector, increasing access to financial services in profound ways. These changes have been in motion for several years, affecting nearly all countries in the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has created new opportunities for digital financial services to accelerate and enhance financial inclusion, amid social distancing and containment measures. At the same time, the risks emerging prior to COVID-19, as digital financial services developed, are becoming even more relevant.