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GAO reviewed the Department of State's accounting and financial management operations and systems, focusing on: (1) major weaknesses; (2) State's efforts to correct known problems; and (3) actions that could improve the usefulness and relevance of State's financial reports. GAO found that State: (1) lacked a centralized management entity to control financial operations, which led to duplication and cost inefficiencies; (2) consolidated many financial operations under the Chief Financial Officer (CFO); (3) planned to delegate control of overseas posts' financial management operations to various bureaus that would operate under CFO-directed policies; (4) lacked fully qualified and trained financial management personnel and planned to supplement existing staff with trained specialists, provide training exercises and experience to personnel, and increase supervision; (5) financial systems lacked the capacity to handle all transactions, and in some cases were obsolete; (6) planned to standardize and integrate its primary and subsidiary accounting systems so that all data would be processed uniformly and validated based on standard criteria; and (7) developed a reasonable strategy to improve its financial operations and systems, which included faster online response time, streamlined processing capabilities, and better system linkages. GAO also found that: (1) State's accounting systems did not provide a fully functional general ledger to support its financial statements, analysis, and oversight of financial operations; (2) managers did not receive adequate information on real property, personal property, and foreign nationals' benefits to monitor their programs properly; and (3) State's strategy for improving financial operations did not address its financial systems' ability to provide managers with needed financial information as required by regulations.
The State Department is responsible for conducting foreign relations, including formulating policy on diverse international issues and coordinating and supporting U.S. programs and activities overseas. State is expected to perform a wide variety of functions that are critical to U.S. interests: provide leadership to help bring peace and stability to areas such as Bosnia and the Middle East; report on overseas events; influence other countries to adopt policies and practices consistent with U.S. interests on security, economic, narcotics, crime, environment, democracy, and other issues; assist U.S. business abroad; provide services to U.S. citizens overseas; and issue passports and visas. To develop options to allow the State Department to accommodate potential budget reductions, GAO analyzed State's reform initiatives and examined the functions of State's headquarters organization, overseas posts in 6 countries, and selected activities of 14 other U.S. government agencies that share responsibility with State for certain international activities.
Responds to recommendations contained in the V.P. Gore's National Performance Review's (NPR) Sept. 7, 1993, report. The NPR report contained 384 major recommendations covering 27 federal agencies & 14 government systems. This report contains initial comments on each of the NPR report's recommendations on the basis of the government's work, & is the first part of a planned long-term body of work on the NPR.