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'This memoir is achingly beautiful.' Nathan Tasker Can a Christian be anxious and still have faith? When nineteen-year-old Nikki lost her older brother, Greg, in a car accident, her stable world of faith and family became unsafe overnight. This was followed by a painful, decades-long journey with clinical anxiety and panic disorder-a journey that involved both seasons of trying to fight and flee from the pain-and, eventually, the beginnings of an expanded, reawakened faith. For the ever-increasing number of people suffering the pain of anxiety, for the weary, for those who fear they have failed themselves, others, and God; for strung-out believers constantly stretching and straining for a piece of peace; this book is a reminder that wherever we stand, Jesus-our older brother, our refuge, and our fellow sufferer-is ever near, beckoning us to come join him on the journey. The raw honesty, combined with eloquence, make this compelling reading. I could not put it down. Steve Baird, CEO International Justice Mission, Australia This book is for everyone whose post-2020 life looks like 'a crushed question mark'. In the days of global pandemic and gaping loneliness and loss, Nikki isn't afraid to look hard questions in the eye and offers an answer from the gut of her lifelong and unlikely friendship with anxiety. Lisa-Jo Baker, bestselling author of Never Unfriended and co-host of the Out of the Ordinary podcast. Blessedly free of trite theological and pastoral bromides, Nikki invites us to take refuge in the arms of a gracious and compassionate God, one who knows and numbers all our anxious tears. Rev Dr Ian Maddock, senior theology lecturer.
Plunged into the icy waters of the Hudson...God spared Frederick Berretta's life in an instant -- and changed his heart forever. Frederick Berretta was an amateur pilot himself, so when U.S. Airways Flight 1549 struck a flock of geese and lost both engines, minutes after takeoff from Laguardia Airport on that fateful afternoon of January 15, 2009, he knew before most of his fellow passengers that something was seriously wrong. As the roar of the jets quieted and the aircraft ceased to climb, as the pilot guided the powerless plane towards a desperate crash landing and announced, "Brace for impact," Berretta fingered the prayer book in his pocket and tried to prepare himself for death. A multitude of thoughts flooded his mind all at once. He reminded himself that the odds of surviving a water landing were slim to none. He thought of his wife and his four children, and how they would miss him. He remembered he had just been to confession and to Mass, and he wondered if his soul would be ready to meet the Lord. And he knew he had to pray. "God, please be merciful to us, for the sake of your Son," he whispered. "Please spare us. I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you. Mother of God, please pray for us." At that very instant, Berretta felt a "push" or "nudge" on his conscience; a state of awareness he'd never before experienced; and a keen realization that he had to do something. But what? Then God's voice sounded strong and clear in the depths of his soul: Are you going to accept My will for your life? For Frederick Berretta, the events of that fateful January day were the crystallizing moment of a lifetime of conversion. This story tells how he lost his childhood faith and as a young adult embraced a selfish, worldly life, how he suffered through family turmoil and the death of a child, and how by God's grace he slowly returned to the Church, humbled and grateful. God used the "Miracle on the Hudson" to confirm him in his faith and set him on fire to share it with others. Flight of Faith is the inspiring true story of how God works in our lives in simple and extraordinary ways. Read more at the Flight of Faith website.
"Thorndike Press Striving Reader Collection."
There remains and will always be a great gulf between faith and fear. Oftentimes, people can be seen spending most of their lives on one side more than the other. While one strengthens by building, motivating, and propelling people into greatness, the other is seen as the lesser or weaker option. Yet many forfeit heaven's promises by willingly living day to day in fear. Yet it is and always will be the heart of God for his people to triumph over fear and the many faces that it presents. This book will expose fear by revealing God-given truths from the viewpoint of the heart of God. God has given specific strategies found in his word that will help pull down the strongholds of fear. You will see that it only takes one step of faith to utterly turn your life around. Faith or fear, only you can decide where you will spend the sum total of your days. The struggle between faith and fear is a very real battle where many men and women of God find a great level of difficulty due to the vast gap between faith and fear. God never intended us to set up camp in the middle of the two. By establishing a consistent life of faith, God will walk you through unlimited day-to-day victories.
Spirit Life Training is a workout program jammed full of proven, successful strategies to align your spirit, soul, and body to release the life and power that God put inside you. With exciting mind and body exercises designed to biblically align and strengthen your body, emotions, memory, intellect, imagination, and will, your recreated spirit self will rise up and express the rejuvenated and refreshed life of abundance God intended for you. Everything you need to overcome in this life you have received in seed form at the point of salvation. Spirit Life Training is the process of discovering, strengthening, and releasing this treasure God has given you.
Life Is Never Mainly About Love and Marriage. So Learn to Live and Date for More. Many of you grew up assuming that marriage would meet all of your needs and unlock God's purposes for you. But God has far more planned for you than your future marriage. Not Yet Married is not about waiting quietly in the corner of the world for God to bring you "the one," but about inspiring you to live and date for more now. If you follow Jesus, the search for a spouse is no longer a pursuit of the perfect person, but a pursuit of more of God. He will likely write a love story for you different than the one you would write for yourself, but that's because he loves you and knows how to write a better story. This book was written to help you find real hope, happiness, and purpose in your not-yet-married life.
A number of books have been published explaining how we can manage stress. But how can we truly manage our own stress effectively unless we begin to understand what is happening inside us and what the factors are that initiate our personal stress response? If we understand stress more thoroughly including our own levels of stressmeaning when stress is actually motivating and helpful versus when it is debilitating and destructivethen we can more specifically learn to manage our own stress. This book initially explains stress, what happens within us, the relationship between stress and emotional intelligence, the four conditions that cause stress, how the brain works under stress, and the relationship between stress and mindset and automatic thinking. In the second half of the book we discuss managing stress based on what was discussed in the first half of the book. Rather than throwing out general ideas for stress management the book presents physical strategies for managing stress, mental strategies for managing stress, emotional strategies for managing stress, and spiritual strategies for managing stress. Spiritual strategies include looking at our values, beliefs, traditions, and how we evaluate success in addition to any religious views we might hold. Stress is natural. How we manage it does not have to be a mystery.
Read the Good News from the perspective of a flight instructor. Using illustrations and examples from aviation, this book brings a practical, how-to approach to the foundations of Christian living. The author prepares you to fly solo and gain altitude as you move forward in faith.
How we feel is as vital to our survival as how we think. This claim, based on the premise that emotions are largely adaptive, serves as the organizing theme of Why We Need Religion. This book is a novel pathway in a well-trodden field of religious studies and philosophy of religion. Stephen Asma argues that, like art, religion has direct access to our emotional lives in ways that science does not. Yes, science can give us emotional feelings of wonder and the sublime--we can feel the sacred depths of nature--but there are many forms of human suffering and vulnerability that are beyond the reach of help from science. Different emotional stresses require different kinds of rescue. Unlike secular authors who praise religion's ethical and civilizing function, Asma argues that its core value lies in its emotionally therapeutic power. No theorist of religion has failed to notice the importance of emotions in spiritual and ritual life, but truly systematic research has only recently delivered concrete data on the neurology, psychology, and anthropology of the emotional systems. This very recent "affective turn" has begun to map out a powerful territory of embodied cognition. Why We Need Religion incorporates new data from these affective sciences into the philosophy of religion. It goes on to describe the way in which religion manages those systems--rage, play, lust, care, grief, and so on. Finally, it argues that religion is still the best cultural apparatus for doing this adaptive work. In short, the book is a Darwinian defense of religious emotions and the cultural systems that manage them.