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During several past years countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have introduced important anti-corruption reforms. However, corruption remains high in the region. This report identifies progress achieved in the region as well as remaining challenges which require further action by countries.
Historically countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia have faced a number of obstacles in their transition to democracy and market-based economies. These obstacles include higher levels of corruption, and greater administrative and regulatory burdens as they pass laws and implement programs to combat corruption and promote private sector development. This report uses the results of the most recent Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) to examine trends in corruption and administrative burden of regulations on private sector firms in 29 Eastern European and Central Asian countries. The results show overall positive trends in the Eastern Europe and Central Asian region in terms of incidence of corruption and the burden placed on private sector firms by administrative and other regulations. . The most notable and definitive finding from the 2008 BEEPS is a continuation in the favorable trend regarding firms payment of administrative bribes. Across the region, there has been progress made in the perceptions of bribery and unofficial payments. Frequency of bribe-paying fell significantly in the areas of taxes, customs and imports and courts, for the region overall and in most countries. The report examines several factors that influence the level of administrative corruption, including regulatory burden, strength of anti-corruption legislation, and income (among others). Results show that countries with greater capacity to enforce and implement anti-corruption measures are less likely to have high levels of corruption and incidence of graft. The results presented in the report show that countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia are no longer facing higher corruption or regulatory burden than firms in comparable non-transition countries.
Anti-corruption programmes, projects and campaigns have come to constitute an essential aspect of good governance promotion over the last two decades. The post-communist countries in Eastern Europe have presented one of the first key targets of transnational anti-corruption efforts, and indeed most of these countries have shown an impressive record of respective measures. Yet path-breaking institutional and policy developments have not set in before the mid-2000s both at the international level and in most Eastern European countries. Are these the beginnings of a mutually synergetic success story? In order to answer this question, we need to better understand the complex interplay between the international and domestic domains in this policy field and geographic region. This book provides in-depth and comparative insights about this interplay, with a particular focus on the involvement of domestic social movements, governmental political machines and international legal mechanisms. We find that, on all three levels of analysis, political and material interests of relevant actors are complemented and at times contradicted by normative claims. Moreover, at the interfaces of the three levels, coincidental and spontaneous developments have largely outweighed systematic implementation and coordination of appropriate anti-corruption strategies. This book is based on a special issue of Global Crime.
Annotation Analyzing patterns and trends in corruption in business-government interactions in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, this title points to some encouraging signs that the magnitude and negative impact corruption exerts on businesses may be declining in many countries in the region. The long-term sustainability of recent improvements in not certain, however, and the challenges ahead remain formidable.
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"This paper assesses corruption levels and trends among countries in the transition countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) based on data from several sources that are both widely used and cover most or all countries in the region. Data from firm surveys tend to show improvement in most types of administrative corruption, but little change in "state capture" in the region. Broader, subjective corruption indicators tend to show somewhat greater improvement in ECA than in non-ECA countries on average. A "primer on corruption indicators" discusses definitional and methodological differences among data sources that may account in large part for the apparently conflicting messages they often provide. This discussion concludes that depending on one's purpose, it may be more appropriate to use data from a single source rather than a composite index because of the loss of conceptual precision in aggregation. A second conclusion is that the gains in statistical precision from aggregating sources of corruption data likely are far more modest than often claimed because of interdependence among data sources. The range of detailed corruption measures available in firm surveys are exploited to show that broad, perceptions-based corruption assessments appear to measure primarily administrative corruption, despite their stated criteria placing great weight on "state capture." Finally, the paper emphasizes the need for scaling up data initiatives to fill significant gaps between our conceptual definitions of corruption and the operational definition embodied in the existing measures."--World Bank web site.
With the increasing recognition across the world of the damaging effects of corruption on economic growth and social stability. This report seeks to unpack the varied practices of corruption to identify and compare different patterns of the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It then draws out lessons for tailoring anticorruption strategies to address the variation across the region in an effort to target reforms more effectively. The report draws on many sources of ongoing research and lessons of experience, including the World Bank's work in this area. It is intended as a contribution to the growing policy dialogue on developing practical strategies for reducing corruption.