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This book analyzes the process of international financial integration and the structural forces driving private capital to developing countries. Against this background, it details the potential benefits of integration and the implications of fast-moving global capital flows for emerging economics. Examining the experience of countries that have attracted substantial private capital flows, the book provides invaluable guidance as to what works and what doesn't during the transition to financial integration. It will be of compelling interest to policymakers and also to international investors and bankers, financial analysts, and researchers.
This paper assesses empirically the key drivers of private capital flows to a large sample of emerging market economies in the last decade. It analyzes the effect of the global financial cycle, measured by the VIX, on capital flows and investigates the role of fundamentals and country characteristics in mitigating or amplifying its effect. Using interaction models, we find the effect of the VIX to be non-linear. For low levels of the VIX, capital flows are driven by fundamental factors. During periods of stress, the VIX becomes the dominant driver of capital flows while other determinants, with the exception of interest rate differentials, lose statistical significance. Our results also suggest that the effect of global financial conditions on gross private capital flows increases with the host country’s level of financial sector development. Finally, our results imply that countries cannot fully insulate themselves from global financial shocks, unless creating a fragmented global financial system.
This paper outlines an expanded and more challenging role for multilateral development banks (MDBs) in the provision of longer term development finance. The traditional role has to be further refocused and expanded to cover mobilization of private sector resources, both external and internal.
This paper considers the new forms and roles of private capital flows to developing countries in the 1990s and appropriate national and international policy responses to the problems and possibilities they create. Section 2 describes the growth of these flows in the 1990s, their role in development and some of their effects in recipient countries. Section 3 considers alternate capital account policies for developing countries. In section 4 the possibility of improved international arrangements is considered. Section 5 contains recommendations from the previous analysis.
Private portfolio flows to a country tend to rise in response to an increase in the current account deficit, a rise in foreign direct investment flows, higher per capita income, and growth performance. The most important determinant of official lending to a developing country seems to be the external current account balance or a change in international reserves in the country.
In a sample of 60 developing countries, we find evidence of a strong-almost one-to-one-relationship between capital inflows and domestic investment. However, this relationship has evolved over time. While growing financial integration with the rest of the world has increased access to foreign private capital, the relationship between foreign capital and domestic investment has weakened, reflecting changes in the composition of inflows, offsetting outflows, and increased foreign-currency reserve requirements. In contrast, better policies have not only brought in more capital but also, especially for foreign direct investment, have tended to strengthen the relationship between foreign capital and domestic investment.
This publication reviews the major financing issues influencing economic development since the historic Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development in 2002. It contains four main chapters under the headings of: international private capital flows; official development financing; external debt; and systemic issues.
This compilation helps understand the basic forces that are now determining the performance and prospects of emerging market economies (EMEs) around the world. In the past few years, there has been a sharp rise in private capital flows to well performing developing countries, commonly referred to as EMEs. With a drop in net transfers from official sources, the private capital flows in these countries now dwarf official flows. Growth and Development in Emerging Market Economies: International Private Capital Flows, Financial Markets and Globalization encapsulates in one volume the understanding of the inter-related topics of global imbalances, finance, investment, trade, and infrastructure. Such assemblage is difficult to find in the existing literature in this field. Many chapters discuss the situations in Asia and Latin America, drawing parallels and pointing out contrasts. The papers in this collection were discussed at the Emerging Markets Forum meeting held in Jakarta, Indonesia in September 2006. The contributors include highly experienced former policy makers and senior officials of multilateral institutions who have lifelong experience in policy formulation at the highest level. The collection would be of value to policy makers in developing countries, officials of multilateral development institutions and researchers and academicians in the field of EMEs.
"International private capital flows to developing countries reached a record net level of $491 billion in 2005. This surge in private capital flows offers national and international policy makers a major opportunity to bolster development efforts if they can successfully meet three challenges. The first is to ensure that more countries, especially poorer ones, enhance their access to developmentally beneficial international capital through improvements in their macroeconomic performance, investment climate, and use of aid. The second is to avoid sudden capital flow reversals by redressing global imbalances through policies that recognize the growing interdependencies between developed and developing countries' financial and exchange rate relations in the determination of global financial liquidity and asset price movements. And the third is to ensure that development finance, both official and private, is managed judiciously to meet the development goals of recipient countries while promoting greater engagement with global financial markets. These are the themes and concerns of this year's edition of Global Development Finance. Vol I. Anlaysis and Statistical Appendix reviews recent trends in financial flows to developing countries. Vol II. Summary and Country Tables* includes comprehensive data for 138 countries, as well as summary data for regions and income groups."