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Let g be a real or complex (finite dimensional) simple Lie algebra and σ∈Autg. We study automorphisms of the twisted loop algebra L(g,σ) of smooth σ-periodic maps from R to g as well as of the "smooth" affine Kac-Moody algebra L (g,σ), which is a 2-dimensional extension of L(g,σ). It turns out that these automorphisms which either preserve or reverse the orientation of loops, and are correspondingly called to be of first and second kind, can be described essentially by curves of automorphisms of g. If the order of the automorphisms is finite, then the corresponding curves in Autg allow us to define certain invariants and these turn out to parametrize the conjugacy classes of the automorphisms. If their order is 2 we carry this out in detail and deduce a complete classification of involutions and real forms (which correspond to conjugate linear involutions) of smooth affine Kac-Moody algebras. The resulting classification can be seen as an extension of Cartan's classification of symmetric spaces, i.e. of involutions on g. If g is compact, then conjugate linear extensions of involutions from L (g,σ) to conjugate linear involutions on L (gC,σC) yield a bijection between their conjugacy classes and this gives existence and uniqueness of Cartan decompositions of real forms of complex smooth affine Kac-Moody algebras. We show that our methods work equally well also in the algebraic case where the loops are assumed to have finite Fourier expansions.
Heintze and Gross discuss isomorphisms between smooth loop algebras and of smooth affine Kac-Moody algebras in particular, and automorphisms of the first and second kinds of finite order. Then they consider involutions of the first and second kind, and make the algebraic case. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
Lie groups and their "derived objects", Lie algebras, appear in various fields of mathematics and physics. At least since the beginning of the 20th century, and after the famous works of Wilhelm Killing, Elie Cartan, Eugenio Elia Levi, Anatoly Malcev and Igor Ado on the structure of finite-dimensional Lie algebras, the classification and structure theory of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras has become an interesting and fairly vast field of interest. This dissertation focusses on the structure of Lie algebras of smooth and k-times differentiable sections of finite-dimensional Lie algebra bundles, which are generalizations of the famous and well-understood affine Kac-Moody algebras. Besides answering the immediate structural questions (center, commutator algebra, derivations, centroid, automorphism group), this work approaches a classification of section algebras by homotopy theory. Furthermore, we determine a universal invariant symmetric bilinear form on Lie algebras of smooth sections and use this form to define a natural central extension which is universal, at least in the case of Lie algebra bundles with compact base manifold.
This work is concerned with zeta functions of two-dimensional shifts of finite type. A two-dimensional zeta function $\zeta^{0}(s)$, which generalizes the Artin-Mazur zeta function, was given by Lind for $\mathbb{Z}^{2}$-action $\phi$. In this paper, the $n$th-order zeta function $\zeta_{n}$ of $\phi$ on $\mathbb{Z}_{n\times \infty}$, $n\geq 1$, is studied first. The trace operator $\mathbf{T}_{n}$, which is the transition matrix for $x$-periodic patterns with period $n$ and height $2$, is rotationally symmetric. The rotational symmetry of $\mathbf{T}_{n}$ induces the reduced trace operator $\tau_{n}$ and $\zeta_{n}=\left(\det\left(I-s^{n}\tau_{n}\right)\right)^{-1}$. The zeta function $\zeta=\prod_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(\det\left(I-s^{n}\tau_{n}\right)\right)^{-1}$ in the $x$-direction is now a reciprocal of an infinite product of polynomials. The zeta function can be presented in the $y$-direction and in the coordinates of any unimodular transformation in $GL_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$. Therefore, there exists a family of zeta functions that are meromorphic extensions of the same analytic function $\zeta^{0}(s)$. The natural boundary of zeta functions is studied. The Taylor series for these zeta functions at the origin are equal with integer coefficients, yielding a family of identities, which are of interest in number theory. The method applies to thermodynamic zeta functions for the Ising model with finite range interactions.
Suppose $G$ is a real reductive algebraic group, $\theta$ is an automorphism of $G$, and $\omega$ is a quasicharacter of the group of real points $G(\mathbf{R})$. Under some additional assumptions, the theory of twisted endoscopy associates to this triple real reductive groups $H$. The Local Langlands Correspondence partitions the admissible representations of $H(\mathbf{R})$ and $G(\mathbf{R})$ into $L$-packets. The author proves twisted character identities between $L$-packets of $H(\mathbf{R})$ and $G(\mathbf{R})$ comprised of essential discrete series or limits of discrete series.
The authors give an adelic treatment of the Kuznetsov trace formula as a relative trace formula on $\operatorname{GL}(2)$ over $\mathbf{Q}$. The result is a variant which incorporates a Hecke eigenvalue in addition to two Fourier coefficients on the spectral side. The authors include a proof of a Weil bound for the generalized twisted Kloosterman sums which arise on the geometric side. As an application, they show that the Hecke eigenvalues of Maass forms at a fixed prime, when weighted as in the Kuznetsov formula, become equidistributed relative to the Sato-Tate measure in the limit as the level goes to infinity.
In this monograph the author investigates divergence-form elliptic partial differential equations in two-dimensional Lipschitz domains whose coefficient matrices have small (but possibly nonzero) imaginary parts and depend only on one of the two coordinates. He shows that for such operators, the Dirichlet problem with boundary data in $L^q$ can be solved for $q1$ small enough, and provide an endpoint result at $p=1$.
We prove that the kernel of the action of the modular group on the center of a semisimple factorizable Hopf algebra is a congruence subgroup whenever this action is linear. If the action is only projective, we show that the projective kernel is a congruence subgroup. To do this, we introduce a class of generalized Frobenius-Schur indicators and endow it with an action of the modular group that is compatible with the original one.
This text provides a new proof of Glauberman's Z*-Theorem under the additional hypothesis that the simple groups involved in the centraliser of an isolated involution are known simple groups.