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Publisher's Note The third edition of Financial Services in Wales The data provided in this publication to correct to (formerly entitled Corporate Financial Services in the best of the Publishers knowledge and belief at Wales) has been completely revised and updated the time of going to press at the end of 1990. via questionnaires sent to all the second edition's entrants and via telephone follow-up where No responsibility can be accepted either by the necessary. Many new organisations have also publishers or the sponsors of this directory for any been added, reflecting the continueing dynamic action taken by a reader as a result of using this growth of the Welsh financial services sector. directory. Once again the Publishers would like to thank all As a matter of sensible business practice, any those organisations which contributed data for reader choosing to make further use of the publication in the directory, as well as the information given in this publication is advised to advertisers and -in particular -the sponsors, the take specific professional advice to cover the names of which are listed on the title page of the particular course of action he may wish to follow. directory. 2 unlike some other regions Wales is not overheated and continues to offer great opportunities for FOREWORD companies in this sector looking to expand or re locate. I look foward to outstanding future growth.
byMCMogano 1 ACCOUNTANTS 13 BANKS & SECURITIES HOUSES 105 BUSINESS EXPANSION SCHEME FUND MANAGERS 111 FACTORING COMPANIES 119 FINANCE HOUSES 131 INSURANCE COMPANIES 135 INVESTMENT TRUSTS 145 LEASING COMPANIES 159 PUBLIC SECTOR INSTITUTIONS STOCKBROKERS 181 VENTURE & DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL COMPANIES 193 INDEXES 241 i Comprehensive alphabetical index of a" institutions 245 ii Fu" alphabetical index of a" institutions by category 249 iii Classified index grouping institutions by category of service system is required. The range of other financial services which each institution offers provides a further guide to THE U.K. BUSINESS its nature and capabilities. Your choice of investor and working capital partner is FINANCE particularly important, for both -or all three -of you will be better suited if a long-term harmonious relationship DIRECTORY can be established. As your business grows, you will want your provider of finance to have sufficient confidence in your abilitY,to enable him to fund expansion. 1990 EDITION The Business Expansion Scheme (BES) was established in 1983 by the Government to encourage individual investors in providing risk monies to unquoted trading concerns, benefiting themselves through tax relief at their highest rate providing the investment remains undisturbed Introduction for at least five years.
Wales is being transformed from a country dependent upon heavy industries to one of the most exciting regions of Western Europe. It is attracting a diversity of activity in terms of both inward investment and a whole range of new indigenous business. Wales has had an increasing amount of inward investment. Countries like Japan, the United States and Western Germany recognise the high quality of the workforce, the good communications, the good financial package offered by a positive regional policy and the enthusiasm of local government and trade unions welcome them. Wales is at last being recognised as the ideal location for service industries. The urban redevelopment of Cardiff, the enormous developments in cities like Swansea and Newport create a location for service industries of the highest quality at low cost. Wales provides office accomodation at a fraction of the cost in the South East of England, but with the latest buildings and the latest in telecommunication technology. There is certainly a welcome in Wales and I hope all of those who read this directory, indicating as it does the growth that has already taken place, will themselves make the appropriate enquiries: • see where they can locate an office, • see what are the facilities for a good quality labour force, • study the good communications be they road, rail or telecommunications. Anybody that does this will certainly conclude that Wales is the place to be. Rt. Han. Peter Walker, MBE.
Can the European Union continue to grow and also converge? Is uniformity within the union desirable? The European Union has grown into a supranational entity formed from a mosaic of diverse regions. Its enlargement to encompass a number of Central European countries seems only a matter of time. With the EU's political and economic importance growing globally, the Union's influence is increasingly being felt within its Member States. A new geography is emerging with pressures to reduce regional disparities by a process of convergence. A Geography of the European Union provides a comprehensive introduction to the European Union, its identity, problems and prospects. Focusing on the key issues of integration and enlargement, the authors examine the major economic, social, environmental and political aspects of the EU, both in terms of its individual regions and as a system of interdependent states that form the single EU entity. Assessment of controversial issues is frank: problems of unemployment, social stress, ageing and the place of women are covered objectively, prompting readers to form their own interpretations. This completely revised and expanded 2nd Edition includes a wealth of new illustrations, data and analysis. Setting the EU within a broader European and global context, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to the changing geography of the European Union and its place in a rapidly changing world.
This work has been written by a practitioner for the benefit of practitioners.The two introductory chapters deal with broad general principles and conceptual issues such as what is a caveat? and what is a caveatable interest? but the bulk of the book is taken up by an encyclopaedic analysis of all of the reported Australian and New Zealand cases touching upon caveats. Essentially this book is intended to function as a road map for practitioners to the reported cases, guiding them to cases involving similar facts, and breaking the issues up in a way that matches the practical problems with which they must deal.Chapters which follow on from the general introductory chapters:list all the recognised categories of situations where there is a caveatable interestdeal with defects in the drafting of caveatsdescribe the procedures available to a registered proprietor or other interested person for freeing the title from the caveatanalyse the criteria for a successful action for compensation for wrongful lodgement of a caveatexplain the role of caveats in determining equitable prioritiesThere is also a brief chapter dealing with the assessment of stamp duty on caveats.
This book explains the way in which the financial system of the United Kingdom works and discusses the issues raised by recent extensive changes to the system. It gives both the institutional structure and the economic theory behind the financial systems.
This book represents the eighth edition of what has become an established reference work, MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE Guide to the FAR EAST & AUSTRALASIA. This volume has been carefully researched and updated since publication of the previous arrangement of the book edition, and provides more company data on the most important companies in the region. The information in the This book has been arranged in order to allow the reader to book was submitted mostly by the companies themselves, find any entry rapidly and accurately. completely free of charge. For the second time, a third volume has been added to the series, covering major companies in Company entries are listed alphabetically within each section; Australia and New Zealand. in addition three indexes are provided on coloured paper at the back of the book. The companies listed have been selected on the grounds of the size of their sales volume or balance sheet or their The alphabetical index to companies throughout Australia & importance to the business environment of the country in New Zealand lists all companies having entries in the book which they are based. irrespective of their main country of operation. The book is updated and published every year. Any company The alphabetical index to companies within Australia & New that considers it is eligible for inclusion in the next edition of Zealand lists companies by their country of operation.
VOWMES1 &2 Graham & Trotman, a member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group is one of Europe's leading publishers of MAJC?R COMPANIES OF EUROPE 1990/91, Volume 1, business information, and publishes company reference contaln~ us~ful information on over 4000 of the top annuals on other parts of the world as follows: comp~nles In the European Economic Community, excluding the UK, nearly 1500 companies of which are MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE ARAB WORLD covered in Volume 2. Volume 3 covers near~y 1100 of the MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE FAR EAST & AUSTRALASIA top companies within Western Europe but outside the MAJOR COMPANIES OF THE U.S.A. European Economic Community. Altogether the three volumes of MAJOR COMPANIES OF EUROPE now Please send for a free complete catalogue of the provide in authoritative detail, vital information on over company's books on business management techniques, 6600 of the largest companies in Western Europe. business law, finance, banking, export markets, oil technology, energy resources, pollution control and a MAJOR COMPANIES OF EUROPE 1990/91, Volumes 1 number of other subject areas to: The Editor, Major & 2 contain many of the largest companies in the world. The Companies of Europe, Graham & Trotman Ltd, Sterling area coverecj by these volumes, the European Economic House, 66 Wilton Road, London SW1V 1DE.