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Never before in the history of mathematics has there been an individual theorem whose proof has required 10,000 journal pages of closely reasoned argument. Who could read such a proof, let alone communicate it to others? But the classification of all finite simple groups is such a theorem-its complete proof, developed over a 30-year period by about 100 group theorists, is the union of some 500 journal articles covering approximately 10,000 printed pages. How then is one who has lived through it all to convey the richness and variety of this monumental achievement? Yet such an attempt must be made, for without the existence of a coherent exposition of the total proof, there is a very real danger that it will gradually become lost to the living world of mathematics, buried within the dusty pages of forgotten journals. For it is almost impossible for the uninitiated to find the way through the tangled proof without an experienced guide; even the 500 papers themselves require careful selection from among some 2,000 articles on simple group theory, which together include often attractive byways, but which serve only to delay the journey.
Modular Representations of Finite Groups
The object of the memoir is to determine all finite simple (and more generally fusion-simple) groups each of whose 2-subgroups can be generated by at most 4 elements. Using a result of MacWilliams, we obtain as a corollary the classifications of all finite simple groups whose Sylow 2-subgroups do not possess an elementary abelian normal subgroups of order 8. The general introduction provides a fairly detailed outline of the over-all proof of our main classification theorem, including the methods employed. The proof itself is divided into six major parts; and the introductory section of each part gives a description of the principal results to be proved in that part.
The first book to deal comprehensively with the theory of fusion systems.
The classification of the finite simple groups is one of the major feats of contemporary mathematical research, but its proof has never been completely extricated from the journal literature in which it first appeared. This book serves as an introduction to a series devoted to organizing and simplifying the proof. The purpose of the series is to present as direct and coherent a proof as is possible with existing techniques. This first volume, which sets up the structure for the entire series, begins with largely informal discussions of the relationship between the Classification Theorem and the general structure of finite groups, as well as the general strategy to be followed in the series and a comparison with the original proof. Also listed are background results from the literature that will be used in subsequent volumes. Next, the authors formally present the structure of the proof and the plan for the series of volumes in the form of two grids, giving the main case division of the proof as well as the principal milestones in the analysis of each case. Thumbnail sketches are given of the ten or so principal methods underlying the proof. Much of the book is written in an expository style accessible to nonspecialists.
Studies the generic finite simple group of characteristic 2 type whose proper subgroups are of known type. The authors' principal result (the Trichotomy Theorem) asserts that such a group has one of three precisely determined internal structures.
Provides an outline and modern overview of the classification of the finite simple groups. It primarily covers the 'even case', where the main groups arising are Lie-type (matrix) groups over a field of characteristic 2. The book thus completes a project begun by Daniel Gorenstein's 1983 book, which outlined the classification of groups of 'noncharacteristic 2 type'.