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About the necessity and usefulness of developing a philosophy specific to the blockchain technology, emphasizing on the ontological aspects. After an Introduction that highlights the main philosophical directions for this emerging technology, in Blockchain Technology I explain the way the blockchain works, discussing ontological development directions of this technology in Designing and Modeling. The next section is dedicated to the main application of blockchain technology, Bitcoin, with the social implications of this cryptocurrency. There follows a section of Philosophy in which I identify the blockchain technology with the concept of heterotopia developed by Michel Foucault and I interpret it in the light of the notational technology developed by Nelson Goodman as a notational system. In the Ontology section, I present two developmental paths that I consider important: Narrative Ontology, based on the idea of order and structure of history transmitted through Paul Ricoeur's narrative history, and the Enterprise Ontology system based on concepts and models of an enterprise, specific to the semantic web, and which I consider to be the most well developed and which will probably become the formal ontological system, at least in terms of the economic and legal aspects of blockchain technology. In Conclusions I am talking about the future directions of developing the blockchain technology philosophy in general as an explanatory and robust theory from a phenomenologically consistent point of view, which allows testability and ontologies in particular, arguing for the need of a global adoption of an ontological system for develop cross-cutting solutions and to make this technology profitable. CONTENTS: Abstract Introducere Tehnologia blockchain - Proiectare - Modele Bitcoin Filosofia Ontologii - Ontologii narative - Ontologii de intreprindere Concluzii Note Bibliografie DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24510.33602
Despre necesitatea şi utilitatea dezvoltării unei filosofii specifice tehnologiei blockchain, accentuând pe aspectele ontologice. După o Introducere în care evidenţiez principalele direcţii filosofice pentru această tehnologie emergentă, în Tehnologia blockchain explicitez modul de funcţionare al blockchain, punând în discuţie direcţiile ontologice de dezvoltare în Proiectarea şi Modelarea acestei tehnologii. Următoarea secţiune este dedicată principalei aplicaţii a tehnologiei blockchain, Bitcoin, cu implicaţiile sociale ale acestei criptovalute. Urmează o secţiune de Filosofie în care identific tehnologia blockchain cu conceptul de heterotopie dezvoltat de Michel Foucault şi o interpretez în lumina tehnologiei notaţionale dezvoltată de Nelson Goodman ca sistem notaţional. În secţiunea Ontologii dezvolt două direcţii de dezvoltare considerate de mine ca importante: Ontologia narativă, bazată pe ideea de ordine şi structură a istoriei transmise prin naraţia istoriei a lui Paul Ricoeur, şi un sistem ontologic bazat pe Ontologiile de intreprindere, bazat pe conceptele şi modelele de intreprindere specifice webului semantic, şi pe care eu îl consider cel mai bine dezvoltat şi cel care va deveni, probabil, sistemul ontologic formal, cel puţin în ceea ce priveşte aspectele economice şi juridice ale tehnologiei blockchain. În Concluzii vorbesc despre direcţiile viitoare de dezvoltare a filosofiei tehnologiei blockchain în general ca o teorie explicativă şi robustă din punct de vedere fenomenologic, consistentă şi care să permită testabilitatea, şi a ontologiilor în special, argumentând pentru necesitatea unei adopţii globale a unui sistem ontologic pentru a dezvolta soluţii transversale şi a rentabiliza tehnologia. Cuvinte cheie: filosofie, blockchain, ontologie, bitcoin, proiectare, modele CUPRINS Filosofia tehnologiei blockchain Ontologii Abstract Introducere Tehnologia blockchain Proiectare Modele Bitcoin Filosofia Ontologii Ontologii narative Ontologii de intreprindere Concluzii Note Bibliografie Data: 1 februarie 2019 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25492.35204
"The Reddish Polyergus, the most powerful ants of France by their courage in the fighting, form a people composed of four orders of citizens: males, females, neutrals or warriors ... and slaves, workers conquered on suitable species. I am neutral, and I am proud of it. Is there a life more noble, more chivalrous than mine: to fight, to conquer or to die!... We live for years, and all this time we spend it to serve the country and the nation, to contribute to its greatness, to its power; to make us serve as kings ... and enjoy the sun!"
Presentation and comparison of the main causal theories of reference for proper names, and a proposal of a new approach based on the analogy of the causal chain of reference with the block chain from blockchain technology and Paul Ricœur's narrative theory. After a brief Introduction in which the types of sentences from the concept of possible worlds are reviewed, and an overview of the theory in the Causal Theory of Reference, I present the causal theory of the reference proposed by Saul Kripke, then two hybrid causal theories developed by Gareth Evans and Michael Devitt. In the section Blockchain and the causal tree of reference I present my idea of developing a new causal theory of reference for proper names through a causal tree of reference. In the Conclusions I talk about the further development of the ways in which the terms of reference could refer to certain objects and individuals, the main criticisms of the causal theories, and suggestions for future development. CONTENTS: Abstract Introduction 1. The causal theory of reference 2. Saul Kripke 3. Gareth Evans 4. Michael Devitt 5. Blockchain and the causal tree of reference Conclusions Bibliografie DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26330.90562
De la nécessité et de l'utilité de développer une philosophie spécifique pour la technologie de la blockchain, mettant l'accent sur les aspects ontologiques. Après une Introduction qui met en évidence les principales orientations philosophiques de cette technologie émergente, dans La technologie blockchain j’explique le fonctionnement de la blockchain, en analysant les directions de développement ontologique de cette technologie dans Conception et modélisation. La section suivante est consacrée à la principale application de la technologie de la blockchain, Bitcoin, avec les implications sociales de cette crypto-monnaie. Il suit une section de Philosophie dans laquelle j'identifie la technologie de la blockchain au concept d'hétérotopie développé par Michel Foucault et je l'interprète à la lumière de la technologie de notation développée par Nelson Goodman en tant que système de notation. Dans la section Ontologie, je présente deux voies de développement que j'estime importantes: une Ontologie narrative, basée sur l'idée d'ordre et de structure de l'histoire transmise à travers l'histoire narrative de Paul Ricoeur, et le système de l'Ontologie d'entreprise basé sur des concepts et des modèles d'entreprise, spécifiques au Web sémantique, que je considère comme le plus développé et qui deviendra probablement le système ontologique formel, du moins en ce qui concerne les aspects économiques et juridiques de la technologie de la blockchain. Dans Conclusions, je parle des orientations futures du développement de la philosophie de la technologie blockchain en général en tant que théorie explicative et robuste d’un point de vue phénoménologique cohérent, qui permet la testabilité et les ontologies en particulier, en plaidant pour la nécessité de l’adoption globale d’un système ontologique afin de développer des solutions transversales et de rentabiliser cette technologie. SOMMAIRE: Abstract Introduction La technologie blockchain - Conception - Modèles Bitcoin Philosophie Ontologies - Ontologies narratives - Ontologies d'entreprise Conclusions Bibliographie Notes DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22996.14724
Helen Steward puts forward a radical critique of the foundations of contemporary philosophy of mind, arguing that it relies too heavily on insecure assumptions about the nature of some of the sorts of mental entities it postulates-the nature of events, processes, and states. She offers a fresh investigation of these three categories, clarifying the distinction between them, and argues specifically that the assumption that states can be treated as particular, event-like entities has been ahuge and serious mistake. Steward argues that the category of token state should be rejected, and develops an alternative way of understanding those varieties of causal explanation which have sometimes been thought to require an ontology of token states for their elucidation. She contends that many current theories of mind are rendered unintelligible once it is seen how these explanations really work. A number of prominent features of contemporary philosophy of mind-token identity theories, the functionalists conception of causal role, a common form of argument for eliminative materialism, and the structure of the debate about the efficacy of mental content-are impugned by her arguments. Steward concludes that the modern mind-body problem needs to be substantially rethought.
Translated and illustrated by Nicolae Sfetcu. A philosophical tale, a story of a journey that will transform the eponymous hero into a philosopher. An important debate on fatalism and the existence of Evil. For a long time Voltaire has been fiercely opposed to the ideas of the philosopher Leibniz concerning God, the "principle of sufficient reason," and his idea of ​​"pre-established harmony." God is perfect, the world can not be, but God has created the best possible world. Evil exists punctually, but it is compensated elsewhere by an infinitely great good. Nothing happens without there being a necessary cause. An encouragement to fatalism. Voltaire opposes to this optimism that he considers smug, a lucid vision on the world and its imperfections, a confidence in the man who is able to improve his condition. In Candide, Voltaire openly attacks Leibnizian optimism and makes Pangloss a ridiculous defender of this philosophy. Criticism of optimism is the main theme of the tale: each of the adventures of the hero tends to prove that it is wrong to believe that our world is the best of all possible worlds.
If one thing catches the eye in almost all literature about (re)designing or (re)engineering of enterprises, it is the lack of a well-founded theory about their construction and operation. Often even the most basic notions like "action" or "process" are not precisely defined. Next, in order to master the diversity and the complexity of contemporary enterprises, theories are needed that separate the stable essence of an enterprise from the variable way in which it is realized and implemented. Such a theory and a matching methodology, which has passed the test of practical experience, constitute the contents of this book. The enterprise ontology, as developed by Dietz, is the starting point for profoundly understanding the organization of an enterprise and subsequently for analyzing, (re)designing, and (re)engineering it. The approach covers numerous issues in an integrated way: business processes, in- and outsourcing, information systems, management control, staffing etc. Researchers and students in enterprise engineering or related fields will discover in this book a revolutionary new way of thinking about business and organization. In addition, it provides managers, business analysts, and enterprise information system designers for the first time with a solid and integrated insight into their daily work.
Techniques and actions for a company to develop the sale of the products and services by adapting, where necessary, the production and commercialization to consumer needs. Marketing is considered as the first creative link that will lead to sales. In an environment increasingly changing, the marketing strategy is mobilized to retain a focused and solvent clients by providing economies of scale necessary for the success of the company. By advertising, marketing can also be used to create a portfolio of new customers without automatically seek a margin in the short term. The marketing strategy aims to put the company in question in line with the implicit or explicit requirements of the market in which it operates. The foundations of the strategy are to discover and especially to influence the needs of potential customers and identify products and services. Political communication, advertising, promotion and organization of the sale of products is in turn the most visible part of marketing to the general public. The rise of information technology and communications coupled with changes in consumption patterns (nomadism, mobility ...) leads marketers to rethink their campaigns by combining optimally different messages and channels.
Henri Poincaré is a mathematician, physicist, philosopher and engineer, born April 29, 1854 in Nancy and died July 17, 1912 in Paris. He has carried out works of major importance in optics and in infinitesimal calculus. His advances on the problem of the three bodies make him a founder of the qualitative study of systems of differential equations and chaos theory; he is also a major precursor of the theory of special relativity and the theory of dynamical systems. Henri Poincaré is considered one of the last great universal scholars, mastering all branches of mathematics of his time and some branches of physics. This book gathers here various articles and lectures that Henri Poincaré himself intended to form the fourth volume of his works of philosophy of science. All the previous ones had already appeared in this collection. It would be useless to recall their prodigious success. The most illustrious of modern mathematicians has been an eminent philosopher, one of those whose books profoundly influence human thought. It is probable that if Henri Poincaré himself had published this volume, he would have modified certain details, removed some repetitions. But it seemed to us that the respect due to the memory of this great death forbade any editing of his text.