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The book takes its lead from academic Annamaria Pagliaro’s experience straddling Australia and Italy over a thirty-year period. As both former colleagues and collaborators of Pagliaro, we editors intend to open a kaleidoscope of perspectives on the international research landscape in the fields of Italian and Anglophone studies, starting from Pagliaro’s own contribution to the creation of relations between the two cultures in the period that saw her work transnationally as Director of the Monash University Prato Centre (2005-2008).
This monograph discusses scalar verb classes. It tests theories of linguistic form and meaning, arguments and thematic roles, using Estonian data. The analyses help to understand the aspectual structure of Estonian. In Estonian, transitive verbs fall into aspectual classes based on the type of case-marking of objects and adjuncts. The book relates the morphosyntactic frames of verbs to properties typically associated with adjectives and nouns: scalarity and boundedness. Verbs are divided according to how their aspect is composed. Some verbs lexicalize a scale, which can be bounded either lexically or compositionally. Aspectual composition involves the unification of features. Compositionally derived structures differ according to which of the aspectually relevant dimensions are bounded.
Recent work on second language acquisition within the generative framework has pointed out interfaces (syntax-discourse, syntax-semantics, etc.) as a residual domain of vulnerability in L2. Rather than in core syntax, it is at the interface level that the divergence between native and non-native grammars has been shown to be more prominent. In this book the investigation of answering strategies and the focalization of new information subjects, which require access to the syntax-discourse interface, will be pursued. Data is collected through an oral elicitation task on Finnish and Italian, a rather unexplored language pair, in various stages of language development: advanced and intermediate L2 acquisition, L1 under L2 attrition, early bilingualism, child monolingual L1 development.
This volume collects the interventions of the post-doctoral fellows and PhD students of the University of Cluj Napoca, the University of Bucharest and the University of Florence (Mediterranean Cultures; Doctoral School of Comparative Languages, Literatures and Cultures, specialisation in Language, Literature, Philology: Intercultural Perspectives) presented in occasion of the seminar Storia, identità e canoni letterari (“History, identity and literary canons”, Florence, 22-23 November 2011). The contributions are centred on the idea of canon, as a cultural construct founding modern national identities. Another trace is the literary and cultural hybridisations between different geographies. For the Romanian context, the contributions pay particular attention to the movements of the avant-garde of the early 1900s. Some contributions account for the most problematic aspects of the contemporary world using interdisciplinary approaches.
The years 1676 and 1774 marked two turning points in the social and legal treatment of madness in England. In 1676, London’s Bethlehem Hospital expanded in grand new premises, and in 1774 the Madhouses Act attempted to limit confinement of the insane. This study explores almost a century of the English history of madness through the texts of five poets who were considered mentally troubled according to contemporary standards: James Carkesse, Anne Finch, William Collins, Christopher Smart and William Cowper were hospitalized, sequestered or exiled from society. Their works cope with representations of insanity, medical definitions or practices, imputed illness, and the judging eye of the ‘sane other’, shedding new light on the dis/continuities in the notion of madness of this period.
This study offers a novel approach to a longstanding problem in Slavic Linguistics, the formal representation of the Northern Russian participial constructions in -n(o)/-t(o). Unlike previous works, the methodological stance adopted by the author focuses on singling out all the relevant patterns of variation and on pursuing a unified explanation for them. The key to the solution of the puzzle is the idea that the participial affix -n-/-t- and the agreement inflections are not just pieces of morphology inserted post-syntactically, but true heads that enter the computation and are able to manipulate the argumental roles of the verb and to check the EPP. The author’s proposal is properly framed in the context of current debate on interlanguage variation.
Go Southwest, Old Man,, a sort of personal remake of 'Go West, Young Man', the founding episteme of the American nineteenth century, conciliates these two souls (well, not to be pretentious, let's simply say two sides) that have actually always lived in harmony. This is a book generated by a quarter of a century spent wandering around the canyons and deserts of Arizona, Colorado, Utah and, above all New Mexico, with a view to penetrating the by now universal legend of the West, approaching the cultures (English, Hispanic and native American), and mastering the literature. The slant is composite: melding the scholarly with the informative and the travel journal, and the writing is composite too, because the book speaks English and Italian. It talks about cinema (lots of John Ford) and about detective stories, the most popular genre here, about visual arts and Latino folklore, about the legend of the West, the so-called 'Soul of the Southwest', and the kitsch style of Santa Fe. And it talks about (and with) some of the greatest writers that the Southwest has spawned: Rudolfo Anaya, Stanley Crawford, John Nichols and Hillerman. So what we have is a first-hand experience of the Southwest; where the ego is not entrenched within a precise disciplinary role but opens up - and exposes itself - to the thrilling risk of the discovery that can renew it.
Una introducción completa a la historia externa e interna de la lengua española desde sus orígenes indoeuropeos hasta la lengua moderna. Los autores escudriñan los cambios fonológicos, morfológicos, sintácticos, semánticos y léxicos que caracterizan la evolución de la lengua española desde sus orígenes latinos. El foco de este libro es el español moderno. Los autores abordan cuestiones tan fundamentales como: ¿De dónde proviene el español? ¿Cómo llegó a ser la lengua que conocemos hoy en día? ¿Cómo se relaciona genética y culturalmente con los demás lenguas romances y a las lenguas no romances? ¿Cuáles son los efectos del bilingüismo en las áreas donde el español coexiste con otras lenguas? La segunda edición incluye numerosos ejercicios, preguntas de repaso al final de cada capitulo, y una extensa bibliografía. El libro está actualizado y ampliado en gran medida en el alcance y profundidad; sin embargo, conserva la estructura y el enfoque pedagógicos de la primera edición para el uso con los estudiantes que no tienen conocimientos previos en la lingüística.--Desde la descripción de la editorial.
First published in 1991. At once poet, dramatist, adaptor and translator, the operatic librettist in turn expresses and mocks social convention. Deirdre O'Grady's study of the Italian operatic librettist identifies opera as a mirror of literary climates, popular taste and political aspirations. The Last Troubadours traces the history of the Italian libretto from its courtly origin in the 16th century, through the crisis of the aristocracy and the 19th-century struggle for national unity, to the birth of social realism. Fundamental elements of Italian opera - heroic valour, cunning servants, revolutionary ardour and romantic tenderness - are considered in their historical and cultural context. Also discussed are famous lyrical and musical collaborations - of Da Ponte and Mozart, Solera and Verdi, Romani and Bellini, and Boito and Verdi.